
Life At Grace Reform Academy

Don't create trouble. Don't join trouble making. Don't poke trouble. Basically be a good girl, mind your business and pass with good grades. Easy right? I don't think so. Teniola joins a new school, Grace Reform Academy( GRA) -the name a source of laughter for the students after series of uncontrollable events that happened at her old school got her expelled. It's not hard to fit in as they are all delinquents like her, coupled with the fact that the teachers definitely know what they were employed for. Just one year at GRA ended up being more dramatic than her whole life added together. A missing friend, a stolen car, a kidnapped classmate and the uncountable events of the year made Teni age more than she ever would at this school. It's like an absymal pit of feelings, a roller coaster ride of emotions. Join Teniola as she goes through and hopefully passes the hurdle.

Wavvy_cee · Teen
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10 Chs


"That is Cecelia, correct Instagram babe. She's an influencer and has managed to amass a lot of followers in the span of three months she started. Those two behind her are Tamilore and Princess."

"Cecelia looks sort of familiar."

"Yeah, you should know her. She's kinda social media famous. If you get."

"Ooh. Or is she the @Queen_cee?" No wonder I had this feeling that I knew her from somewhere. Toni was always showing me her insta updates.

"Yeah, you get it now." Janet smiled, she went back to solving a question in her notebook. I expected her to lift head from the book and introduce the rest to me, the one-sided introduction she had been doing.

She chewed the end of her pen, pointing it at at corner of the hall, I wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't pointed the guy sitting there out," That is Fikayomi. A whiz in every subject, he is on scholarship. He has nothing less than 99% and higher on every test and exam. That's the school number one student, but he is kinda this lonely i-have-issues guy."

I knew there would be a bad side to it, a boy cannot carry all this fineness and brilliantness in one body and not have problem.

"When he first came, girls wouldn't stop flocking over him. Especially Cee, but we have learnt to keep our distance. He is only approachable when he is not reading, and that is never." She chuckled, though gooey eyed.

I took in a breath, sucking in my tummy,"Wow! I'm... I don't even know what to say."

Exactly, cause I didn't know what to say.

"It happens. He's so fine right!" Janet gushed, her fork was midway between her mouth and plate. Fine boy fever!

"Kinda." I shrugged, all the while my inner self shouting liar.

Janet cleared her throat, widening her doe eye and then face plaming,"I forgot to introduce the official playboy of the school to you. Although you might not need..."

"Dozie." I cut in simply, uninterestingly mixing the spaghetti I hadn't tasted out of.

"Yeah." She giggled,"You met him in class. Just as Mr Jerome adviced, steer clear off him. A real panty dropper that one."

"So he is just the 'wham-bam-thank-you-mam' kinda guy. No relationships whatsoever?"

"Nah," Janet waved her fingers,"Why? Are you interested?"

"Never!" I protested loudly, then said under my breath,"He called me short."

"Indirectly!" Janet offered, smiling.

"Still, it was an insult." I sighed, finally spooning the spaghetti in my mouth.

Oh sweet mother of mixed ingredients and edible sauce!

The food was on a whole 'nother level.

My dad's money will hear wein.

"It wasn't, you get used to it with time. It's just the way he is."

"Yeah right." I quickly shook myself out of my sour mood before I sent her away with my attitude.

"So you mean if he didn't call you short, you would have liked him." Janet was practically chortling.

"I don't know. The boys here are fine though. In my former school, those people looked like mutated frogs, to be honest with you." I laughed now, I was stating the truth. Janet joined me,"Very fine species, I tell you." She added.

"I am sure I am part of those fine species." A masculine voice offered, I lifted my head and saw a chocolatey brown guy,he was busy flexing his muscles.

"Please tell me that is not Ezekiel?" Janet closed her eyes, not looking back.

So Ezekiel was his name, nice!

"Please don't call me Ezekiel, it's Zik. This girl won't hear word." The boy took his seat, stretching his hands. I took it.

"I'm Teni."

"I know." He smiled charmingly.

"Don't call him any Zik oh. His name is Ezekiel, I dunno who he wants to deceive." Janet cut in, slapping his arms away from mine, muttering 'man-whore'.

"Babe, we talked about this." The 'Zik' boy said, his attention wholly on Janet now. I guess they were school couples.

"If I slap you, it'll deafen your village relatives." And this girl was savage, oh my gawd.

I held in my laughter, stuffing my mouth with the remaining spaghetti.

"Babe na." He whined, poking her ribs.

"Don't babe me oh. I don't even understand why all arts students have decided to be senseless."

"Issorite. You can insult them all, as long as you're not angry with me again, issokay."

Janet suddenly packed her books, standing up," Let's go jare. They'll soon ring the bell."

I took my notebook with urgency, then turned back to greet Zik,"Nice meeting you!"

"Same!" He then stood up shouting" Bye babe!" I was surprised no one paid them any attention. She just flipped him the middle finger.

I ran up to her, opening the canteen door and deliberated speaking,"So you guys are a thing."

She blushed, a pink tinge on her fair cheeks,"2 years strong."

















"Eww, no."

"So what social media accounts do you have?" Janet yelled, her arms waving in the air in frustration.

"Email and WhatsApp." I grinned toothily. I was enjoying this. It was close time already and we were both waiting for something outside the school gate, I still didn't know what for.

"You must be kidding me!" Janet rolled her eyes, opening her bag Zip and bringing out her phone, "Your number."

I took it from her and punched in my numbers," I don't think my phone number will do much anyways right now." Returning her phone back to her.

"Why?" She was baffled.

"It got seized." I answered, drawing a long line with my right foot.

"Your phone got seized!" She screeched, like that was the most unbelievable thing yet.

"Yeah." I shrugged, I was used to it already. My phone got seized an average of 12 times yearly. That was monthly. It wasn't a new thing.

Janet opened her mouth in amazement,"And you couldn't hide it." She felt it was seized-collected from me.

"Nah, I was asked to submit it myself. But don't worry, I'll get it back soon sha."

"Okay oh!" She resigned. A car drove up to us and she raised her brow, "That's my cue to leave. Do you have a ride or you wanna join?"

"No, I'll take maruwa or something." I smiled, waving her bye and pushing her gently into the car when she stood wide mouthed. It wasn't like they were going to kidnap me or something because I was using public transport. I've been using it since forever.

"Goo!! Bye bye." I waved, grinning toothily when she finally got her butt on the seat.

"Be careful!" She said, as the driver drove away.

I drawed a breath in and adjusted my bag.

I just needed to know where the bus stop was and get the bike or bus. Hopefully, I wouldn't get lost in the course of my search.