
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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501 Chs

[410] Half-Truth, Half-Fiction Explanation

Chapter 410: Half-Truth, Half-Fiction Explanation

Pseudo-Perfect Cuisine?

Upon hearing Hachiman's words, everyone seemed somewhat puzzled.

Upon closer inspection, this dish was indeed different from the "Four Sacred Seafood Eight Treasure Soul Buns" from earlier. Although it emitted light, it only adhered to the surface of the fish slices, without shooting up into the sky like before.

"Well, enough of that. Aunt, why don't you try this dish first?" Hachiman smiled and suggested.

Hearing this, Mana nodded and picked up a glowing slice of sea bream with her chopsticks. She dipped it in soy sauce with wasabi and then put it into her mouth.

"Mmm... It's fantastic! It's as if a fresh sea bream is dancing on my tongue, such a lively texture."

"Even though it's sliced so thinly, it has such a 'substantial' texture. The rich and tender characteristics of the sea bream are fully showcased, it's truly miraculous."

As Mana continued to praise the dish, she kept eating the slices of sea bream.

Seeing that even his pseudo-perfect cuisine, made through a shortcut, was accepted by Mana's "God Tongue," Hachiman breathed a sigh of relief.

This prompted Senzaemon to ask eagerly, "Hachiman-kun, is it difficult to make this kind of pseudo-perfect cuisine?"

"No, making this pseudo-perfect cuisine isn't difficult for me now. I can easily make it by adding some tricks to my original culinary skills," Hachiman replied, shaking his head.

Upon hearing this, Senzaemon and the others couldn't hide their excitement.

There's hope now. Mana's situation can finally be improved.

After all, having just one perfect dish isn't enough. No matter how delicious it is, eating it repeatedly would become boring.

Now, with this pseudo-perfect cuisine that can be produced in batches, it can definitely satisfy Mana's palate.

"However, one experimental result isn't accurate enough. I need to try again," Hachiman said, returning to the kitchen counter to prepare more dishes.

No one dared to interrupt him as he was now trying to find a way to save Mana.

Before long, Hachiman had made two more dishes infused with the Holy Light.

As expected, these two dishes were also accepted by Mana.

Seeing this scene, Hachiman rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Although it seemed like these pseudo-perfect cuisines were effective, he knew deep down that the real reason was the Holy Light.

Truly, the healing effects of the Holy Light were remarkable. It could even effectively counteract the curse of the "God Tongue."

Thinking it over, Hachiman smiled and said, "Now we can confirm that even this pseudo-perfect cuisine can satisfy Aunt's 'God Tongue.'"

"Yes, I haven't had such an appetite in ages. Thank you so much," Mana exclaimed excitedly, enjoying the delicious food after a long time.

"It's nothing, Aunt. You're too kind," Hachiman replied, shaking his head with a smile.

At this point, Senzaemon chimed in, "Thank you very much, Hachiman-kun."

"However, I have an unusual request. Could you please teach us how to make this pseudo-perfect cuisine? Please."

Senzaemon bowed slightly towards Hachiman as he spoke.

Seeing Senzaemon's gesture, Hachiman felt somewhat embarrassed.

Although he had the intention of teaching the method of making this pseudo-perfect cuisine, he couldn't do it.

Because making these two kinds of pseudo-perfect cuisine required two essential conditions:

1. It required max-level culinary skills.

2. It required possessing the Holy Light.

While the quality of ingredients could be compensated for with the financial power of the Totsuki Group, these two conditions were indispensable.

Max-level culinary skills might be achievable by others, but possessing the Holy Light was too stringent a requirement.

Only angels and heroes possessed the Holy Light.

Although both Gabriel and Raphael were angels, their culinary skills were not particularly outstanding, so they couldn't make this pseudo-perfect cuisine.

And in this world, there was only one hero, Hachiman. So, in other words, only Hachiman could make this pseudo-perfect cuisine.

