
Get to Know me!

Hi I'm Skyler Mae Maude you can call me Skye for short. I'm 16 years old 11grade.

I'm always academically good in all years, but suddenly everything has changed this year.

I'm suddenly getting low in academics and also this is the time that I experience anxiety and it leads me to depression.

I don't know what happen but suddenly a get depressed and I start trying to fix my self and I want to leave in this situation of my life, because it gets worst and worst, also I try new things so I started to go on the beach, then I started to love the sound of the waves and the birds, it's so calm, then whenever I go to the beach I feel so relax, this is my stress reliever.

Suddenly, I get bored so i was thinking maybe i should try painting so i went home to buy art materials so that i can start painting and i said i will get better i can do this because this is life everything has a challenge you, just need to accept the challenge that given you, just do want you can in life, because life has full of challenges. You know what i learn today, that everything has challenge you just have to overcome it.

And also you just have to get up and step up true life.

Hii.... Dear readers I hope you will like this story....

This my first attempt to write something so avoid my mistakes and support this lovrly story...

(i was embarrassed to see all the mistakes i made...lol...thankyou..)

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Amber_azhlycreators' thoughts