
Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

Weird stuff keeps happening in my life lately. Like that solar eclipse on that morning, or this dude who says he is my roommate. Oh and that this place that I suddenly found myself in isn’t Earth. And even more, I can do magic? I don’t know, maybe I have finally gone crazy… Hey hey, please give my second book 'The Undying Star' a try as well!

daniz_ · Fantasy
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This was happening again.

-So... Kairen. Listen.


-Uhm... Actually... My mom...

-Actually your mom...

-She... invited you to our house.



The picture of two teenagers talking while leaving the classroom flashed before his eyes. He could clearly see, hear, and sense the surroundings.

-Why would a humble person like me be invited to such a steemed person's house?

-Stop talking like that! I'm already embarrassed myself.

-Why? Isn't what I said the truth? A commoner is being invited to a noble's house!

-I will punch you right in your face if you don't shut up!

-As you order, my lord!

-You! Really!

-I apologize for offending you, young master!


The unfamiliar memories were rushing to his mind at a fast speed. The unfamiliar memories felt oddly familiar though. He was confused. Truly confused.


-So, when are you coming?