

You trusted too much and got betrayed,

You loved sincerely and got played,

Why is the world such a cruel place,

All you wanted to give was love why this much hate,

You dawdle away the day, weeks, months thinking how and why it all went wrong,

But you couldn't come up with an answer now you're lollygagging into depression,

Nothing amuses you anymore not even the act of true love from a sincere heart,

Bottles of alcohol and drugs becomes your comforter every night after crying out your heart,

Waking up every morning becomes the saddest part of the day,

Why does the effect fade off?

Why can't these drugs numb me forever?

Now finding the answers to these questions becomes your new ambition in life,

Nothing else makes sense to you anymore when that wine touches your mouth,

You want this feeling to last forever instead of just the night hours,

You want to be in the state of numbness forever but you don't know how to go about it,

You saw an old newspaper headline about a suicidal teenager and the word "OBLIVION" caught your attention,

You go through the dictionary and find the meaning of the word,

And after a long consideration you come to the conclusion, you no longer want to live in this world,

You write a letter to whom it may concern,

You add some poisonous substance you got from the lab into your last glass of moonshine,

After an hour of excruciating pain in your stomach,

finally you're gone,

Goodbye forever to all your pains.

A one way train to the afterlife,

Your destination? Hopefully the state of oblivion,

Finally you've arrived, it wasn't really a long journey,

More like closing and opening of your eyes, you feel you should have done this earlier, a small price to pay for eternal peace,

Gradually the light started fading away,

You saw a lot of people you never met before wandering around the place,

From old to young folks all with a great deal of sadness written all over their faces,

And at that point you realize there's no happiness in this place,

Confused and sad you became,

You are left with nothing but your thoughts, you've become its slave,

You soon walked up to a huge sign post that reads "no resting in peace" you got more perplexed,

Eventually after being ignored by all, someone finally noticed you

"Are you new here" she said

Yes you said you feel you're in the wrong place "isn't this the state of oblivion? I read in a newspaper a teenager went into the state of oblivion by committing suicide"

"No, this place right here is called suicide town, it's a place for anyone who commits suicide, here you are cursed to wander around and dwell in your pains forever, we tried to stop you and everyone who committed suicide before they did but we couldn't, your suffering has just began, i have been here for 213 years and every day I wish I never jumped off the ledge of that building, and that chubby boy crying over there was the newspaper teen" she said,

And after that conversation you woke up with the newspaper in your hands,

what a dream it was you said with tears in your eyes,

You feel so happy for the first time in a long time without drugs and alcohol,

Life immediately had a meaning this time,

How you wished you could've stopped that teenager from committing suicide,

Depression is a disease,

But suicide isn't the way to cure to it.

- Okoro Favour Alexander