
Life begins after death

After death an ordinary every day nerd meets a bored God of chaos who wishes to use Mc for their own entertainment. He is given a very specific set of rules to prevent him from becoming op immediately and as such make his journey more entertaining. This is his journey from average dweeb to op character in fictional worlds. Btw cover image is not mine got it off Google. it does have the whole spellsword theme I'm going for my mc.

Jacobsteale · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 3

There was silence in the room as my mother processed my declaration of killing lucius because he dared hurt her in the past. I Do believe my mother was surprised by the fact that I actually remembered that he hit her quite often right after draco's birth and stopped some time before I turned four after a meeting with my great grandfather the Lord black. Though both me and mom figured that he was waiting for the death of Lord black to go back to doing it as he was a bit of a sadist and the only reason he didn't dare use magic was that mother was a greater witch than he would ever be a wizard both in knowledge of magic be it light, grey or dark and power as there was a reason for my aunt Bellatrix to be so feared. Him using magic would give her the right to retaliate similarly against him, it was also the reason why he never used any weapons or tools as that would give her reason to use her daggers as well.

Breaking the silence and taking in sharp breath my mother asked me "and pray tell me how you plan on accomplishing this task and who shall be blamed for it? ". Though she hid it well her eyes did give out a vindictive glint as she started forming her own plans to help me and to benefit off of his most untimely demise. I answered saying" as far as I can tell he intends to have pansy Parkinson and my dear brother betrothed to each other in the upcoming years, by my estimate the negotiations for this contract will most like occur and be completed during the yuletide holidays in all our first year. By this time I plan to brew an potent aerosolized sleeping draught of some kind to neutralize any threats and you will take both their wands and use various dark arts spells in the room the negotiations are taking place in the Manor, by that point of time I intend to learn how to cast at least one dark cutting curse and be able to perform the killin curse, once you finish with the room demolition and curses I will use Parkinson wand to cast the killing curse at lucius at which point you will make it look like it was Parkinsons curse that killed him simultaneously I will place Parkinson in an appropriate position and cast the cutting curse at his throat. We will then use the black familial time Turner which I hope to borrow from Lord black and travel back five hours in time to gain rock solid alibis perhaps at diagon alley or hogsmeade for Christmas shopping probably put in an appearance at the time of death of lucius at some in in hogsmeade to have dinner before returning home at least three hours after they are both dead. Giving us near impregnable alibis as we are both purebloods they cannot ask us to take veritaserum and there will probably be a half blood or muggleborn in the Inn that we could get to testify under veritaserum about our whereabouts." I say with. Certain amount of confidence.

" a most well thought out plan however there are three issues in this plan as far as I can tell one convincing lord black to hand over the time turner,two there is no guarantee of when the negotiations will take place and three no guarantee of you being there when the negotiations take place instead of being in hogwarts. How do you plan on addressing these issues?"she asks clearly intrigued.

"for one I am going to be doing grandfather arcturus a favour within the next year which will grant me the chance to ask for the time turner, the other two can easily be cured by a Liberal usage of confundus charms at both lucius and Parkinson by you whenever he come to the Manor for one of the bootlickers gatherings father is oh so fond of holding and as the harms are not direct causing physical damage to lucius he won't be protected by the contract. "I reply cheekily knowing that the story of the potters betrayal in this world is the same as in Canon down to the finger of Pettigrew being all that was left of him after the infamous mass murderer Sirius black blew up a street and killed 12 muggles and him, though there was this very big chaos causing diversion. Being that there was no Harry Potter in the world the Potter child was female and was named Iris Dorea Potter .

She looks at me with a mock glare for my cheekiness and asks me, "while the solution for the second and third issues is clear what favour will you be doing for grandfather that will guarantee the usage of the time turner?". "how about the exoneration and freedom of his blood born grandson and the true heir black sound oh mother of mine?" ask with a smirk threatening to split my face in two."what do you mean exonerating Sirius he is in Azkaban for life for the betrayal and death of the 12 muggles and Peter pettigrew?" she asks clearly dumbfounded. "well mother considering I have confirmed that there is literally no curse that would destroy an entire body but leave behind one finger and no viscera I can assure you that Sirius did not kill pettigrew and that the dead muggles at that point were all behind pettigrew and there was no gore over them other than their own. And there is not a piece of evidence stating that black was actually the secret keeper other than the fact that everyone knows he was the secret keeper. "I reply.

" either way it is unimportant he was pronounced guilty and convicted and as such there must have been some evidence that proved he both betrayed the potters and that he killed the muggles."she said clearly believing she won this round. My smirk grew inyo a full bodied grin at this point as I asked" what trial? There's is no actual records for the trial of infamous Sirius black right hand man of voldemort and traitor to the potters." shocked silence filled the room again as she tried to process what I had just said, in the meanwhile I continued saying, "once this comes out the minister will be out on her ass come the next election season, at which point to counteract any political moves lord Black and sirius might make lucius will spend an awful amount of time rigging the elections so some useless sop who can be bribed will be elected this will further play into the plan to get rid of lucius as we woul just pay said stooge to railroad any investigations into his death and make it clear to everyone how lucius and Parkinson killed each other over some dispute leaving you the grieving widow who wishes to fulfill her husbands last acts thereby actually creating a contract between draco and parkinson and unbreakable one and force draco into signing it making him the future lord Parkinson."

My mother for some reason still had that dumb look on her face looking at which I spoke to the room saying" I do believe I have broken my mother," at which point she immediately refocused on me and said "hush you cheeky boy and do tell me how you have confirmed this facts about him not having a trial."."well mother of mine I asked one of our house elves to pop into the ministry of magic on foot and check the records room for files on the inhabitants of Azkaban all the files had trial records last recorded spells on wand's etc while Sirius's file only had two item record of arrest by alastor moody and order of transfer to Azkaban signs by junior obliviator Cornelius fudge, minster of magic bagnold, and head of dmle crouch. And considering the law states that a pureblood can only stay I. Azkaban without trial for thirty days sirius is already free on technicality even if he is not innocent. Which I think is rather unlikely, he will probably demand a veritaserum trial in front of the wizengamot to not only free him but to truly exonerate him and force the ministry to pay for reparations for putting him in Azkaban for over 3 years which for a pureblood heir will be quite high leading to the fall of both bagnold and crouch." I say grinning as I unveil my master plan I do believe I now know why villains monologue so much in most novels books and games because explaining highly intricate plans is just so goddamn fun.

my mother drops the dumbfounded look and goes into snake mode and says "considering that fudge is now junior undersecretary to minister of magic and soon slated to be the senior undersecretary he will be the one lucius will support as it is well know that he has very loose pockets and will accepts bribes all day long. And as he was involved in this conspiracy to imprison the heir to an most ancient and noble house well we shall have leverage against him to use when lucius is dead. Well played son well player you win this round, though seeing it is your birthday what say you we stop planning your father's imminent demise and enjoy today we do have five years to fine tune this plan after all" and gets up from her

chair and we leave the Manor heading to the malfoy Estate in southern France via port key to enjoy the day in the sun rather than in Wales where malfoy Manor was located.

I couldn't quite decide what pairing I wanted for the Mc as most characters seem to have firm roots in this world and like in many fanfiction it isn't easy to uproot your entire lives for one person though you might love them and as such I plan on choosing the world travelers who will be able and willing to leave their own worlds behind for indefinite amounts of times in some cases even permanently. As such the Potter child seems perfect.

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