
Life as Always

hayat134 · Urban
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3 Chs


Tapping and keep tapping. Awaiting for words to come out. And there it goes, finally I wrote something. Guess we need to start somewhere somehow just to warm up our engine. Done with my work today, so I'm just tossing around my bed, suddenly my mind comes to this land, 'Did someone read my trash?'

11 viewers. Wow, that's quite a lot, I totally didn't expect that. Like, why would anyone click on this in the first place? Boredom strike? Curiosity? Accidentally pressing on this? Casually clicking? Hell no one knows the answer except for them. Well I guess that kinda boost up my mood this evening, gracefully I thanked you guys *bowing my head down*

So let me see, did something happened lately? Something intriguing or humorous that I can share to those interested hmmmm. Figuratively speaking, I don't have anything interesting to share. Because my life revolves around a mundane activity; wake up-go to work-finished the job-driving back home-watch drama and variety shows-sleep. Yeah, just like that.

I'm someone who can talk non stop about what drama that pick my interest, which person has become my bias, what kind of charm they exudes, I'll go back and forth telling about them. The real question is, do people even care? Thinking back, I don't really mind if they don't care, because this is my space to write, right? Is it? Or not?