
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Be a Graceful Boy

Lifting his head, Xia Yu looked in the direction of the sound and saw two white people with reddish-brown hair.

Was this Europe or America?

Listening carefully again, he heard words like "what" and "God," and he guessed that he was either in the Fifth District or the Second District.

He had actually been swapped to another district.

Thinking about it carefully, going to another district was normal, as the game didn't say that it would only choose a body in the First District.

Observing his surroundings, Xia Yu found that he was in a pet store, surrounded by many cats.

Yawning, he lay in the cage and continued to ponder about the abilities.

Gracefulness, telepathy, and appeasement.

The usefulness of gracefulness was neither big nor small; this kind of temperament ability could only make people more attractive.

But humans were all members of the appearance association, and an attractive appearance was still useful in many situations.

He set it aside for now.

Looking at telepathy and appeasement, Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

What was telepathy? Why did a cat have the ability of telepathy?

He thought of the ancient saying that animals could communicate with spirits.

Because animals could perceive some information that humans could not, sometimes they would show some abilities that humans saw as "prophetic," such as animals giving warnings before an earthquake.

Was telepathy this kind of ability?

He set this ability aside and looked at the last one, appeasement.

The word appeasement was easy to understand; Xia Yu often used the appeasement skill on Yuxue. Just by patting her head and pinching her face, he could relieve her inner tension and make her feel relaxed.

However, a cat obviously couldn't use its claw to pat someone's head or pinch their face for appeasement.

So, did it have to lick?

Or extend a paw for the other person to pinch the flesh ball?

Or have its fur stroked?

Xia Yu couldn't come up with an answer.

As he was thinking, an employee came to his cage.

"Oh, %%%...&"

What was she saying?

In this world, there was no English subject in the First District school; foreign languages were elective courses at the university level. Normally, there was no need for English, and Xia Yu's original Level 4 English ability had completely deteriorated.

He couldn't understand a word of what the person in front of him was saying.

Fortunately, the other party didn't expect a cat to understand human speech.

Opening the cage, she picked up Xia Yu and took him to the backyard, placing him in the fenced area.

The enclosure was about fifty square meters, with grass and trees planted in it.

Was this for walking the cat?

After putting Xia Yu down, the employee went to pick up other cats, and more than a dozen cats were running around the yard, creating a chaotic scene.

Xia Yu jumped onto the flowerbed in the middle of the yard and continued his contemplation.

Since he didn't know what telepathy and appeasement were, he couldn't practice them for now, so he could only practice gracefulness first.

Hopping off the flowerbed, Xia Yu began to walk around the yard.

The so-called gracefulness should refer to the catwalk.

By noon, when the sun was overhead, a bell rang.

Two employees were holding bells, shaking them.

Most of the cats in the backyard spontaneously approached the clerk, and the remaining few followed suit.

The clerk placed a small bowl in front of each cat and poured in some cat food.

It turned out to be mealtime.

Is this cat food delicious?

Xia Yu hesitated a bit.

As he hesitated, a blue Persian cat beside him walked up to his face.

The blue cat lowered its head to bite Xia Yu's cat food.

Xia Yu stretched out his claws, pressed down on the blue cat's head, and prevented it from succeeding.

At the same time, he thought to himself.

Is there such bullying behavior in the cat's society too?

Does this blue cat want to fight?

He immediately raised his claws and slapped the blue cat aside.

The blue cat whimpered a few times, then looked at Xia Yu pitifully.

And then it tried to eat Xia Yu's cat food again.


Holding down the blue cat's head, Xia Yu thought for a moment and used his hind claws to move the blue cat's food in front of it, pressing its head to eat.

The blue cat obediently ate the cat food and stopped causing trouble.

So, did this cat just not know which cat food was its own?

A fool among the cats.

Sighing, Xia Yu lowered his head to eat his own cat food.

At this moment, with a soft laugh, a hand reached out from the side and took Xia Yu's cat food bowl.

Xia Yu raised his head, looking at the owner of the hand. It was one of the two clerks, who held Xia Yu's cat food, laughing and joking with her companion.

Needless to say, she had seen what just happened and wanted to find some fun at Xia Yu's expense.

Having seen such boring humans before, Xia Yu had no interest in playing with them. He walked up to the blue cat and swiped its cat food with his claw.

"Meow?" The blue cat looked at Xia Yu in confusion.

Xia Yu pointed at the cat food bowl in the clerk's hand, and the blue cat changed its target and mewed pitifully at the clerk.

As Xia Yu happily ate the blue cat's food and the blue cat meowed at the clerk's feet, the clerks' faces showed amazement.

They put down the cat food for the pitiful blue cat to eat and petted it on the side.

They wanted to pet Xia Yu too, but he quickly grabbed his food bowl and ran away.

After finishing his lunch, Xia Yu continued to stroll around the yard. In the meantime, three people came to see the cats, one of whom took an orange cat away.

In less than an hour, another new orange cat joined the group.

This store restocks quickly.

Xia Yu lamented.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the two store clerks put all the cats back into their cages. It was at this time that Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He opened the skill panel.

Music lv4, Agility lv3, Intimidation lv1, Night Vision lv1, Programming lv1, Painting lv1, Video Games lv1, Elegance lv1, Agility Bonus lv1

Looking at the added Elegance lv1, Xia Yu was very satisfied.

It was Sunday, and he didn't have to work, staying at home.

He decided to find Yuxue and test his new Elegant skill.

Opening the door, Xia Yu saw Yuxue lying on the balcony sofa, reading a book.

He went to the kitchen, poured two glasses of juice, and walked towards the girl.

As he approached, Xia Yu recalled the feeling of being a cat, and the Elegant skill started to work.

Elegance is a kind of temperament, which is not an abstract concept, but relies on reality and is the feeling brought by one's posture and expression.

Xia Yu's eyes widened a bit, his elbow slightly moving toward his waist, and his footsteps adjusting accordingly.

He came to Yuxue's side and handed her the juice.

"Thank you, bro... brother." As Yuxue raised her head, she felt her eyes dazzled by the sunlight from the window. Her brother in front of her seemed to be enveloped in the sunlight.

Her hand loosened, and the juice spilled on her.




There's no chapter break today!

For An Siyao, please give a "love" gesture, which can be found on the book page, under the fan ranking list. When your character reaches Rank 3 stars, you can get a Q version avatar. Rewards can also be sent to the characters, and I can still receive them, but it boosts the popularity of the characters as well.

Yuxue, Kong Hanyue, Xu Youxiang, and other characters also request your support.

As for Xia Yu, it's up to you.