
Life Game In Other World

[Do you find life dull?] [Do you want to experience a different life in another world?] [We have an array of roles for you to experience: tycoons, assassins, hunters, beggars, and countless other random identities.] [Would you like to start the game now?] [Yes][No] Laughable. How could I, a law-abiding good citizen, find life dull? He Ao sneered and chose [Yes] [Initializing system...] [Loading game.] [Welcome to the Copy World game] [Loading beginner tasks, currently matching you with a random life role.] [Match successful] —— This is the story of a law-abiding good citizen embarking on countless lives in the chaotic and mad Copy World. (Confirmed)

I love Xiao Yi · Games
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280 Chs

Chapter 84: Parking Lot (Please Favorite, Follow, and Vote for the Monthly Ticket)

Translator: 549690339

[Kedale Medical Research Institute is a small, privately owned institute for medical drug research, affiliated with Kedale Pharmaceutical Company.]

And this Kedale Pharmaceutical Company is actually a company that the Crocodile Gang disguises in the public eye.]

He Ao glanced at the message from Christos on his bracelet and then closed the message interface, lifting his head to look at the luxury black sedan not far in front of him.

The sedan passed through the Research Institute's gate and slowly drove into the institute's underground parking lot.

The entire Research Institute was heavily guarded, with a security guard stationed at nearly every interval, stopping all who wished to enter the institute and checking their entry documents.]

These guards stood at their posts with a fierce look in their eyes, seemingly not just hired civilians but members of the Crocodile Gang moonlighting.

He Ao stood outside waiting for a while, watching the guards' actions.