

While entering a game Sparx gets teleported to new world which he had never seen before. read more to know more about a software developer life gets changed when he tries a VR game for first time.

Sparx_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs


I started to appraise every skills which i possessed in the middle of hunting forest, which i didn't cared much since most of the monsters ran away after noticing my presence.


Appraisal :- A skill which allows the user to get detailed information about the target.

Bonus effect :- Stores the detailed information for future use.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [3] Magic energy



Force punch :- A technique which allows the user to bend the target space and boost the user's strength.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [10] stamina

Force kick :- A technique which allows the user to bend the target space and boost the user's strength.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [10] stamina



Power up punch :- A technique which increases the strength and defence of the user every turn the user hits the foe with punch.

Bonus effect :- The benefit of the skill being [Passive], the user can gather strength and defence permanently.

Type :- [passive skill]

Cost :- [8] stamina



Accuracy :- A technique which increases the accuracy of the user.

Type :- [passive skill]

Cost :- [1] stamina



Coil :- Improved technique of Accuracy, increases accuracy.

Bonus effect :- Increases strength and defence stats.

Type :- [active skill]

Cost :- [5] stamina



Brave :- a technique which increases overall stats of the user's several times, average improvement [5x~50x]

Bonus effect :- allows the user to resist any negative effect on the user.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [50] stamina


Hmmm brave surely looks like a overpowered skill... Oh man!!! I am already hyped for it's evolved form!!


Punch :- A technique which allows the user to increase the strength significantly.

Bonus effect :- Increases accuracy at every punch.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [5] stamina



Intelligence :- Increases the user's thinking power and speed of thinking.

Bonus effect :- Increases the reaction speed of the user dramatically and makes the world slower then the user.

Type :- [passive skill]

Cost :- [2] stamina


What? You mean i can view the world around me as slow-motion movie or something?? Come to think of it, i noticed my surroundings were a little bit laggy or something, does that mean i can react to any dangerous threat directed towards me?? Well that's an another overpowered skill i have there.



Dash :- Increases the speed of user while walking, running dramatically, average improvement [10x~90x]

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [10] stamina



Fire resistant :- resistance against fire,heat elements.

Bonus effect :- after getting hit by fire,heat element, the damage will be converted to the user's overall stats.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] stamina



Weakness locator :- a skill which allows the user to know target's weakness.

Bonus effect :- applies effect [fear] on the target after knowing thier weakness.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [6] magic energy



Regeneration :- a skill allows the user regenerate the damage caused on the user's body.

Bonus effect :- this skill works both physically and spiritually.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy



Durable aura :- A skill which allows a user Increase their defence dramatically. Average improvement [5000~6000].

Bonus effect :- decreases the target overall stats slowly whenever it is in contact with durable aura.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [10] magic energy

Protection aura :- A skill which allows the user to withstand any attack regardless of its damage. [Limit - 2]

Bonus effect :- Increases the defence of the user. Average improvement [1000~9000].

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [55] magic energy



Surrounding awareness :- A skill which allows the user to detect emotions,movement,traps, incoming attacks,magic energy,life forms,elements,atoms,hidden space etc.

Bonus effect :- gathers magic energy from the surrounding space and refills the user's magic energy.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [2] magic energy



Air resistance :- resistance against air,wind element.

Bonus effect :- after getting hit by air,wind element, the damage will be converted to the user's overall stats.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magical energy



Physical resistance :- resistance against physical attacks.

Bonus effect :- the enemy will get blown away after hitting the user's and the damage will be converted to overall stats of user.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy



Eater :- A skill which allows the user devour anything including magic energy, energy forms, physical substance,non physical substance, spiritual substance, unknown substance,elements etc.

Bonus skill :- the devoured energy will be converted into overall stats of the user's.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [60] magic energy



Cold resistance :- resistance against ice,cold element.

Bonus skill :-after getting hit by ice,cold element, the damage will be converted to the user's overall stats.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy



Map :- A skill which allows the user to view the map of the surrounding space.

Bonus skill :- this skill can show every terrain, inhabitants,locations, treasures etc in the surrounding space.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [10] magic energy



Shop :- A skill which allows the user to buy items from personal shop.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [5] magic energy



Aqua walk :- A skill which allows the user to walk on water freely.

Bonus effect :- Increases speed while walking on water.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy

Aqua boost :- A skill which allows the user to swim faster in water.

Bonus effect :- Increases Stamina and speed in water.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy



Mountain climbing : A skill which allows the user to climb any space easily.

Bonus effect :- Increases speed and stamina while climbing.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy



Paralysis resistance :- resistance against electric, paralysis.

Bonus effect :-after getting hit by electric, paralysis element, the damage will be converted to the user's overall stats.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy

Paralysis nullification :- stronger version of paralysis resistance but it completely nullifies electric, paralysis element.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [0] magic energy



Creation :- if user has full knowledge about the description of the target, the user can create it without any problem.

