
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

[40] Busy Saturday

Japanese people have a tendency to admire strength, and Hachiman's current display of strength has earned him the respect of Shuji Fujita.

This is evident from Fujita's address to Hachiman.

Hachiman's kendo skills are formidable enough to outshine everyone in the kendo club, except for Saeko Busujima, even surpassing Fujita, who holds the position of vice president within the club.

"Please, Hikigaya-kun, consider taking over as the vice president of the Kendo Club," Fujita Shuji earnestly requested, bowing to Hachiman with a serious expression.

He had a genuine passion for kendo and naturally aspired to witness the Kendo Club reach greater heights under strong leadership.

Both Hachiman and Kotonoha were taken aback by this sudden turn of events.

However, he couldn't voice his desire to quit the club during his second year of high school in front of others.

With an apologetic expression, Hachiman shook his head at Fujita Shuji and said, "I'm sorry, Fujita-senpai, but please understand that I must decline the position of vice president in the Kendo Club."

"My temperament tends to be more laid-back, and I'm not particularly inclined to conform.

I usually prefer training on my own in a corner, so I don't think I'm well-suited for the role of vice president in the Kendo Club."

"Well... if Hikigaya-kun ever has a change of heart in the future, please don't hesitate to let me know," Fujita Shuji expressed with a hint of regret upon hearing Hachiman's explanation.

"Absolutely, I will," Hachiman replied with a smile, nodding to Fujita.

He then turned to Kotonoha and Saeko, saying, "Katsura-san, Busujima-senpai, since practice is over, I'll be heading home for today."

"Hikigaya-kun, goodbye!" The two young ladies of the club bid farewell to him as well.

Hachiman nodded to the two of them and proceeded towards the locker room.

Along the way, he encountered numerous Kendo Club members who greeted him with respect upon seeing him.

This was the advantage of being strong. Although it wasn't his usual approach, he nodded and replied to each greeting.

After a brief shower and changing into his clothes in the locker room, he exited the Kendo Club.

Hachiman noticed that after sparring with Saeko today, his proficiency had increased significantly, adding 1,000 points.

His kendo proficiency level, which was at level three, now stood at (4840/10000), rapidly approaching the halfway mark.

With a few more similar sessions, he estimated that his kendo skills would advance to level four in less than a month.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, it was already Saturday.

I have a meeting with the illustrator in the morning, followed by a date with Yui in the afternoon, and considering the commute to Tokyo, my schedule is quite tight today.

At 7:00 in the morning, Hachiman woke up to prepare breakfast for Komachi.

He left a note along with 10,000 yen for her living expenses and then headed out early.

He reached the tram stop and boarded the tram bound for Tokyo.

After a two-hour journey, he arrived in Tokyo once again.

Meanwhile, in a house in the Ashikaga District of Tokyo, a woman in her thirties was preparing to leave.

"Sagiri, Mom is heading out," a gentle voice reassured, belonging to the illustrator who had been conversing with Hachiman.

"Mom, please be safe on the road."

The door to the second-floor room cracked open, revealing a timid little girl with long silver-white hair and aqua-blue eyes.

She softly bid her mother farewell.

"Mom will be back soon. Sagiri, you'll take care of the house," her mother said with confidence, offering a reassuring smile to her daughter.

She then exited the room and made her way to the coffee shop where she had arranged to meet Hachiman.

As her mother left, the young girl named Sagiri swiftly moved around the house.

She closed all the doors and windows with remarkable speed, even drawing the curtains for good measure.

"Yoshi, Sagiri home security operation has begun."

Sagiri let out a small cheer, her delicate face showing a hint of vigilance as she concealed herself behind the sofa.

Meanwhile, back with Hachiman.

Upon disembarking from the train, he hailed a taxi to reach the coffee shop where they had planned to meet.

Observing that it wasn't yet ten o'clock, Hachiman secured a window seat, ordered a cup of coffee, and settled in to wait patiently.

Approximately twenty minutes later, Hachiman's cellphone rang.

When the call connected, a gentle voice greeted him – it was the illustrator.

"Hello, Wakamono-sensei, I've arrived at the designated spot. I'm not sure how long it will take for you to get here."

Upon hearing her words, Hachiman glanced toward the coffee shop's entrance, where he indeed spotted a woman with long silver hair and a red coat pushing open the door.

"I'm already here. You can take the second seat on the far right by the window."

The woman at the door also spotted Hachiman and made her way directly towards him.

"I'm truly sorry for making you wait, Wakamono-sensei," the woman in the red coat apologized with a slight bow as she approached Hachiman.

Only now did Hachiman get a clear look at her appearance.

Beneath the red coat, she wore a light blue shirt, and her delicate face featured gentle, watery-blue eyes.

Her long silver hair was tied into a braid that hung down to her chest, adorned with a red bow at the end.

"Madam, your hairstyle is somewhat daring," he thought to himself.

"It's no problem at all. I just arrived as well. Miss Izumi, you don't have to be so formal. Please have a seat."

Hachiman had already learned the other party's last name from Machida Sonoko.

After hearing her apology, he simply smiled and nodded.

"Hello, I'm Hikigaya Hachiman, the author of 'Sword Art Online,' using the pen name Wakamono-sensei. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Once both of them were seated, Hachiman introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Izumi Saori, responsible for your illustrations, and my pen name is Eromanga."Izumi Saori felt a bit self-conscious mentioning her pen name, considering it sounded somewhat... unconventional.

(A/N:Her full name was never revealed, so this isn't Sagiri's mom's first name.)

"Did Ms. Izumi's pen name come from Eromanga Town in the Southwestern Queensland? It's quite intriguing," Hachiman remarked.

"Eh?" Izumi Saori was taken aback by Hachiman's words.

She hadn't expected this young man, who appeared somewhat reserved, to comprehend the true origin of her pen name.

For most people, upon hearing the name Eromanga, their initial association would be with erotic comics, so it was quite a surprise.

It truly underscored his reputation as a best-selling novelist.

"That's correct, it's Eromanga Town. You're certainly well-informed and talented, Sensei," Saori Izumi praised with admiration.

"Haha, not at all, Miss Izumi, you're too kind. What would you like to order? Please feel free to order something" Hachiman smiled.

"In that case... a cup of latte," Izumi Saori accepted his offer of kindness and ordered a latte coffee after a moment of thought.

As the coffee arrived, Hachiman wasted no time getting to the main topic: "Regarding the content of the third volume, have you had a chance to read it?"

"I've nearly finished reading the third volume. As expected of Sensei, the writing is quite marvelous," Izumi Saori remarked.

She then set her coffee aside and took out a stack of drawings from her bag, handing them to him.

"This is the first draft of the characters I've drawn based on the content of the third volume. Sensei, please take a look at it first."


(A/N:Eromanga Town is a small town located in southwestern Queensland, Australia. Eromanga is known for its connection to paleontology, as it's home to the Eromanga Natural History Museum, which houses significant fossil discoveries, including dinosaur fossils. This museum contributes to our understanding of prehistoric life in Australia and is a notable attraction for those interested in paleontology and natural history.)