Looking at Senzaemon in front of him, Hachiman shook his head, "I'm sorry, Senzaemon-sama, I can't do this."

Unexpectedly, he refused. Senzaemon raised his head suddenly, his expression excited as he asked, "Why? If there are any conditions, please tell me, Hachiman-kun, and I will do my best to fulfill them with the entire Totsuki Group."

Not only Senzaemon, but Erina beside him was also excited.


Why couldn't he tell us how to make this pseudo-perfect cuisine?

Was he still upset about what happened just now?

Thinking about this, the girl felt even more self-blame.

At this point, Hachiman spoke again, "No, Senzaemon-sama, you've misunderstood. It's not that I'm unwilling to share the method of making this pseudo-perfect cuisine with you; it's that I can't do it."

"I can't? Why?" Senzaemon asked excitedly.

"Because making this kind of pseudo-perfect cuisine requires two essential conditions," Hachiman explained.

"The first is that you must possess culinary skills of the same level as mine, which might still be achievable."

"As for the second condition, it's more unique. I'm afraid that besides me, no one else can..."

Pausing for a moment, Hachiman seemed to make a decision.

"Never mind, Senzaemon-sama, let's talk somewhere else."

After some thought, he decided to disclose his identity as a hero to them.

After all, it had been proven that the pseudo-perfect cuisine was effective for Mana, so even if he didn't say anything, Senzaemon would still try to find a solution.

In fact, there might even be a situation where he would antagonize the Totsuki Group. This was not a situation Hachiman wanted to see.

Although with his current personal strength, he wasn't afraid of the Totsuki Group's threats, it was not the same for others around him.

Moreover, dealing with a behemoth like the Totsuki Group would only invite trouble. Hachiman didn't want to go through a period of constant setbacks.

And revealing his identity as a hero might even be beneficial for his future cooperation with the Totsuki Group.


Thinking about Hachiman's words, Senzaemon hesitated for a moment but nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's talk in the study."

Soon, everyone gathered in the study.

"Hachiman-kun, just speak your mind. No one will overhear us here," Senzaemon said, realizing that Hachiman had something secret to share, hence choosing the highly confidential study. Moreover, everyone present was a trusted member of the Nakiri family and wouldn't leak any information.

Glancing at the faces of everyone, Hachiman sighed.

"Senzaemon-sama, you should know me quite well."

"What... What do you mean by that, Hachiman-kun?" Senzaemon was somewhat puzzled.

"I mean about my credentials. You should have a lot of trust in the records on your end." Hachiman smiled.

"Light novels, culinary skills, kendo, martial arts..."

"I excel in so many aspects. Isn't it strange for Senzaemon-sama?" Hachiman said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... It's probably because Hachiman-kun, you're a genius," Senzaemon hesitated.

He had certainly doubted it before. After all, a person's energy is limited. How could one be good at so many different things at once?

"Genius... maybe, that's what I thought at first," Hachiman said cryptically.

"Until one day, I figured out the reason."

"Because I am the protagonist of this world, the hero of this world."

Protagonist? Hero?

Hearing his words, everyone showed a puzzled expression.

"Yes, although it sounds a bit fantastical, it's true." After gathering his thoughts, Hachiman continued, mixing truth with falsehood.

"I am the protagonist of this world, the hero, the chosen one."

"It's precisely because of this reason that I can learn anything very quickly, and there's no such thing as a bottleneck. I just need to keep accumulating proficiency."

At this point, Erina couldn't hold back any longer and spoke with an unpleasant tone, "You, even if you don't want to say it, there's no need to come up with such absurd reasons to deceive us! Protagonist? Hero? Aren't these things only found in light novels and manga?"

"Yeah, at first, I didn't believe it either, until one day, I met them," Hachiman said with a slight smile.


"Yes, them, the angels who descended to this world!"

As he spoke, Hachiman spread his right hand, and in front of everyone, a faint golden light emerged from his palm.