Bonus effect :- user can create magic,items,relics etc.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [100] magic energy



Cobblestone locator :- a skill which allows the user to find cobblestone in any given space.

Coal locator :- a skill which allows the user to find coal in any given space.

Iron locator :- a skill which allows the user to find iron in any given space.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [20] magic energy



Mega punch :- a technique which increases strength of the user by 50x.

Bonus effect :- Increases defence by 50x.

Type :- [Active skill]

Cost :- [80] magic energy



Calculate :- Increases the arithmetic thinking of the user.

Type :- [Passive skill]

Cost :- [5] stamina


After appraising every skill, it only took 5 minutes, while i was sitting on the long huge grass of the jungle i heard something deep inside the forest, when i tried to focus again and found out the direction where it came from, i started to follow it and what i saw infront of me was a fight between 4 female elves and 8 wolves which had dark black fur and a horn growing from thier foreheads.

I hid myself on tree leaves for a while to see them fighting, 3 female elves had long staff with a green gem embedded on top the staff and the other 2 elves had a long broad shining sword in thier hand.

One of the elf was alice ,princess of the elf kingdom, i guess she was doing adventurer quest or something.

The wolves were glaring at them like they were looking at thier food and then one of the wolf started to dash towards the group of elves, it seems like the wolf was using some king of speed boosting skill, it pounced on the air aiming it's claws towards a female elf, when the wolf immediately rushed towards them without them noticing, they got startled and one of elf started to wave her sword wildly and seems like mage elves rushed back and Alice was enhancing her sword or something.

While waving wildly she couldn't even scratch the wolf since it dodge the sword in mid-air and after landing scratched the arm of the elf tearing her left arm sleeves exposing her side breast a little and blood started to drip out from her arm where the wolf had scratched.

Wait....wait what am i doing??? I should help them but my body isn't moving???? Just obey my commands body and don't just stare at her side breast!! but still it won't obey me! Well i gave up for a while thought to spectate the fight a little while.

The female elf who got scratched in her dropped her sword and withdrawn and the mage elves started to heal her with healing magic, after soo long alice yelled "I am ready" and aimed her sword infront of her where wolf was licking the blood of previous elf. After looking at the wolves licking her adventurer freind, she got enraged and her sword started to shine, noticing it, the wolves stood on thier gaurd.

She waved her sword vertically towards the wolves and a shiny wave came out of the sword rushing towards the direction where wolves were, looking at the attack wolves started to scatter around to dodge it but there was one wolf which stood infront the shiny wave, as it opened its jaws, a sphere of purple colour started to appear enveloped in purple lightning and launched it towards the direction from where the shining wave was coming.

After a while both attacks collided and exploded making a huge smokescreen, since i was on top of a tree i could still see them, alice smirked and when in second she appeared behind the wolf, i mean she rushed behind the wolf but it looked like she just teleported behind the wolf but it was just her being very speed and after reaching behind the wolf, her blade started to shine again which was releasing white aura and slashed the panicked wolf neck and the wolf got beheaded and it's head fall on the ground, looking at thier comrade getting killed other wolves started to growl.

Now two wolf were rushing towards alice, getting outnumbered Alice was walking backwards,they separated at 2 directions. The left wolf which was circling alice had jaws enveloped in flames and the right one had jaws enveloped in ice, a perfect combo, they started to circle Alice and started to shrink the circle, not knowing what to do she remained at one place and then a blue magic circle appear below her footing and suddenly Alice was teleported near her mage freinds with her other sword wielding elf fully healed. The wolves got startled for a while a stared at the mage elves.

The howled and rushed with the which almost made them invisible and they reached behind the mage elves, not able to notice anything the elf party got shocked and started to look behind but the wolves were merciless and immediately their jaws opened and both wolves formed fire ball and launched a breath of fire which almost burnt the elves party but a elf mage already started to use teleport magic and transported the party a little but the fire breath hit the two mage they were panicking while they were getting hurt by fire, fire had enveloped thier whole body burning everything to cinders, if the third mage haven't used water magic on them, they could have died. The 2 mages dress got burnt by wolves fire breath and they were completely naked, thier private parts hidden with thier hands. alice and other sword wielding elf got defended by mage elves being thier meat shield.

Ofcourse, the wolves couldn't leave this opportunity when thier 2 mages were down and every wolf started to rush towards them, the elf party had despair in thier eyes, looks like they were talking about something.

"Hey guys, is it too late to say that my magic energy is completely empty?"

"Alicia do you have any magical energy left?"

"....no and my stamina us recovering very slowly."

"Looks like thier breath contained some kind of negative effect too.... We are screwed!!"

"Damn it!! We shouldn't have picked up the A rank quest after all.... Now what should we do?"

