

While entering a game Sparx gets teleported to new world which he had never seen before. read more to know more about a software developer life gets changed when he tries a VR game for first time.

Sparx_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs


now its time for armor i guess?

As i know, the item used for armor is diffrent then item used in sword right?

Ah!! Lets find special metal used for armor i guess....

I started to explore furthur...

When i was peacefully exploring while eating a burger suddenly a earthquake started to happen...

"What the heck is going oooooooonnn!!!!"

Suddenly a giant earthworm with 5000 m long body came outside from the ground and it seems it is much more longer since his lower half is still inside the ground....

The giant earthworm had sharp long teeth growing everywhere inside his mouth..... And somehow i wad able to sense it's intent to kill me....

It made a loud and strange sound then suddenly heavy rocks around him started to levitate, the earthworm glared at me with purple eyes and every rocks started to fall towards me with great force!?!

Is that a magic??? What should i dooo!?!? I don't even know a single lowest level of magic right now!!

I tried to dodge the rocks with my speed but it seemed like the force applied on the rocks were increasing time by time and i was starting to get hit by the rocks....

"If this drags on.... I will surely become snacks for that earthworm!! I have to think of something fast"

I took out my elemental sword...

"So.... What element should i use against this earthworm?"

I was deciding my next move while dodging the rocks and this time i was wayyy faster then the rocks itself, almost like i was watching a anime in slow motion or something...

"Uhhh.. how am I able to dodge this rocks so easily right now? Is the earthworm getting exhausted or something? No it can't be ... That earthworm is still looking at me with killing intent, there's no way it is exhausted even a little bit... So is this bonus effect of my elemental sword?"

I immediately checked my inventory and tapped the elemental sword icon and view option...

│ Elemental sword │

Rarity -> S+

Description ->

a sword which contains every element in it. The user have to complete certain task to unlock the types of the sword. The sword deals 4x damage the enemy stats. This sword can't be fully copied or recreated because of its rarity although a replica with 10% of its power can be created.

Ability ->

-> Enhances total stats 10× times then the original at starting

-> Enhances the total stats of user equal or greater then the first target that sword hits.

Type ->s

Normal sword ☑️

Poison sword ☑️

Rock sword ☑️

Earth sword ☑️

Bug sword ☑️

Ghost sword ❎

Fire sword ☑️

Water sword ☑️

Grass sword ☑️

Electric sword ❎

Psychic sword ❎

Ice sword ❎

Dragon sword ❎

Dark sword ❎

Fairy sword ❎

Hmmm there are lots of sword types.... But i haven't unlocked much of it hehe... Who thought the first weapon i create was going to be this badass?

Wait what??? My total stats will get enhanced equal or greater to the enemy i hit first? Isn't that way too much overpowered??

No way this power comes without a huge downgrade... Well, i will see about that later.

The earthworm finnally stopped for a while after destroying atleast 8000 meter large surrounding with its magic.

It became empty with no trees or grass.

There were no animals too!

Wait!! Don't tell me this bastard just killed the colorfull cows which gave me delicious milk everyday to me!!!



Judging by this earthworm appearance i am certain its main type is earth so water sword here we go!!!

Suddenly a bubble popped up infront of me.

│ Water sword beginners skill │

1> Aqua cut

Description ->

The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible.

2> Aqua sphere

The user envelope itself in a sphere made of water. It regains health rapidly in it.

3> Scald cut

The user cuts the target with sword enveloped in intense hot water, leaving the target with burn.

Woww!!!!! These all skills look ossam as heck!! I am getting hyped to use them already!!!!

When i was busy on looking at skills it seems like the earthworm already gained enough stamina and with a earthquake it took out its tail which was underground.

When i looked at the earthworm in its full size it was almost 10000 meter long.

Untill my focus went to it's body, the earthworm already aimed its tail towards me mid-air.

I was going to dodge it but it was too late.. i got hit with its tail and got blown away pretty far.

The earthworm was coming towards me slowly.


I coughed out alot of blood with just one of its tail hitting me... Ahhhh this is the complete opposite of what i planned!!

Oh ya! I still have Aqua sphere... But it was very painful to even move a single muscle of my body.

It seems like that bastard destroyed some of my bones with that hit...

I used Aqua sphere which started to heal me while the earthworm was still on its way.

What should i do? Should i run away or keep fighting? If i run away, i can save my life right now.... But.... If i continue to fight there is grave danger to my life and i don't even know if i can return to my previous world.. but if i somehow manage to defeat it... I will atleast won't have to run away from everything dangerous in this world....

When the earthworm was a little bit far away from me i got complete healed.


After yelling i rushed towards the earthworm...

The earthworm stopped and started to wag its tail and aimed it towards me in lower direction.

Since i knew the attack pattern this time, i was barely able to dodge it.

I didn't mind anything around me after that and rushed towards the earthworm without caring about anything.

The earthworm aimed its tail towards me again which i barely dodged again.

I closed my distance with the earthworm and used scald cut on it which was almost disadvantageous for its type and it even got burn effect which gave me time to rush back a little.

The earthworm started to shake in pain which was causing earthquake.

It gone crazy and was slamming its tail at random directions which made imposible to attack it head-on.

This was the time to use my last skill, AQUA CUT.

With speed which almost made me invisible, i was able to easily bypass the tantrum of the earthworm and sliced the earthworm in almost 100 pieces.

"Hah...hah... Phew finally i....."

Suddenly a heavy pressure fall upon me which made me faint on ground...

What's going on?? I think i still had a little bit of stamina to move to a safe area... What's going on? Wait... Don't tell me this is the side effect of the elemental sword? Am i not strong enough to use it yet?

Well i think if i am lucky i can stay here and rest for a while but... I think any monster just gonna attack me while i am defenceless.

Well.. i dont think there will be much monsters wandering in this forest after this much ruckus in a day...but still there's no guarantee if the monsters decide to come back to the forest.

Ahhhh what should i do??? I can't even move a inch right now and i can't even use Aqua sphere as well since i haven't mastered it yet.

My senses started to fall slowly and my eyes started to get blurry.

When i was going to close my eyes i saw a figure coming infront of me... With the shape of the body.. it seems like it was a female.

I wasn't able to fully see her but she had long hairs and her body shape was like one of the beautiful female actors from my world.

But most importantly she had long ears with pointy edges? Who is she?