
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Sending Home

Liu Ronglan was still talking about the posture of playing the guzheng, she knew that Xia Yu had talent in technical aspects and also recognized his efforts in learning, but why couldn't he just divert some energy into adjusting his own demeanor to make his performance more stylish?

"Now is not the past, you can only listen to guzheng through cassette tapes and radios, now it's with video, video," Liu Ronglan said, "So, visual experience is equally important."

As she was talking, she saw Xia Yu put his hand on the guzheng strings by himself.

"You child, listen to me..." Liu Ronglan's words suddenly stopped, as Xia Yu's temperament had changed.

Liu Ronglan looked at Xia Yu, feeling that the ordinary laziness on him had disappeared, replaced by a quiet elegance.

With the flick of a finger, the first note appeared under Xia Yu's hand.

Liu Ronglan became excited.

Yes, it was this kind of feeling, this kind of arc of the fingers sliding, this kind of gaze at the body of the guzheng!

What Xia Yu was playing was a medium-difficulty piece called "White Reserve."

Originally an elegant melody, under Xia Yu's hand, it added a touch of nobility.

Liu Ronglan slowed her breathing, afraid of disturbing Xia Yu.

On the side prepared to watch the excitement, Kong Hanyue also stopped chewing her potato chips and widened her eyes.

After Xia Yu finished the song, Kong Hanyue grabbed Xia Yu's hand, but before she had a chance to ask anything, she was pulled away by Liu Ronglan.

Grasping Xia Yu's hand, Liu Ronglan excitedly said, "Yes, it is this kind of feeling, where your own temperament and the piece are in harmony. This is the essence of our Hua School!"

As Liu Ronglan's excitement subsided, she let go of Xia Yu's hand and said, "You have mastered the essence, now it is time for me to teach you the secrets of the Hua School."


Teach the secrets after mastering the essence?

Xia Yu looked apologetically at Kong Hanyue, thinking that her treating the guzheng piece as martial arts secret was just her making fun, not expecting that it was Liu Ronglan who made it up.

"Let me first teach you the basics of the secrets." Liu Ronglan went to the guzheng and began to play.

When she came to the guzheng, the smile on her face disappeared, and she became cold.

When she was young, Liu Ronglan was called the lofty beauty, because when she played the guzheng, she had a cold temperament.

Sighing at Liu Ronglan's temperament, Xia Yu paid attention to the melody.

He had never heard this piece before, it was a complex tune with a very fast and passionate rhythm.

Watching Liu Ronglan's hand swiftly flipping on the guzheng strings, Xia Yu understood the difficulty of this piece.

With a quick rhythm, it was also a highly technical showcase piece. After watching it for a minute, Xia Yu had already seen the use of four different techniques.

Later on, Liu Ronglan's hand became faster and faster, and Xia Yu's eyes could hardly catch the flick of her fingers.

Fortunately, he had Agility lv3, which could also enhance his reaction ability, so he was able to watch the whole piece without a hitch.

"This piece is called POD042. It was made by our Hua School's predecessors during World War II when they were studying abroad in other regions," Liu Ronglan said.

Xia Yu nodded.

"Start practicing."

In the following time, Xia Yu spent his time learning this new piece of music.

The moon set, and the sun rose.

On the bed, Xia Yu looked at the three options, feeling troubled.

An Siyao, Xu Youxiang, Bai Mao - where should he go?

An Siyao had delicious food, Xu Youxiang had games, and Bai Mao had a little girl who made the cat feel comfortable.

Now Xia Yu understood the troubles of ancient emperors; he was only faced with three choices, while emperors had at least a dozen concubines to choose from, making their dilemma even more difficult.

He wondered if, in the future, his worries could reach the level of an emperor's.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yu chose An Siyao's option.

He hadn't seen the little silly girl for a few days, so he decided to visit her.

But his main purpose was to get some food.

After a moment of darkness, Xia Yu saw An Siyao's garden.

The girl was sitting on a chair on her bedroom balcony, drinking tea.

Looking at the half-empty cup of black tea on the table beside her, Xia Yu's mood was subtle.

Was this considered indirect contact?

However, asking for another teacup would seem like a rejection.

He decided to let it go.

Picking up the teacup, Xia Yu took a sip.

The black tea with milk wasn't bitter at all; the tea and milk fragrances blended together, making it truly delightful.

He also picked up a small biscuit and started eating it.

"What happened these days?" An Siyao's voice echoed in Xia Yu's mind.

"Nothing, what made you think that?" Xia Yu asked, puzzled.

"You haven't come for six days."


Had it really been that long?

It was all because the cat's mysterious abilities had kept him busy researching for so many days!

Although he blamed everything on the cat, Xia Yu still felt guilty.

After all, it's just a mutual exchange between me helping her subdue her subordinates, and her teaching me piano.

At Xu Youxiang's place, I can come and go as I please without feeling guilty!

"I encountered some troubles, but they are resolved now," Xia Yu told An Siyao.

" That's good." After a moment of silence, An Siyao added, "Do you need my help? I still have a lot of money."

"You just keep an eye on Xu Youxiang," Xia Yu said.

"Alright." An Siyao's mood was uplifted.

Even though she wasn't particularly interested in watching Xu Youxiang, she was doing it for "him."

A romantic feeling arose in the girl's heart.

Unaware of An Siyao's girlish thoughts, Xia Yu finished eating a plate of small biscuits and thought about what to do next.

An Siyao suggested playing the piano, but Xia Yu refused.

He had been working so hard to level up his music skill to Lv 4, and now he just wanted to take a break.

Besides, he was still learning to play the guzheng.

After a while, Xia Yu came up with a good idea to ease his guilt.

"I'll hum a song for you," he told An Siyao.

" Okay." The girl responded sweetly.

Instead of humming the tune "Noon Sun" that he had previously hummed for Yuxue, Xia Yu changed to a song called "Colorful Pebbles."

"Noon Sun" was a bit lazier, while "Colorful Pebbles" were more crisp and lively.

In the lively melody, both Xia Yu and An Siyao felt sleepy.

Lying down at the edge of the bed, Xia Yu closed his eyes.

After a while, the maid knocked on the door twice and came in.

Upon seeing An Siyao on the bed, she was surprised for a moment.

After confirming that the young lady was sound asleep, the maid took off her coat and shoes and covered her with a quilt.

"She doesn't look fierce at all when she's asleep," the maid muttered. "But she's still more handsome when she's fierce."

Taking out her phone, she secretly took a couple of pictures to show off to her friends.

Eight hours passed, and Xia Yu returned to his own body, feeling astonished that he had slept for almost an entire game time.

Sure enough, the soothing effect of the lullaby was outstanding, but unfortunately, as soon as it was recorded, it lost its effect. Otherwise, if he could make a record and sell it, with one in every household worldwide, he could make a fortune.


On Monday, he chose the white cat again.

If it hadn't been for not seeing An Siyao for several days, he would not have gone there yesterday because the white cat was facing an incident.

Tina and her grandmother, who did not know what they had said about him the day before yesterday, and the police, who did not know whether they would come back and check again.

Upon returning to the light, he saw the walls of the pet store and familiar cages.

Am I sent back here?

Xia Yu hadn't expected such a situation to occur.