
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

District Tyrant Xia Aotian

Taking away a bird of prey like a hawk is not a simple matter; it requires a detailed plan.

First, it needs to be captured, then transported back to the country by air, and finally, various procedures need to be completed.

It seems to be troublesome. Are those three skills - flight, tracking, and remote viewing, really worth the effort?

However, just like the black cat's usefulness is not just an enhancement, the hawk's usefulness is not just an enhancement, but more importantly, the hawk itself.

This is a bird of prey that can fly!

But it can't be used in the first district, as flying in the city for a while would attract the attention of the capture teams.

Forget it, it's impossible to get ahold of it today; let's think about it later.

Like a brown bear, a bird of prey like a hawk is generally not in danger as long as it's not killed.

The 26th district is not a theft-prone area, so there should be no issues.

After thinking for a while, eight hours passed, and Xia Yu returned to his own body.

At this time, it was close to 8 am.

Picking up the phone, Xia Yu saw a missed call from Yu Ningmeng.

It looks like there was a result regarding Zhu Mei.

He dialed the number again and quickly connected.

"Were you sleeping?" Yu Ningmeng asked.

"I just woke up. How's it going?" Xia Yu sat up.

If the Yu family couldn't get Zhu Mei into the first district, Xia Yu would have to figure out a way to settle her.

"Yes, we've got allies in the 232nd district. All she has to do is submit a refuge application," Yu Ningmeng explained, though this was not her final word on the matter. Things wouldn't be taken care of for free. "You know about Xu Youxiang's medicine, don't you?"

Upon the mention of the medicine, Xia Yu knew what the price was. He said, "I also participated in that research project. Just say it."

He took on some of the responsibility proactively.

"Can you find a way to produce a medicine for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?" Yu Ningmeng asked expectantly.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as muscle atrophy lateral sclerosis, is a muscle-related issue just like Xu Youxiang.

Xia Yu rubbed his forehead. It would take him a few months to settle this matter.

"Is it not possible?" Yu Ningmeng was disappointed.

"I can't guarantee it." Although he has a LV6 Pharmacy, Xia Yu cannot confirm if he can solve this terminal illness.

"They only ask for an effort to maintain or slow down the deterioration," said Yu Ningmeng.

"I believe there's still hope," Xia Yu replied.

"Don't you need to consult with Xu Youxiang and Yin Shulan?" In the information Yu Ningmeng had, the main force of medicine production was Xu Youxiang and Yin Shulan, and it had nothing to do with Xia Yu.

"I'll give you my answer tonight." Xia Yu couldn't tell Yu Ningmeng that Yin Shulan and Xu Youxiang were his pseudonyms, so he just went with it.

After hanging up, he sighed a breath of relief. At least Zhu Mei's problem was solved.

Getting out of bed, Xia Yu went downstairs to the restaurant after washing up.

Zhu Mei and Hu Lianglu were eating breakfast, while the other girls had already finished.

Xia Yu drank a bowl of porridge, took a bun, and walked to the window while taking a bite.

Outside the window, the blazing sun was heating the beach. By noon, the traces of yesterday's rain would have disappeared without a trace.

"What are we doing today?" Kong Hanyue, who was lying on the sofa, asked.

The group looked at Yuxue.

Taking out her phone, Xue flipped through her schedule and said, "We have shopping at the mall planned for this morning, and we'll go to the countryside to experience the local customs in the afternoon, staying overnight."

Liu Manman, also lying on the sofa, raised her head: "Should we leave now?"

"Let's go." Kong Hanyue stood up, "I heard that we can buy unique wood carvings here."

The group returned to their rooms to pack up their belongings; seizing this opportunity, Zhu Mei approached Xia Yu softly: "Have you made a decision?"

"I've decided to stay." Zhu Mei clutched her chest and said.

"Why?" Xia Yu was somewhat surprised. He thought Zhu Mei and her brother had no feelings for each other.

"It's not very interesting to be alone." Zhu Mei gave her reason.

Last night, she had a dream that she returned to the familiar village. She ran through the village, looking at the familiar plants and trees, overjoyed.

But the joy quickly disappeared. The village was empty, the familiar villagers, the majestic flowers, all were gone without a trace. The bear cave was also empty and without shadows.

The village was peaceful and tranquil, everything else was exactly the same as before, but Zhu Mei in the dream couldn't find the feeling she once had.

What she wanted was not only a peaceful environment, but also the familiar company of her family members.

Going to the first zone, she'd still be alone just like in her dream.

Hearing Zhu Mei's explanation, Xia Yu sighed: "I understand; I'll save your brother."

