
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

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456 Chs

[116] Encounter with a Love Rival?

Chapter 116: Encounter with a Love Rival?

As the reigning champions of the previous Kendo Inter-High School Championship in the men's division, Shimabara High School boasted formidable strength. Their vanguard and sub-vanguard both held the third-level intermediate rank, while the core members had reached the pinnacle of the third level. Their captain had even surpassed the fourth level of kendo, a testament to their skill.

However, when faced with Hachiman, their strength appeared lacking. With an air of effortless grace, he dispatched the vanguard and sub-vanguard with ease, leaving the opposing team with no choice but to send in their third member.

Gazing upon Hachiman's calm smile, the third member, a kendo practitioner at the peak of the third level, tightened his grip on his bamboo sword.

After the customary exchange of bows, Hachiman squared off against his opponent. The third member spoke with a sense of resignation, "I am well aware that I may not be your equal, but my duty is to drain your stamina as much as possible." With those words, he raised his sword and launched an attack against Hachiman.

Though the third member displayed impressive speed, Hachiman's heightened perception made it seem as if time had slowed. He swiftly discerned a vulnerability and struck with lightning-like precision.

Before the third member could react, Hachiman's bamboo sword had found its mark on his faceguard. Even with the protective gear, the blow left the third member feeling disoriented and dizzy.

In this manner, the peak third-level kendo practitioner found himself utterly confounded and swiftly removed from the match.

The next challenger was the vice-captain, teetering on the brink of attaining the coveted fourth level, yet still appearing inadequate in the face of Hachiman's prowess.

After defending against one of Hachiman's calculated attacks, the captain swiftly recognized the need for action. He maneuvered to intercept Hachiman's next strike, but before his sword could make any significant move, Hachiman's bamboo sword had already found its mark on his faceguard.

The referee's whistle announced Hachiman's victory once more, prompting the arena to erupt with cries of "One Strike Shura," their echoes resonating throughout the venue.

"Dammit!" cursed the vice-captain of the opposing team, who took several steps back before finally regaining his composure and begrudgingly retreating to the sidelines.

After besting four consecutive opponents, accomplishing a one-against-four challenge, and reaping the benefits of the "double experience" buff, Hachiman's proficiency in kendo had soared to a critical point. He now stood just over a thousand points away from reaching the illustrious fifth level of kendo.

With the vice-captain's defeat, it was now the opposing team's captain's turn to bravely step onto the stage.

A young man, standing only slightly shorter than Hachiman, approached with an air of unshakable composure.

"Kitachin Itto-ryu, Ichiro Chiba," the captain introduced himself, his martial art style and name spoken with unwavering confidence.

Hachiman couldn't help but be momentarily taken aback upon hearing the captain's martial art style and surname. His discreet glance was directed at Chiba Shigetsugu, who sat in the commentary box.

Could this be Chiba Shigetsugu's son or nephew?

"I've heard that Mister Hikigaya and Miss Busujima are good friends. If I offend you in any way during our match, please forgive me," Ichiro Chiba continued after the customary pre-match greetings.

Hachiman paused for a moment, his thoughts falling into place. It seemed evident that Ichiro Chiba harbored feelings for Saeko Busujima.

But it made sense; with Saeko's exceptional beauty and talent, admirers were bound to surface. Moreover, considering this young man's background in kendo and his recognition of Saeko Busujima's extraordinary prowess in the art, it was only natural for him to develop such feelings.

Have I just encountered a potential love rival?

However, my friend, are you truly confident in your ability to defeat me?

After closely observing Ichiro Chiba earlier, Hachiman discerned that, at best, he was a fourth-level kendo practitioner but only at the mid-level of that rank. In his current form, he couldn't hope to surpass Saeko, let alone Hachiman.

With the referee's announcement, the two competitors officially commenced their match.


As soon as the referee's words echoed, Ichiro Chiba unleashed an attack, employing the renowned "Cutting Fall" technique from the Kitachin Itto-ryu. His bamboo sword rose high and descended with formidable force towards Hachiman's faceguard.

As the previous champion of the Kendo Inter High School Championship Tournament in the men's division, his strike surpassed those of previous opponents in both strength and speed by several degrees. It was evident that he, too, aimed for a one-strike victory, mirroring Hachiman's strategy.

Against any other adversary, he might have succeeded, but Hachiman was not one to be easily struck. He narrowed his eyes and, with a horizontal motion of his bamboo sword, effectively parried the attack.


Failing with his initial assault, Ichiro Chiba swiftly adjusted his bamboo sword's position and executed a graceful diagonal cut, targeting Hachiman's right side.

Hachiman remained unwaveringly composed, deftly flipping his wrist to once again block the strike with his bamboo sword.

Witnessing his first two attacks falter, Ichiro Chiba couldn't escape a growing sense of urgency. Without a moment's respite, he hastily launched another attack, aiming his bamboo sword directly at Hachiman's gripping hand.

"Your hand!"

However, Hachiman's response was merely a faint smile. He instantly calculated the trajectory of his opponent's bamboo sword, deftly twisted his wrist, and intercepted the weapon mid-air. Through a combination of strength and technique, he effortlessly sent Ichiro Chiba's bamboo sword aside.

Three moves had transpired, sufficient to save face.

Following the deflection of Ichiro Chiba's bamboo sword, Hachiman's own weapon descended like a swift strike, making direct contact with his opponent's protective faceguard.

Staring at his empty hands, disoriented by the impact transmitted through his faceguard, Ichiro Chiba found himself momentarily lost in a daze.

Had he truly lost so effortlessly?

This sensation of helplessness and bewilderment mirrored the feelings he had experienced when facing his uncle, Chiba Shigetsugu, the current head of the Kitachin Itto-ryu and one of Japan's Nine Swordsmaster.

With the referee's whistle, this match too was officially concluded.

"The match is over, the winner is Sobu High School!"

With the referee's resounding declaration, it signified that Hachiman had once again achieved a remarkable one-against-five victory, securing the championship in the men's division of the Kendo Inter-High School Championship!

The entire sequence had unfolded with such astonishing swiftness that the spectators struggled to fully grasp what had just transpired.

Only through the action replay displayed on the massive screen did the audience finally comprehend the astounding feat.


"One Strike Shura!" "One Strike Shura!" "One Strike Shura!" "One Strike Shura!"

The ecstatic cheers of the spectators converged into a resounding wave that reverberated throughout the arena.

Members of Sobu High School's team celebrated jubilantly, with the male members like Fujita Shuji and others spontaneously embracing each other in their excitement.

Saeko and Kotonoha wore radiant smiles, their gazes towards Hachiman imbued with indescribable tenderness, pride, and admiration.

The genuine passion for kendo in these two girls was undeniable, and today, Hachiman had led the kendo club to the highest pinnacle of success.

They had emerged victorious, now double champions in both the men's and women's divisions.

"Hahaha, young Hachiman is truly remarkable!"

In the Nakiri household, Senzaemon erupted into hearty laughter at the sight of Hachiman's triumph.

"Well, not bad at all," Erina Nakiri conceded, her tone still tinged with a hint of disbelief, yet her lips curved into a triumphant smile.

In the Yuigahama household, the Hikigaya residence, the Kasumigaoka residence, and even within the Hiratsuka apartment, several girls couldn't help but revel in delight over Hachiman's victory. Yui, in particular, was so overwhelmed with excitement that she tightly embraced her own mother's neck, prompting a bemused roll of the eyes from Mrs. Yuigahama.

"Mom, Hikki won! He's truly amazing!"

"Cough cough, Yui, you little troublemaker, let go already."


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