

While entering a game Sparx gets teleported to new world which he had never seen before. read more to know more about a software developer life gets changed when he tries a VR game for first time.

Sparx_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs

New journey and trouble

- Guild

A girl was staring at the guilds quest board for her next quest since just had completed a B rank quest. The girl had pointy ears, she was from elf race. She had a sword sheathed besides her hip, she wore light armor commonly used by adventurers. She had long blonde hairs which touched her waists, Somehow she gave the presence of royality, ofcourse! She was the princess of the clan, the daughter of elven king, Alice.

She had a friend....no friends is exaggerating you can say acquaintance. His name was sparx, she found sparx in a completely destroyed forest. He was fighting the general earthworm but they don't know the exact reason why he did that but they are thankful for what he did because the the earthworm general used to rampage at some area of elven territory. After that she brought sparx elven palace where he got the approval to stay in elven place. He often helped her even in death situation.

She started to think sparx as her own friend but..... unfortunately sparx had decided to go somewhere else, Alice can't leave because of her being royalty.

She trained really hard after sparx left so she can challenge Sparx in duel when he comes back ..... But this was just her faint hope that if he will return or not?

But was this all training enough? NO! She desired more power since she knows that sparx has more potential then anyone in elf kingdom. Suddenly she saw a exciting hence dangerous quest. The elf kingdom was a Infinite sized world, because of that many countless mysterious phenomenon happens everywhere but no one can notice it because it can't be predicted where they will happen or what will it be and thier size varies too, some can be giant as mountains, some can be molecular size which cannot be perceived with naked eyes while some can be big as a world itself. No one can predict what comes or goes because these phenomenon exists several layers above the mortal existence. Some phenomenon exists inside a atom, while while some wander around in the infinite shaped world, while some exists outside the world itself. These phenomenon don't exist in neither physical realm nor spiritual realm because they don't have neither physical state nor spiritual state but these phenomenon aren't the only strong beings in this entire world, the living beings in this world have survived for too long and have adapted a ability to sense and perceive them.

The ghoulish dungeon was a phenomena too born with the desire of death. Yes! We know that no mortal knows how phenomenon came to existence but there are some phenomenon coming to existence with others desire or emotions. These phenomenons were labelled as "Emotion miracle". Even a tiniest emotion can give birth to countless phenomenon.

The ghoulish dungeon was dangerous dungeon with lots of heinous and strong creatures. It was normal scary dungeon from outside look but when you enter it you reach a entirely different world, which defied the laws of space and time. The laws of space and time govern the world. Just like this dungeon the elven knights had found another dungeon but it wasn't that scary, it was said that it was a double gate floating in air....

So the princess Alice has decided to explore it and see if she is worthy enough to duel Sparx.


Clear the Floating Island.

A+ rank dungeon

Danger level : ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

Guild scores : 9999

Rank points : 9999

Reward : S rank title Dungeon conqueror


- Niko

I was finding food since i was hungry, there are lots of trees surrounding me but there are no fruits bearing in them. After finding alot i found a apple tree with some apples bearing in it. I tried to climb it but..... *Crash!* Because right now i am hungry i am currently in kitsune form and now i am not able to climb the tree...aaaaaa what to do!? Ya let's try to tackle it with my body.....

Unfortunately my body is too small to do that ....

Ya! Let's burn the tree with fire bend but now i will use it in closest distance so it won't take another ages.....

*Blitz* !!!?.? Right now??! Did my fire bending just actually worked like some kinda attack and made a hole in tree!??!?

What just happened??! It wasn't the same when i used it in human form tho?

Can anyone answer me please!


Kitsune magic pool : More efficient in kitsune form






Don't stare at me i am just noob in this kinda thingy ...

Aaa stop let's just continue to search for that doggo, i don't know why but it looked like it was struggling or something? I want to know why it attacked me for no reason?

- Sparx

Right after my arrival, i saw something great! A new dungeon has appeared or something? The ghoulish dungeon gave alot of powerful items and skills! I wonder what i will get in this new dungeon let's go!