"It's Ah Hua," Zhu Mei corrected. What she wanted most was Hua, not the cheap brother.

"Ah Hua is still alive?" Xia Yu was astonished, "What about Ah Wei?"

"I don't know." Zhu Mei lowered her head.

Not knowing meant that there were more bad outcomes than good.

Xia Yu's mood also became somewhat depressed. He quite admired that man.

While he was staying silent, Zhu Mei thought that not saving her brother might not be good, so she said: "Please, save my brother as well."

"Alright." Xia Yu nodded, saving one or saving two, there was no difference.

"Really?" Seeing Xia Yu agree so quickly, Zhu Mei found it hard to believe.

She thought that after the failed offering last night, the chance of it happening was gone. But she didn't expect that it could succeed without offering.

She then worried that Xia Yu wanted to continue last night's transaction, so she looked up and said, "I can do it anywhere."

Taking two seconds to understand what Zhu Mei was referring to, Xia Yu patted her head, saying: "You don't have to. I've already said that someone entrusted me to take care of you. When we rescue them, you can follow me."

Zhu Mei nodded, she really wanted to go to the peaceful first zone. If she could bring Hua with her, it would be a dreamlike scene.

It would be even better if the bears were there as well.

Holding the pendant in front of her chest, Zhu Mei initially cheered up, but her mood fell again.

Noticing the sorrow of Zhu Mei, Xia Yu placed his hand on her head, silently comforting her.

This action suddenly made Zhu Mei feel a sense of familiarity.

The bear also liked to pat her head like this, placing its paw on her head.

In a trance, Zhu Mei felt that Xia Yu had turned into the brown bear.

She shook her head, trying to dispel the ridiculous illusion, but another doubt came to her mind.

She looked at Xia Yu and wondered: How did he know about A Hua? Why did he ask about A Wei?

It's not strange that he knew about A Hua since they were together after leaving the mountain. However, A Wei died in the mountain, and she only mentioned it a few times, with very few people knowing.

Wait, when he heard that A Hua was still alive, he showed surprise and immediately asked about A Wei. This proved that he knew the two not after leaving the mountain but before.

After the palace burned down, she, A Wei, and A Hua hid in the mountains. Only a few soldiers in the palace guard knew about it. However, if it was the soldiers who told him, they wouldn't mention their nicknames – instead, they would say Li Wei and Li Hua.

Upon arriving in the mountains, Li Wei and Li Hua changed their names to A Wei and A Hua.

That is to say, Xia Yu obtained her information while they were in the mountains. However, there was no signal in the mountains, making communication with the outside world impossible.

The more Zhu Mei thought about it, the stranger it seemed. She recalled Xia Yu saying that someone asked him to take care of her. In the mountains, besides A Wei and A Hua, she had no other family members, so it couldn't be them. Could it have been someone else, like their bear?

She was about to ask Xia Yu, but saw the women from upstairs coming down and had to suppress her suspicions.

Once everyone had gathered, Xia Yu made up an excuse of going to meet an internet friend and left their group. With two bodyguards and three security guards following him, and everyone speaking fluent Mandarin, Xia Yu believed that the women would remain safe.

As Zhu Mei was still being hunted, she stayed at home. Xia Yu and the others split into two groups, with the girls going to the largest mall in District 26 and Xia Yu heading to the counterfeit street.

Since he promised Zhu Mei, he had to take action and started by gathering some information.

As the name suggested, the counterfeit street was a place where fake goods were sold in large quantities. There were few tourists, but many locals.

For Xia Yu, disguising himself as a local was not difficult. Asians don't have significant differences in appearance, and Xia Yu possessed language proficiency, speaking the perfect dialect of District 26.

Entering a teahouse, he chose a seat by the window and watched the movement downstairs. Xia Yu planned to find a female from the Grey Reef Company, use a game opportunity to get close to her body, and conduct an investigation. If successful, he might even use her body for a direct rescue mission.

His plan was not going smoothly. After sitting on the second floor of the teahouse for a whole morning, he didn't see any suitable targets, even after changing his coat multiple times to disguise himself as different people.

The Grey Reef Company's base was at a large warehouse, and he didn't see any female personnel coming and going.

Sighing, Xia Yu could only give up on his observations and look for another approach.

Picking up the teacup in front of him, he slowly drank, preparing to leave after finishing.

His attention no longer focused on the street, his hearing sharpened, and he overheard the conversation at the neighboring table.

"Didn't find that woman yet?" A sharp male voice asked.

"No, either they are hiding in the tourist's room or they were taken by someone from that private territory's First District," another hoarse male voice replied.

