
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Snow: Find a Male Cat

Being dragged to the hair salon by An Siyao and forcibly dyeing her hair back, Zhong Yunxin still didn't understand why her disguise was so good, yet An Siyao was able to discover it. After calmly analyzing and thinking carefully, she finally came to a conclusion: An Siyao had terrifyingly keen eyesight!

It took a little time for Zhong Yunxin's hair to be dyed. In the afternoon, the group of people returned to the Purple Engraving City. They first went to Kong Hanyue's house, where Xia Yu got his black cat and hamster back. The nanny at Kong Hanyue's house had been taking care of Zhong Yunze since he was a child and was now a grandmother figure. Under her care, both the black cat and hamster had put on weight.

On the way back to their own home, Yuxue and An Siyao sat in the backseat playing with the hamster and black cat. Yuxue said to Xia Yu, "Brother, Xiahei and Xiaohui are both lonely. Find them a companion." "Can't they keep each other company?" Xia Yu replied. Yuxue looked at the black cat and then at the hamster, unable to imagine how they could be companions. It was clear that only the black cat was enjoying itself while the hamster was suffering.

Xia Yu also realized the inappropriateness of his words and said, "Alright, let's buy another female cat." "Why a female cat? Shouldn't it be a male cat?" Yuxue had a simple-minded one male and one female mindset. Xia Yu didn't answer, but An Siyao thought of the reason and started laughing.

"Yao Yao, why are you laughing?" Yuxue asked. "Your brother is afraid that when it's his turn to be the black cat, he'll find a male cat on top of him," An Siyao's voice was crisp and filled with laughter. She thought that Yuxue would laugh along with her, but Yuxue was actually a bit startled.

Looking at Xia Yu in front, Xia Yu pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned his head to look at her in shock. "What's wrong?" An Siyao was a bit flustered. Xia Yu looked at her complicatedly, "I didn't think you'd be this kind of An Siyao." "I thought you were pure!" Yuxue grabbed An Siyao's hand and reevaluated her.

An Siyao blushed and stammered, "I'm already an adult, I know about these things!" Xia Yu restarted the car and skipped the topic. "Brother, have you tried it?" Yuxue suddenly asked. "What?" Xia Yu had a bad feeling. "Well, using a woman's body for pleasure and stuff," Yuxue mumbled. "I am not that kind of pervert," Xia Yu firmly replied. "Oh." Yuxue was a bit disappointed. She thought she could learn something from Xia Yu.

She then turned her attention back to the black cat and the hamster. "If Xiahei has a female cat to play with, what about Xiaohui?" Yuxue asked. "It's just a hamster. Buy whatever you want," Xia Yu didn't care at all. The black cat was a part of his own body, but the hamster wasn't. Yuxue happily pulled An Siyao to go buy a hamster.

When they reached the shopping street, the two of them got out of the car and let Xia Yu go home alone. Knowing that they wouldn't stop until they had been shopping for two or three hours, Xia Yu didn't say anything about joining them. He returned home and opened the door to the villa. He hadn't lived in this house since he had gone to the palace in the past, and no one had lived there for almost half a year. Fortunately, he had the foresight to ask the housekeeping company to clean the house in advance.

Lying on the long-lost sofa, Xia Yu took a break, took out his phone, and dialed Xu Youxiang's number.

"What do you want?" Xu Youxiang asked.

"I'm coming to your place tomorrow." Xia Yu said.

"No need, what are you coming here for?" Xu Youxiang's tone was unfriendly.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu asked with concern.

"You and An Siyao have already met the parents, why are you coming to find me?" Xu Youxiang said.

Rubbing his forehead, Xia Yu replied, "I'm here to talk to you about this matter, and weren't you supposed to show me something good?"

Xu Youxiang was silent for a few seconds before replying, "Come to Yao Guang, I'm at Yao Guang."

"How did you get to Yao Guang?" Xia Yu was surprised and wondered if An Tianfeng had done something.

It's not impossible for a father-in-law to pay a woman to leave because his son-in-law refuses to break up with another woman.

"Grandpa Yu is in Yao Guang, I came with him." Xu Youxiang said and hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Xia Yu stroked his chin and wondered what Yu Liang was doing with Xu Youxiang by his side. Judging from Xu Youxiang's tone, Yu Liang had not made things difficult for her.

Forget it, he'll find out when he goes over tomorrow.

Putting this matter aside, Xia Yu began thinking about Wen Ziyin's situation.

Looking at it now, Wen Ziyin's attitude towards writing is a bit complicated. On one hand, she has a genuine talent and relies on it to make a living. On the other hand, because of her mother's situation, she also has some psychological trauma related to writing.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yu discovered another key point.

Wen Ziyin used to be passionate about collecting materials and was also nervous when talking about the future. It seems that she has a shadow over her writing career.

It was probably her mother who had caused her anxiety. Her mother's articles were highly praised before marriage, but after marriage, she didn't even have the qualifications to publish.

Was the book she wrote and ruined an accident or intentional?

Xia Yu gradually found the direction. The task guidance was probably to resolve Wen Ziyin's anxiety.

Wen Ziyin's talents are in screenwriting, language, and inspiration. If she doesn't write novels, she can be a screenwriter or even work as a translator outside the cultural field.

However, Wen Ziyin was still thinking about her new book, and it would take time for her to completely give up.

Taking a sip of cola, Xia Yu realized that in movies and TV shows, the protagonist usually helps others resolve their inner knots, but he was thinking of leading Wen Ziyin away from this field.

Considering the direction of helping Wen Ziyin resolve her inner knot, Xia Yu gave up this nice-sounding choice.

Inner knots often come from childhood traumas, hidden for decades, constantly rooting in a person's heart, and are not easy to resolve.

Even if it's temporarily treated and controlled, it can easily relapse when encountering related matters.

It's better to avoid it altogether and settle things once and for all.

Just like avoiding a disgusting person, the most convenient, straightforward, and effective method with no recurrence is to stay away from that person.

Having decided on this, Xia Yu sat up and played with his handheld console.

Xue and An Siyao played together until evening before returning home, and the three of them had dinner together and went back to their bedrooms.

Xia Yu settled into Wen Ziyin's column and continued to observe Wen Ziyin.

After a moment of darkness, what he saw was a manuscript full of words.

Picking up the manuscript, Xia Yu looked at it.

The manuscript had only written ten thousand characters, but the story's style had already been set.

The beginning of the story was about a disappointed young man who happened to meet a beautiful girl in the subway. In the latter part of the ten thousand words, the protagonist finally had some development with the beautiful girl.

At first glance, this story was no different from the previous one about a girlfriend who was not human, but Xia Yu became doubtful when he saw how detailed the description of touching the beautiful girl in the text was.

With such a detailed depiction, the readers wouldn't believe it if she were said to be a ghost later on.

He asked Wen Ziying, and Wen Ziying replied, "She's not a ghost."