"We are going to become lunch for this wolves???"

"And why the heck those damn wolves had to burn out clothes?? We are completely naked rn!!"


Wait , what?? Thier magic energy and stamina is empty?? What should i do?? Should i help them? But won't they think that i was peeking on them while they were desperately fighting if i come out from tree leaves? Ya! Let's act like i just entered this forest for completing my quest!

I jumped from tree and walked casually near normal emotions on the face and then one of the mage spotted me "hey!! You, can you help us???" The naked mage elf got startled and instantly created a stone wall which depleted the magical energy they had and hid behind it so i can't see them naked. Alice noticed me and yelled for help as well.

Well, i already saw the mage naked when i was on tree leaves anyway, so gotta act cool.....OK!

I nodded back.

The remaining wolves started to move as well, there were 7 wolves infront of me growling. I took out my elemental sword from inventory, after looking at my sword alice and the sword wielding elf got startled and started to cheer for me in that moment the third mage had drank magic energy potion which restored her magic energy and made clothes for the two completely naked elves, she both wore instantly.

Two wolves hoped towards me with thier claws shining brightly as light, they were planning to scratch me with thier long claws, well i got a surprise for you! When they were near my sword reach, i swiped the sword horizontally and killed them instantly. Now 5 wolves left.

Suddenly 3 wolve appeared behind me with each having different Elemental ball near their jaws, you think it's gonna work on me? I instantly used Aqua cut and appeared behind them, shocked wolves noticing thier target disappearing infront of them looked back but too late!! I swiped my sword and slashed thier heads off. The remaining 2 wolves were silently watching the battle and after a while stood up while growling.

One wolf howled and suddenly dark smoke started to envelop its body same with other wolf but it had light enveloping its body. Wait!! Wait!! These wolves have dark and light element??? Won't that make them rare specimen?? The dark smoke clad wolf rushed from front direction and light enveloped wolve was rushing from behind.

Now! It's time to use my sword other element!!

I immediately switched the sword element to wind from water.


Wind sword beginners skill

[Aero cutter]

[Gale sphere]

[Gust swing]


I didn't had enough time to check thier effects so i blindly used one of its skill [Gust swing]!! The wolves almost going to scratch me with thier long claws enveloped in dark and light, i swang my sword in circular motion and suddenly wind started to whirl around me the moment i knew what was going on, a weak wind surrounding me became a strong tornado which made the two wolves flew on the air, getting thier skin slashed by strong and sharp wind from every direction, they started to howl in agony.

Then suddenly thier body got slashed in several pieces with my aero cutter skill which made a fountain of blood rain on us. The elves party looked shockingly at me alice came running towards me thanked me, looking at alice being friendly with me, the other elves looked at eachother and decided to have chat with me.

From what i heard, they were on a quest of subjugating a group of elemental wolves who were rampaging at nearby villages. They thanked me alot and praised about me and my skills too.

Then we introduced ourselves, i already knew alice name, the sword wielding elf besides her was Kenshi and the 2 mages names were mado shi and bruxa and the "third" mage i was calling to was taikuri. After knowing about my power and skills, the party suggested me to take on ghoulish dungeon quest which Alice protested but she got outnumbered and sighed, when i think about it, i saw a poster with red color on the quest board with many sculls printed on it, well it must be S or S+ rank quest or something. After suggesting me to take on the quest, the party started to head back towards the direction of the guild for stealing the fam..... Ahem i mean subjugating the dangerous wolves, they were walking proudly.

Well, i was thinking about the dungeon right now so i didn't mind that they just stole the fam... Ahem i mean they didn't gave me credit for my little help, well i was fully prepared already. So i headed towards guild to take on the Red colored quest, while i was walking to direction of the guild, there were many other adventurers elves making a crowd and talking about something and it was just "A team lead by princess heroically slayed a group of Elemental wolves"

Well, i don't mind they all getting all fame ok? Ok? Ok. Phew, i never thought, i will get this much frustrated just because i mercifully gave some fame to a party, well just remove it from my mind and cool down, i entered the guild and took the red poster quest which was pasted on the board but it seems like many other adventurers were looking at me with disbelief.

I headed toward the reception and gave the red colored quest to her.

She looked at me with disbelief and concerning eyes too... Well i think it really is dangerous quest that not much adventure pick up randomly.

She asked me if i was sure to take participation in it or not i nodded as to show i accept it, she even gave me disclaimer that many other party have died while completing this quest and the prize pool of the quest was largest in the entire guild, it was considered dangerous in other clans. I accepted the quest she took my trainer card and swiped it put my name in participation list of the dungeon. I left the guild since most of the Adventurer were looking at me jaws opened and there was small map at the corner of the poster so i followed the directions towards this infamous dungeon "THE GHOULISH DUNGEON"!!