
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

[130] A Morning Kiss

Chapter 130: A Morning Kiss

"Tomorrow, how about the two of us venture to the beach?" Haruno proposed.

"The beach?"

Upon hearing the mention of the beach, Yukino's countenance reflected a flicker of interest, though she still shook her head.

"I'd prefer not to. Crowds aren't my cup of tea."

"You can trust me on this, Yukino-chan. I've discovered a secluded beach where the throngs won't bother us."

As a caring elder sister, she discerned her younger sister's thoughts all too well.

"Is that so? In that case, I suppose I can acquiesce."

Upon learning that the beach would be relatively empty, Yukino reconsidered and consented. The idea of a sun-kissed sandy shore and a serene azure sea held undeniable allure.

"That's great! I'll come to pick you up tomorrow morning," Haruno declared, her visage radiating with delight.

As a sister with a sister complex, she was excited about the prospect of having a good time with her sister.

"Very well, if there's nothing else, you may take your leave now," Yukino briskly commanded, having settled the time and plans.

However, Haruno wasn't prepared to depart so readily.

"Oh, don't be in such a rush to show me the door. My visits to you are quite infrequent, Yukino-chan. How about indulging me with dinner tonight? It's been ages since I've savored your culinary skills."

"Yukino-chan, you wouldn't turn your sister down, would you?" She concluded, sporting a pitiable expression.

"You can stay, but please refrain from disturbing anything," Yukino eventually conceded after a brief pause. She then ushered Haruno into her apartment and shut the door.

Meanwhile, on Hachiman's front, the watermelon-smashing game had drawn to a close, and Hachiman had failed to pinpoint the watermelon's location. In the end, they decided to enjoy the watermelon.

Following dinner, the girls grouped in pairs and threes to engage in various games.

They played poker, chess, online games...

Time meandered on, and soon it was bedtime. Each one retreated to their predetermined rooms to rest.

In the dead of night, Yui stirred groggily and slowly emerged from her bed. It appeared that she had possibly overindulged in juice earlier in the evening, and now she urgently needed a trip to the bathroom.

A brief while later, she returned from the bathroom to her room. Yui wearily settled back into her bed, sensing a subtle strangeness. In her drowsy state, she didn't dwell on it too much and soon drifted back into slumber.

At 7 in the morning, Hachiman awoke, blinking away sleep. As he prepared to rise, he felt the presence of something soft and warm nestled beside him.

Extending his hand, he came into contact with something with a plush texture, prompting him to give it a gentle squeeze.

"Mmm... Hmm..."

A low, unmistakably familiar feminine moan reached his ears.

Gazing down, he encountered a cascade of pinkish medium-length hair. The individual wore a white camisole-style nightgown, revealing delicate shoulders and supple thighs. Her generous bosom was snugly pressed against him, creating an enticing cleavage.

Her lips, reminiscent of cherries, appeared to be in the midst of savoring something delightful as her tongue grazed her lips with a seductive allure.

It was none other than Yui.

Hachiman's hand inadvertently found itself cupping one of her alluring curves, as if to confirm its presence. Almost on autopilot, he applied a gentle pressure once more.

In response to his movement, Yui's long lashes fluttered slightly, and her crimson lips parted, releasing another enticing moan.

"Mmm... Don't..."

Upon hearing this captivating plea, something within Hachiman seemed to snap. Unable to resist the temptation, he leaned in and tenderly pressed his lips against hers.


Feeling the unfamiliar sensation of lips pressed against hers, Yui hazily opened her eyes. She was met with Hachiman's face in close proximity, and the warmth of his kiss on her lips made her realize that he was... kissing her.

In an instant, a flush of deep crimson spread across her cheeks as the memory of their earlier interrupted kiss flooded her mind. Despite her limited experience, she couldn't help but respond to Hachiman's kiss.

As Hachiman's tongue eagerly explored Yui's mouth, her smaller tongue retreated, as if a defeated soldier fleeing from the intensity of the moment.

However, Hachiman's tongue surged forward, engaging in a passionate battle with Yui's tongue.

Their tongues twisted and turned around each other, their bodies pressing closer together.

Hachiman's hand moved to the back of Yui's head, holding her in place as he continued his exploration.

Yui responded in kind, her hands wrapping around Hachiman's neck, drawing him closer.

Their lips moved in perfect sync, their tongues dancing in a heated duel. The passion between them grew with each passing moment, fueling their desire for more.

After a prolonged minute, their lips parted, leaving a glistening strand of saliva suspended between them.

In this momentary reprieve, Yui took the opportunity to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling with each pant.

"Hikki, you..." Despite having willingly surrendered to Hachiman's kiss earlier, Yui's cheeks still held a hint of delicacy, and she found herself too bashful to meet his gaze.

"Silly Yui, what's gotten into you? You were quite bold just now, and now you're all coy?" Seeing Yui's reaction, Hachiman couldn't resist a teasing remark.

"Ugh... you mischievous Hikki, it was you who initiated that kiss." Reflecting on the almost suffocating intensity of moments ago, Yui's complexion deepened with a rosy hue, and she playfully shot him a sidelong glance.

"And to think, you ventured into my room early in the morning for this, you naughty Yui."

"My room?" In response to Hachiman's touch on her forehead, Yui's brows furrowed.

"Take a good look, this is my room, alright?"


Yui's gaze swiftly swept across the room's decor, and in a sudden realization, she acknowledged her blunder. During their room selection the day before, Hachiman had casually chosen the one nearest to the staircase, while she had opted for the one right next to it.

Recognizing her blunder, Yui's ears flared a bright crimson with embarrassment. She had mistakenly entered the wrong room.

"So, Hikki, we..."

Despite her own carelessness, the prospect of losing her first kiss weighed heavily on Yui's mind. Her affection for Hachiman was deep, but she remained uncertain about his feelings.



Startled by his sudden call, Yui looked up, only to be met with Hachiman's solemn countenance.

"I understand your sentiments, Yui, and I have feelings for you as well. But there are some other matters I need to address first. I promise I'll provide you with an answer in due time. Will you accept that?"

Confronted with Hachiman's unexpected confession, Yui's thoughts momentarily faltered. She couldn't help but replay his words, "I have feelings for you," in her mind repeatedly.

Hikki likes me too... Hehe...

Once the realization that her feelings were reciprocated settled in, Yui felt an immense sense of relief. She was acutely aware that, apart from herself, there was also Kotonoha, who harbored feelings for Hachiman, and quite possibly Utaha, her senpai. Hachiman likely intended to navigate these emotions before confessing to her.

Yui silently contemplated this, unaware that Hachiman was contemplating how to acquire more "wings" and how to make her accept it, which might have led to a different perspective.


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