
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Liu Manman's Little Treasure Chest

In the morning, Yu Ningmeng woke up from her sleep, but she didn't open her eyes immediately. Instead, she reached out to touch An Siyao beside her but found nothing. She opened her eyes and looked at the empty space around her. Yu Ningmeng thought An Siyao and Hu Lianglu had already gotten up, so she quickly sat up too.

However, after getting up, she found that An Siyao and Hu Lianglu were both sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. Her movement woke up An Siyao and Hu Lianglu.

Hu Lianglu looked at herself sleeping at the foot of the bed, holding Xia Yu, and asked puzzledly, "How did you get there?"

"I don't know either," Yu Ningmeng was equally puzzled.

"It's probably sleepwalking," Xia Yu interjected.

Yu Ningmeng fell into doubt about herself.

This question didn't linger in her mind for long. She had spent the entire day with An Siyao yesterday, and she had a lot to do today, so she left the bedroom first.

Xia Yu also got up and got out of bed, followed by Hu Lianglu.

After the two had finished washing up, Xia Yu combed her hair and helped Hu Lianglu comb her hair and braid it.

He wanted Hu Lianglu not to cling to him all the time but couldn't keep her away completely. The balance was probably to the extent that Hu Lianglu wouldn't disturb his intimacy with An Siyao.

After breakfast, Xia Yu walked towards the bedroom, followed closely by Hu Lianglu.

When they reached the door of An Siyao's bedroom, he stopped Hu Lianglu from following him in.

"You need to learn to stay by yourself," Xia Yu said to Hu Lianglu.

"No," Hu Lianglu bypassed Xia Yu and entered the bedroom.

She lay on the bed and rudely picked up An Siyao's notebook to watch a movie.

Xia Yu snatched the notebook away, put it on the desk, and grabbed Hu Lianglu by the back of her neck, trying to pull her out of the room. Realizing Xia Yu's intentions, Hu Lianglu turned her head with a fierce expression and threw a pillow to resist.

Brushing off the pillow, Xia Yu frowned.

The ferocious dog was actually attacking its owner.

Using his level 2 strength skill, Xia Yu picked up Hu Lianglu, carried her to her bedroom, threw her on the bed, and closed the door.

Xia Yu, caught up in the act, reached for his waist and didn't find his belt, only then did he remember the real issue at hand.

He picked up a book from the shelf and walked towards Hu Lianglu. To deal with such a delinquent girl, she had to understand who the strong one was and who the weak one was.

Sure enough, after a beating, Hu Lianglu became much more well-behaved.

"You stay here, got it?" Xia Yu said.

Hu Lianglu's expression was aggrieved, and she didn't respond, but she didn't follow when Xia Yu stepped away.

"I'll come back in an hour," Xia Yu said, closing the door.

He went to the piano room, played the piano while chatting with An Siyao. After more than fifty minutes, he went to Hu Lianglu's bedroom.

Hu Lianglu was lying on the bed looking at her phone, seeing him come in, instantly showing a delighted expression, but soon turning into a sullen face.

In front of Hu Lianglu, Xia Yu patted her head to show praise.

Xia Yu felt that Hu Lianglu's goodwill rose a little bit again, never expected that this method could actually increase affection.

It should be because he kept his promise, coming back in an hour as he said.

No one likes to cling to others all the time, they're just afraid that the other person will suddenly disappear.

In that case, there's no need to put so much effort into educating Hu Lianglu. She just needs to understand that he wouldn't break his promise and abandon her.

Hu Lianglu is a bit like Yuxue, because she doesn't have a brother like him. Her symptoms seem more severe on the surface, but she's not as stubborn as Yuxue.

After spending half an hour with Hu Lianglu, Xia Yu started to practice separately again.

This time, he told Hu Lianglu that he would be back in an hour and a half.

Hu Lianglu once again showed her displeasure and ferocity.

An hour and a half later, Xia Yu returned as promised, accompanied Hu Lianglu for an hour, and then started a new round of practice.

After practicing like this for a day, Hu Lianglu was able to calmly say goodbye to Xia Yu when she heard that he was leaving.

Hu Lianglu's personality adjustment had made significant progress.

After another day of practice tomorrow, ideally, they could start the next round the day after tomorrow, Xia Yu thought.

In the evening, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

Picking up his phone, he first looked at the message sent by Yuxue. It was a photo of An Siyao.

Taken while visiting Lingling today!

Xia Yu, who had been using An Siyao's body all day, hadn't noticed that Yuxue had taken a sneaky photo of him.

Looking at the photo, even though the person in the picture was An Siyao, Xia Yu felt an uncomfortable sensation, as if he was looking at himself.

He deleted the photo and sent Yuxue a thumbs-up emoji. They exchanged some messages about her school life and Yuxue reminded him to dress warmly for the cooler weather, what kind of clothes to wear, where to find them, and then Xia Yu ended the conversation with the girl.

He flipped through his contacts list, but Xu Youxiang still hadn't added his QQ number back, indicating that there was still some trouble with the matter.

However, he really couldn't leave at the moment, as Hu Lianglu was obedient under his guidance, but she might not be the same with An Siyao.

Using soothing words and the opportunity to sleep at night, he could make Hu Lianglu sleep for a long time, allowing him to visit Xu Youxiang first.

But going there before Xu Youxiang added his QQ would result in a severe scolding. Listening to it for a while was enjoyable, but it would become a headache if it continued.

If only he had a teleportation ability, the moment Xu Youxiang got angry he could just teleport there and pin her to the corner of the wall to vent her anger physically.

Xia Yu just thought about it, as this was a normal world without supernatural powers, or so it seemed on the surface.

Putting aside the matter of teleportation, Xia Yu began thinking about how to get Xu Youxiang to stop being angry.

He found Liu Manman's QQ number and struck up a conversation with her.

What's up? Liu Manman replied quickly.

Show me your treasure trove.

Upon seeing Xia Yu's reply, Liu Manman froze for a moment, but relaxed after confirming that he meant treasure trove.

She thought about what treasure trove Xia Yu was referring to and quickly found the answer.

Getting out of bed, Liu Manman put on her clothes and went to the basement. She took photos of the many pieces of jewelry she had stored in a display case and sent them to Xia Yu.

Liu Manman sent dozens of photos, but this didn't mean she had only a dozen or so pieces. In each photo, there were five to ten items.

Xia Yu's eyes were already dazzled. He spent half an hour choosing.

Xia Yu chose, it was a scepter studded with gemstones.

This one is not for sale! Liu Manman refused Xia Yu. If you want to chat with more like-minded people about the "Life Exchange Game," follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat and chat about life in search of friends.