
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Puzzling Popularity

After two days of investigation, Yu Ningmeng had basically grasped the situation in the villa.

The maids in the villa had been carefully selected, and they didn't have any significant character flaws or prickliness, which made Yu Ningmeng's job much easier.

At the same time, she also understood why An Siyao wanted to dismiss the head maid. The trigger was the head maid arbitrarily transferring An Siyao's maids, but the root cause was that the head maid had become disobedient.

In addition to that, Yu Ningmeng had also found out about some kickbacks. The head maid, who was in charge of the purchasing power in the villa, had made quite a bit of money over the years.

Taking a little bit of money as long as they were obedient wasn't a problem, but what was hateful was that the head maid was pocketing the Yu family's money while siding with the An family, playing both sides.

She had also heard about An Siyao's previous disciplining of the head maid, which surprised her a bit.

Start with a show of force, then intimidate and appease – when did this girl become so capable?

Moreover, An Siyao, who had never had friends, now had two very good friends besides the woman she raised outside?

What surprised her even more was that when she proposed that a maid was needed to take on the work of the head maid who had left her job to be in charge of An Siyao 24 hours a day, a group of maids volunteered.

It was just a transfer of work and the position of head maid could not be given to them, as this position was a hard but not very pleasing job unless they wanted to be ambitious and strive for An Siyao's appreciation.

However, there couldn't be so many ambitious maids; most of them should be content with the status quo.

"Those who want to do this job, leave your names, and I will let the young lady choose," Yu Ningmeng set the procedure.

A group of maids came forward to register.

"Wait, Cici, what are you doing? Who will take care of Miss's painting studio if you go?" Yu Ningmeng stopped Dong Cici.

"Hmph." Dong Cici gave up.

Yu Ningmeng became even more sure that something was wrong. After registration, she called Dong Cici out.

"What's going on with all of you? Why are you fighting for this job? I was even prepared to do it myself." Yu Ningmeng was full of doubts.

"It's because doing this would give us an excuse to get close to Miss," Dong Cici said.

Although Miss Yao is indeed very cute, it doesn't warrant going out of your way to get close to her, does it?

Or are all the maids in this villa abnormal?

Recalling the incident of An Siyao raising a woman outside, Yu Ningmeng had a bold speculation.

She was a little scared.

Had the villa really become like this?

"You didn't misunderstand, did you?" Dong Cici explained, "It's just that the young lady is very likable."

Yu Ningmeng was relieved: "Is the young lady's popularity that high?"

"You'll understand after spending some time with the young lady," Dong Cici said.

"The young lady grew up under my watch, how can I not know?"

After saying goodbye to Dong Cici, Yu Ningmeng went to An Siyao's room and let An Siyao decide which maid would be responsible for her.

At this time, controlling An Siyao's body was Xia Yu. Xia Yu casually picked a maid he liked.

"I also wanted to talk to you about the previous maid's issue, she tampered a lot with the procurement and has been sent to court," Yu Ningmeng said.

The head maid actually did something with the purchasing? Xia Yu was surprised; he hadn't noticed such a thing before.

However, this wasn't a rare occurrence. It was standard practice to cooperate with the supplier who offered kickbacks among two suppliers of similar quality.

The things used in the villa were all high-end, so even though the quantity was small, the amount was not insignificant, enough to warrant some kickbacks.

He had underestimated the happiness of the rich, completely unaware that corruption could breed within.

"That's it, I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you." Yu Ningmeng waved her hand and left the bedroom; she still had work to do.

Xia Yu was happy to be free.

He looked out the window.

Downstairs in the yard, An Feixiong was playing with a toy gun.

The maid set up a doll for him, and then he destroyed it one shot at a time.

Dong Ci was reassigned to the painting studio, and this maid was called in by Luoya Li from her own home.

She was a strong-bodied maid, suitable for both maid and bodyguard duties.

Taking out his phone and checking the time, Xia Yu went downstairs.

He had agreed with the two Feng sisters that he would visit their home today.

As he walked through the front courtyard, he inevitably caught An Feixiong's attention.

An Feixiong stood up from the ground, holding his toy gun in front of Xia Yu: "Don't move!"

Stopping in his tracks, Xia Yu pondered how he should react.

Should he give An Feixiong some face, or should he perform an unarmed gun snatch and dodge bullets with his body?

"Young Master! You can't point a gun at someone!" The maid tried to pull An Feixiong's hand, but he dodged it.

"If you move again, I'll shoot!" An Feixiong threatened the maid again.

The maid could only stop her action.

Turning his attention back to Xia Yu, recalling the hatred from last time, An Feixiong gave a cold laugh, mimicking a police drama.

He looked at the gun in his hand and the bodyguard maid next to him, feeling secure.

"Do you remember An Feixiong, who was knocked down by you under the big tree three days ago?" An Feixiong asked.

Did this jump from a police drama to a romance drama?

Without the mood to argue with An Feixiong, Xia Yu continued to walk toward the door.

"You forced me!" He recited another line, and An Feixiong pulled the trigger.

The bullet fell on the distant grass, and Xia Yu dodged before he fired.

"Your skill hasn't regressed." An Feixiong reloaded the gun, adjusted the muzzle, and fired again.

After Xia Yu dodged again, his face became serious: "I underestimated you."

The lines he kept saying made Xia Yu feel as if he was playing house with him. He quickly walked forward, snatched the toy gun, and grabbed An Feixiong.

"Damn, you actually know this move!" An Feixiong struggled, "Dahei, save me!"

Dahei was the maid's name. She kept her eyes on her nose, acting like she hadn't seen anything.

It wasn't her place as a maid to interfere in the conflict between the young lady and young master.

Once she confirmed that the maid next to her had no intention of helping An Feixiong, Xia Yu pressed An Feixiong to the ground with one hand, grabbed the toy gun's barrel with the other, and swung the gun to hit his buttocks.


"According to the Lunar Law, I request to be treated with kindness!"


"I didn't expect you to be so despicable!"


"I know I was wrong."

After two more slaps, when An Feixiong was about to cry, Xia Yu let him go.

An Feixiong immediately got up and hid behind the maid.

"Go teach her a lesson, Dahei!" He ordered the maid, but the maid was studying the clouds in the sky.

Xia Yu raised the gun and scared An Feixiong again, then smashed the toy rifle and walked out of the villa.

Looking at his beloved gun broken in two, An Feixiong's tears finally fell.

He buried the gun in the corner of the front yard, and then went to find Luo Yali, asking her for a new gun.

After hearing his story, Luo Yali slammed the table, "What? An Siyao, that girl, hit you?"