"I was wondering why some of our brothers disguised themselves as sewer workers. It turns out they were checking on those tourists," the sharp male voice said, somewhat smug about his deduction.

"Actually, the most likely possibility is that they were taken by someone from the First District."

"If it's someone from the First District, there's nothing we can do. If we make a move, we might get our Gray Reef kicked out as well. Why do you think they kept her, though?"

"I heard from the brothers who were chasing her that the woman is even more beautiful than Ning Qiu'er," the hoarse male voice said, taking a sip of tea.

"More beautiful than Ning Qiu'er? If that's the case, I'd keep her too, hehehe," the sharp male voice let out a grating laugh.

The two talked about Ning Qiu'er for a while. Xia Yu took a sip of tea, not expecting to hear about Ning Qiu'er in District 26. Just how popular was she back then?

After bustling about actresses for five minutes, the two finally got back on topic.

"What about the others with that woman?" the sharp male voice asked.

"They've been sent away. They should be arriving at District 232 soon," the hoarse male voice replied. "I was supposed to go, but when I saw that they were loading up the people who were caught the night before last, I immediately felt sick and left."

"You're right, who wants to go to that hellish place like District 232? Life is more important," the sharp male voice chimed in.

After finishing that sentence, the two wrapped up drinking their tea and got up to leave. Xia Yu also got up and followed them.

Xia Yu had thought that the Gray Reef company would wait to catch Zhu Mei and send her away together with the others. Unexpectedly, they had immediately packed up Ah Hua and the others and sent them to District 232.

He guessed that they felt there was no hope in retrieving Zhu Mei since she was held back, so they gave up.

The car was almost at District 232, and it was too late to head over there now. Should he go to District 232 for a rescue mission?

No, he couldn't let them reach District 232.

District 232 was a completely different world from District 26. While District 26 had scarce firearms, at most some handguns, District 232 was in a state of war, riddled with rampant guns and even rocket launchers. He, merely a mortal, could not withstand such heavy firepower.

Though he could use body doubles, they were also human beings. How could he send them to their deaths? One act of resistance would also kick him out of the body.

What should he do? Should he ask Yu Ningmeng to inform the border guards of District 26 and stop that car?

Xia Yu felt that the Yu family didn't have that kind of power, and besides, once the people were in the hands of the 26th District's military, they wouldn't be released easily.

More importantly, the border guards might not be able to stop the Gray Reef company's people, as the border was so vast.

Never mind, let's take it one step at a time.

First, he would kidnap the hoarse-voiced man, who was the driver and might know the route of the vehicle.

With that in mind, Xia Yu put on a mask, made sure there were no surveillance cameras around, and quickly snatched the hoarse-voiced man's phone before running off.

Not expecting to be mugged on their own turf, the hoarse-voiced man and the sharp-voiced man hesitated for a moment, but thankfully Xia Yu went easy on them, and they managed to catch up.

Leading them to a secluded alley, Xia Yu stopped running.

The hoarse-voiced man and the sharp-voiced man also stopped, leaning on their knees and panting heavily.

Unlike Xia Yu, who had the endurance skill, they were just ordinary people.

After resting for ten seconds, the two stood up and surrounded Xia Yu, rubbing their hands together: "Run again, I dare you!"

Cold smiles spread across their faces as they threw their fists at Xia Yu.

Although they were quite skilled due to frequent conflicts, they were no match for Xia Yu.

Dodging the hoarse man's fist, Xia Yu effortlessly grabbed his belt and threw him to the ground. Then, Xia Yu anticipated the sharp man's movement, raised his foot to block his path, and watched as he rammed himself into it.

Both men lay on the ground, moaning in pain.

Xia Yu approached the hoarse man, pinched his face, and asked, "Which route did the car disguised as the prince of Area 232 take?"

The hoarse man didn't answer immediately.

Xia Yu took a gun out of his pocket.

It was a security guard's gun, given to Xia Yu yesterday morning when he was searching for Zhu Mei. He never returned it.

Faced with the gun, the hoarse man wanted to cry but had no tears.

Why didn't you bring out the gun earlier? I wouldn't have engaged in hand-to-hand combat! Now my back hurts like hell after being thrown down!

"Speak." Xia Yu tapped the man's head with the gun barrel.

"It should be on 11th Avenue," the man honestly answered.

"11? I'll give you three seconds to correct your answer. Otherwise, if my people don't find the car, you're done."

"It is 11. The car is a silver minivan with the license plate number..." The hoarse man confessed everything.

Xia Yu's face lit up with joy. If it was 11th Avenue, he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble.