
Life Drain System

Follow Yueliang's growth from weak heir to powerful prodigy! Everything starts with my inheritance?? Who knows what it will contain. Will the world end or will he die with it? What will happen in his futuristic life?

Yueliang_Haizi · Fantasy
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216 Chs


    "These cultists are absolutely discusting, I was wondering if what I was doing was really right or not killing these people who have not yet attacked me, however clearly I have no more doubts." Yue said with a calm but sinister look, then started wandering to collect the loot before leaving. However before collecting the loot, he took some deep breaths and calmed himself, so as to not let his anger cloud his judgement.

      ---- About Half A Hour Later ----

    "Time to leave this filthy place." Yue mumbled to himself, wondered. 'What is that creature, it seems to be eating the corpses?'

      *Crunch *Crunch *Slurp

    'Hmm, it looks kind of cute. I wonder why they have a cute white leopard? It seems to still be a youngling as well, maybe it was starved and that is why it is eating these dead corpses?' Yue wonders as he watches the cute snow leopard looking creature. 'It has such beautiful bluish silvery eyes.'