
Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

Weird stuff keeps happening in my life lately. Like that solar eclipse on that morning, or this dude who says he is my roommate. Oh and that this place that I suddenly found myself in isn’t Earth. And even more, I can do magic? I don’t know, maybe I have finally gone crazy… Hey hey, please give my second book 'The Undying Star' a try as well!

daniz_ · Fantasy
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424 Chs

Three weeks

Kairen opened his eyes and brushed his face with a hand.


He took a deep breath and turned to the heavy thing he was feeling on his arm.

"Huuu... Huuuu..."

He could hear the peaceful breathing of a little kid sticking to his arm and sleeping.

Kairen moved his hand and carefully touched the kid's forehead so that he wouldn't wake him up.

'It's not hot...'

He heaved a sigh of relief. The kid had some minor fevers for some days recently, so he had to check him to make sure he was fine.

After making sure that the kid was fine, Kairen slowly pulled his arm out of the kid's grasp.


Ariyan tossed and turned a few times, but didn't wake up. Covering his body with the blanket, Kairen walked out of the room, heading to the yard. It was still dark and there were a few hours left until the sun would rise. Sitting on the chair in the yard, Kairen stared at the sky.