
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

[110] Hachiman's Change of Mood

Chapter 110: Hachiman's Change of Mood

"So, that's the story," Saeko said, nodding in understanding.

"But Hachiman, you're truly remarkable. It's not just Kendo; your culinary skills are outstanding as well," she commented.

Hachiman responded with a modest smile, saying, "Oh, it's nothing special, really. I happen to be decent at these two things, and I practice them quite a bit, so I've improved over time."

Saeko found herself momentarily at a loss for words upon hearing his humble response.

"How much practice have you actually put in?" she wondered.

She was unaware of his culinary skills, but in terms of Kendo, besides the daily one-hour club training, she only knew about the weekend sessions at her family's Kendo dojo.

"Hachiman, remember this, sometimes you need to recognize your own talents. Excessive modesty can come across as arrogance," she added, her tone carrying a touch of seriousness.

Her words gave Hachiman pause for thought. In his mind, he attributed all his skills to what he called his "system." Without it, he believed he'd be an ordinary person. While he used knowledge from his previous life to lead a more relaxed existence compared to the original Hachiman, he still didn't see himself as truly exceptional. However, to outsiders, it was a different story. As he became increasingly proficient in various areas, his talents began to shine in the eyes of others: writing, Kendo, culinary arts – he was perceived as a genius in these fields.

Perhaps, it was time for Hachiman to adjust his perspective. Regardless of whether his "system" would eventually disappear, the abilities he currently possessed were undeniably genuine.

"I understand now. Thank you for the reminder, Saeko."

With this newfound awareness, it was as if Hachiman had cast off a heavy weight, leaving him feeling more at ease.

What he didn't notice was that, in his mind, the proficiency levels of various skills had suddenly surged, particularly in Kendo, which had increased by five thousand points, nearly reaching a total proficiency of thirty thousand points.

Yet, Hachiman remained oblivious to these subtle changes.

With Saeko's positive response firmly in hand, Hachiman turned his attention to Kotonoha, who was nearby.

"Kotonoha, how about it? Would you like to join me for a beach trip in early August?" Hachiman asked.

Upon hearing his invitation, Kotonoha's face lit up with a joyful smile, but then she hesitated.

"I really want to go to the beach with you, Hachiman-kun, but my parents won't be at home during that time, and I have to take care of my little sister, so..."

"I understand. That's perfectly fine. You can bring your little sister along, and my sister, Komachi, is also coming. They should be able to become good friends by then," Hachiman reassured her.

"Really? Thank you so much, Hachiman-kun."

With her concerns resolved, Kotonoha eagerly accepted the invitation.

"Saeko, Kotonoha, I'm going back to my room. Make sure to get some rest too," Hachiman said.

"Yes, goodnight, Hachiman-kun."


Once in his room, Hachiman took a moment to review his modules:

[Host: Hikigaya Hachiman]

[Age: 16]

[Modules Loaded:]

- Cooking Level 4 Expert (2,500/50,000)

- Learning Level 4 Expert (1,200/50,000)

- Kendo Level 4 Expert (28,300/50,000)

- Writing Level 4 Expert (3,400/50,000)

- Physique Level 4 Expert (1,600/50,000)

- Conversational Level 4 Expert (500/50,000)

- Acting Level 4 Expert (500/50,000)

- Fighting Level 4 Expert (1,000/50,000)

- Coding Level 4 Expert (3,400/50,000)

- Stocking Level 3 Advanced (8,800/10,000)

- Tennis Level 3 Advanced (5,400/10,000)

- Baseball Level 3 Advanced (200/10,000)

- Basketball Level 3 Advanced (100/10,000)

- Volleyball Level 3 Advanced (300/10,000)

- Football Level 3 Advanced (300/10,000)

- Swimming Level 3 Advanced (8,000/10,000)

- Drawing Level 3 Advanced (1,000/10,000)

- Singing Level 2 Intermediate (200/5,000)

Hachiman couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as he saw the progress he had made in various skills. He was well on his way to becoming an expert in several areas, and the system's recent update had opened up new possibilities. It was a journey he was determined to embrace wholeheartedly.

