
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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504 Chs

[246] The Banquet Commences (1)

Chapter 246: The Banquet Commences (1)

"It truly lives up to its name as the 'Cosmic Dumpling!'"

After uttering these words, Dojima opened his eyes once again.

"As expected from the chef recommended by Chief Nakiri, your culinary skills have reached impressive heights!"

"But thanks to your dish, I now have a deeper impression of that level." At the end of his words, Dojima's tone also carried a hint of excitement.

Hearing this, the kitchen assistants and graduates exchanged glances.

Why does it sound like Dojima-senpai lost?!

Indeed, in this small competition, Dojima did lose, but he surely didn't mind.

Firstly, tasting such a delicious dish is a win in itself, and secondly, this dish has given him a deeper impression of the level he's about to reach, stepping into Level 5's peak.

Looking at the generously-sized giant dumpling in front of him, Dojima waved to the kitchen assistants and graduates.

"Come, try it. Although that level is still far for you guys, it's still beneficial."

Hearing this, the graduates' eyes lit up.

They have been curious about this dish that even Dojima-senpai praised.

Holding chopsticks and plates, they followed Dojima's example, taking a bite from one place and then moving to another, revolving around the dumpling.

"Mmm, every bite brings a new flavor. This feels so wonderful."

"Yeah, it turns the act of tasting into a game full of surprises. It's so interesting."

"It's like freely swimming in the radiant Milky Way!"

The praises from the graduates tasting the Cosmic Dumpling were constant and unceasing.

Even Hinako and the others, who were among the top graduates, had expressions of pure enjoyment at this moment.

Even Shinomiya couldn't help but display an admiring expression.

"Really impressive. Despite using various types of meat fillings, they don't stand independently; instead, there's a tendency to blend. Even with the fusion of various fillings, they haven't lost the distinct characteristics of each part. Truly commendable culinary skills."

Wasn't that night still not his full effort?

At this moment, Shinomiya gazes at Hachiman with a somewhat complex expression, but he hasn't lost his confidence. He believes he can catch up to Hachiman's culinary skills.

"So, Dojima-senpai, it's settled. For tonight's celebration feast, you'll make three servings of your Ninefold Secret Lamb Leg." Standing beside Dojima, Hachiman smiled and spoke.

"Ah, that's certainly not a problem. It's just three dishes." Dojima nodded indifferently.

"But Hikigaya-kun, you have to make a hundred dishes, you know. Making a hundred portions of your Cosmic Dumpling isn't easy." In the end, his tone revealed a hint of schadenfreude.

Hearing Dojima's words, Hachiman felt a bit speechless.

Didn't expect this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes to have such a mentality. But do you think I'd be afraid? Too naive. I'll show you what real skill is in a while.

"Dojima-senpai, rest assured. Just a hundred portions of dishes, and I'm very confident in my stamina." Hachiman smiled slightly.

"Alright, I'll look forward to it then." Dojima said.

With the deal settled, Hachiman didn't delay any further. It was already close to six o'clock, and the celebration feast was expected to begin at seven-thirty. He had less than two hours left.

In the astonished expressions of the surrounding graduates, Hachiman seemed like he could clone himself, appearing everywhere. Whether it was kneading the dough or preparing the fillings, he was like an octopus with eight arms, moving fluidly and captivating everyone with his seamless actions.

One serving, two servings, three servings...

In less than an hour, Hachiman had wrapped over forty large dumplings. However, considering the tight schedule, these dumplings were slightly smaller, measuring around forty to fifty centimeters. But even so, the workload was quite astonishing.

Watching Hachiman, who showed no signs of fatigue, Dojima, roasting lamb legs on the other side, wore a wry smile, recalling what Erina had said earlier.

Indeed, he's a monster...

As time passed bit by bit, it quickly approached the scheduled time for the celebration feast.

At this moment, all the qualified students gathered once again in the grand hall.

The students, filled with unease, naturally engaged in various discussions. The residents of Polar Star Dorm also assembled.

"What's going on this time?"

"There's no explanation in the guidebook."

"Could this unfold be another surprise like this morning?!"

Just then, Dojima, dressed in a suit, stepped onto the platform.

"Alright, I believe everyone is here."

"Before delving into the main topic, let me share a few words."

Holding the microphone, Dojima's deep and resonant voice reverberated in the hall.

"Presently, 456 students have been eliminated, leaving 546."

"While it might sound severe, this training mirrors the essence of the culinary profession."

"In the face of the unknown, maintaining composure, frequent dialogue with ingredients, and the pressure intensifies when aspiring to become a head chef. You must endure nights plagued by anxiety and hesitation, handle various emergencies, and devise ways to turn the situation around."

"The culinary profession is akin to wandering alone in the howling wilderness. The pursuit of perfection makes the journey tougher. The goal becomes more elusive, and you might find yourself stagnant on the mountaintop or even losing your way back."

"However, I hope you remember one thing. At Totsuki, you have companions wandering in the wilderness with you. This should be encouraging for those starting the journey alone."

"I sincerely wish you all the best!"

"Now, without further ado, let's proceed to the final stage of this training!" With that, Dojima paused.

"Here it comes, here it comes!"

"I'm going to be eliminated, right?"


Hearing this, the students expressed their terror, some even wearing looks of despair as they had indeed reached their limits. If there were further assessments, they would undoubtedly be eliminated. However, more displayed expressions of refusing to give up.

Observing this scene, Dojima's expression softened.

"The final stage is a small celebration marking the end of the training."

"You will now taste a full feast composed by the graduate chefs. I announce to the 546 surviving students: Congratulations on completing all the tasks of this residential training!"

"Now, please enjoy to your heart's content!"

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