
The preper

I knew that after grandpappy died, and left me this house, here in Arizona, with the permits and plans for the build, that I had to get my life together. It took me three years, but it was finally done. I was in the new kitchen of my house admiring the new modern conveniences that will never ever get used, but is needed to keep up appearances from the real construction going on below. The real house was three stories deep under this house with two more levels still under construction. It as all part of the plan.

I walked to the back of the house to what looked like the back bedroom. I pulled on what looked like a servants call chain with a little bell on it. As I did this, the internal wall gave way to an opening. I pulled open the hidden door by the edge to make the opening wider to make it through. As I did this the torch on the other side of the wall ignited. I use flint and oil like back in the medieval days. The hall glowed with light to reveal a staircase going downward. As I stepped forward, the hidden door closed behind me.

I descended the staircase, it twisted clockwise on to its self. In one full turn, the staircase opened to a platform in front of an archway. Inside was what looked like an vault. This is where I house my walk in freezer units. This was one of three on this floor. I remembered that I found these two states over from that supper market chain that went under in the market crash of 2008. On the front of each door is a picture and inventory list of what is inside. Each one held enough frozen meat, vegetables, and preserve for 20 people to last 3 years, more if rationed right. I checked the calibration on the side of the door of each freezer to make sure it was working properly. Next to the freezers are my two walk in refrigerators, and a large hydroponic bay. I again checked over the calibration of the friges before heading into the hydroponic bay. As I came in, I looked over my tiny plants. Little sprouts of veggies, fruits, and herbs. I checked each group knowing I will be harvesting in a few weeks to dry and store. I walked over to the otherside of the room to the drying racks with over head lights to check on the progress. Once I was satisfied, I headed back to the archway and stairs.

I proceeded down one full turn to the next level. Again, I was greated by a large platform with an archway leading to more rooms. This is the storage rooms. Six large areas opened by archways, lined with floor to ceiling of shelves. Each area dedicated to different kinds of dry and storage goods, and movable storage with heat lights in case I need to turn it into another hydroponic bay or drying room. As I was walked in, I turned my attention to dinner. I took a few items off the shelf, some fresh herbs, and placed them in a basket that was by the entrance and walked back out the way I came in.

I then proceeded to the next floor, my main living quarters. I walk in to the restaurant style kitchen, placed the basket on the counter, and did all of my checks before starting to cook. It wasn't til I was on my way to the stove from the small fridge in the kitchen, that I noticed how quiet it was.

'I better get as much of this as I can. We don't know when that stuff is going to hit.' I told myself.

I finished cooking and headed out of the kitchen. Across from the kitchen is a large dining hall. Down the hall are openings for barracks. Lastly there was a large room for entertaining and relaxing.

I sat down on the large sectional, and turn on the tv. As I ate, I watched the news give the words that I was waiting and preparing for all this time, "people sick", "no cure", and "pandemic ". These were the words Grandpappy told us to look out for to know it was time to bunker.

I paid all the other words no mind, and headed off to the barracks to get ready for everyone to be coming in a few days. The large room held bunk beds lining the walls at end to end. I found these in Grandpappy's old barn on the property. Between the beds, I put lockers from the old high school that was torn down 2 yrs ago. As I was moving, I heard the ringing of a call come through the phone.

'Ah she was watching too,' I thought as I answered it without looking at the caller id, "Hi, Marry."

"Did you see it, Fred. It's just like what grandpappy said years ago. They're getting ready to shut us down. Is the bunker ready? " Of course, my sister saw the news. We were getting reports from overseas of this virus for months now, and were waiting for it to come here. We are so far inland though that I knew we had about a month before it got here, but that was not always true.

"Yes, Mary. It's ready and then some. We can make the long haul if need be." I replied. I was coming back from the barracks and was heading to the lue went it hit me, it was time. I took out the liens and started placing them on the beds.

"Kay, can I make the call out? We need to get together before it get bad. That's what Grandpappy said, remember, Fred?"

"Yes, Mary. I do. How long for y'all to get to the farm?" I asked knowing she was coming from California.

"Ah, like 7hrs. I have to finish packing. " She cooed back.

"Ok, I will see you then." I hung up the phone and headed to my room for well needed sleep knowing that it all starts in the morning.