Hachiman couldn't help but reflect on how he had acquired some of these sports-related modules. It was likely due to his school's physical education classes, which always emphasized the importance of being familiar with various sports.

As for the drawing module, it made sense. Many school projects required some level of artistic skill, and he had evidently been practicing.

And the singing module? Well, that was probably a result of his habit of humming Marshmello song from time to time. It seemed the system was quite perceptive in picking up on his activities and experiences.

With a sense of contentment and purpose, Hachiman settled down for a peaceful night's sleep, looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges that awaited him in the days to come.


Early the next morning, the Kendo club members embarked on a bus journey to the tournament venue, ready for the competition that awaited them.

As they disembarked from the bus, they found themselves surrounded by a swarm of eager reporters who had gathered to cover the event.

Being the defending champions in the women's division from the previous year, Saeko Busujima naturally drew the spotlight. Reporters wasted no time in bombarding her with questions.

"Competitor Saeko Busujima, what is your goal for this year's competition?"

"Competitor Saeko Busujima, do you have any thoughts on this year's competition?"

"Competitor Saeko Busujima..."

In the face of the relentless questioning, Saeko maintained her composure.

"My goal this year is, of course, to win the women's division."

As for her thoughts, a hint of a smile graced her lips.

"This year, our school aims not only to retain the women's division championship but also to secure the men's division championship!"

Upon hearing her declaration of victory, the reporters' cameras went into a frenzy, capturing images of Saeko and the Kendo club members standing resolute behind her.

Just as the reporters were about to continue their barrage of questions, Saeko took the initiative.

"All right, everyone, the competition is about to commence, and it's time for us to enter the arena."

Recognizing that they had already secured their headline news, the reporters reluctantly stepped aside, allowing the team to proceed.

The highly anticipated Kendo Inter-High School Championship was finally about to begin. Hachiman, Saeko, and the rest of the team made their way to the changing room to prepare for their matches.

As the team entered the competition venue, the audience erupted into cheers.

"Look, it's Saeko Busujima!"

"Where? Is that Saeko Busujima?"

"She truly deserves the title of Kendo's Flower. I believe she'll be this year's women's division champion."

Hachiman wasn't surprised by Saeko's popularity. The spectators in attendance were all Kendo enthusiasts, and Saeko was an exceptionally skilled Kendo practitioner. Having won the women's division championship the previous year, she naturally had a significant following.

Moreover, Saeko possessed a striking beauty. Her captivating face and flawless figure had earned her the title of Kendo's Flower. When combined with her skill, it was only natural that she had garnered such a devoted fan base.

"It's no wonder the captain is so popular," one of the female team members whispered excitedly.

"Indeed. If you're new, you might not know this, but our captain won the championship last year all by herself, defeating four opponents. It was truly remarkable," an experienced member who had participated in previous competitions chimed in with pride.

"Really? Single-handedly against four opponents? That's incredible!"

"Yes, she's our Kendo club's captain, after all."

Even the newly joined members couldn't help but be in awe of Saeko's achievements. It wasn't just their team; even members from other schools who were slated to compete against her wore expressions filled with caution when they saw her enter the venue.

On the other side of the venue, there was a girl observing them, and her surprise didn't stem from the girls' beauty but rather from the guy with the seemingly lifeless eyes – Hachiman. It seemed as if they had crossed paths before, sparking her curiosity.

Glancing at Hachiman beside her, Saeko offered a warm smile and said, "Don't worry, Hachiman. This time, as the captain, if you win the championship, you'll receive this kind of applause and honor too."

As the captains of the men's and women's teams, they naturally stood side by side.

Hearing Saeko's encouraging words, Hachiman smiled with newfound confidence. "Don't worry, I'll give it my all."

The sensation of being in the spotlight, with all eyes on him, was something every young person had likely fantasized about. In the past, Hachiman might not have welcomed such attention, but he had come to terms with it recently. Since he was now perceived as a genius in the eyes of others, why not embrace the glory and recognition that came with it? It was a change in perspective that he had adopted on this new path to happiness.


-Congrats Gilas

-If you want to read 10 chapters ahead.

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