
Life as a system

This novel centers around the system (seme/top), who had been dealing with shitty hosts until he finally finds one to his liking. But he ends up liking him too much? ~~~~~~~~ This novel will have world hopping!!! My fav lol This is a gay, BL, yoai novel. There will be inappropriate content for those under 18. There is smut! My novel will focus on their romance and the worlds they travel to. Give it a try people! And let me know if any of you have any good ideas for worlds they should travel to.

System_2200 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 21: Operation

" I'm bored." I look up at ceiling going circles in the swivel chair I'm sitting in.

" Don't go making trouble." Alexander glances at me in worry before turning back to his computer. He's gotten the hang of the hacking skill he bought from the system store. He also has the memories of the original Alexander to guide him.

We're in the master bedroom, host's on the bed with his computer and gadgets scattered around him.

" But there's nothing for me to do in this phase of the mission. And you won't let go out." I complain as I stop turning and head over to my host. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head on the nook of his neck.

" I'm not letting you out my sight, especially because you're bored. It's guaranteed you'll cause trouble. I don't want to go to jail in this world." He pouts remembering the trouble I caused him in the last world.

I tilt my head to place a kiss on cheek. " I wouldn't let you get caught or sent to jail. You should know that." I'll get rid of all that threaten you.

" I know, but I don't want to want cause trouble for others near us."

" ...Does that mean I have to try to protect them too?" I raise an eyebrow.

" If you can, please do so."

" ...Fine. But you're my first priority."

" Thanks." He turns to kiss my cheek. " By the way, she's acting much better than what we saw at the theater." He complements Sophia, looking at her through the surveillance videos.

" She is the female protagonist for a reason. She has the skills, luck, and favor of the world."

Sophia was currently distracting Johnathan, while Riley broke in his office. Nick and Alexander were keeping an eye on things.

In this phase of the operation everyone except me had a job to do. My part comes later, when the muscle is needed.

Alexander unmutes the earphone he had on.

" Nick, there's a problem."

" What's wrong?" Nick asks. I could see Nick on another corner of the computer screen. He was sitting outside Johnathan's company, Aerospace, in disguise.

" Johnathan's returning to his office earlier than we thought, Riley is still in there. The program she plugged in the computer still needs at least one more minute."

" What? Then should I get out right now?!" Riley panickes.

" Sorry guys! He was in a heightened emotional state. If I delayed him any further he would've gotten suspicious." Sophia apologizes through the earphone connecting us.

" It's fine. I already knew he had his defenses up since he knows we're alive and itching for revenge." Nick comforts them.

Through the computer, Alexander and I can see Nick getting up and lowering his hat to hide his face further. He takes a baton out of his jacket pocket.

" Riley, hurry up. Sophia, meet up with her in there. Head out through exit two and run to the car." He says before smashing the windows of the cars parked in front of the building.

The car alarms start blaring. This attracts the attention of those inside the building, including Johnathan. Nick escapes when people and the security guards start coming out.

Once the program finishes Riley runs out the office. She meets up with Sophia in the lower floor. Together they exit the building without anyone paying attention to them. Nick circles around the building and meets them at the car.

" Whew." Alexander let's out a breath seeing them get away safely. He then wiped out all evidence of their presence on the surveillance cameras.


" I'm back!" Riley yells out as she flops down on the couch. Nick and Sophia enter too, locking the door behind them. We were still in the place I borrowed from the mercenary.

" Where's the flash drive?" Alexander walks up to her.

She fishes around for it, then raises her hand.

" Here."

" Good work." Alexander pats her head.

" Thanks, bro." She grins sitting up. I could imagine a tail behind her wagging around happily.

" Alexander, try to find where he hid the blue prints." Nick says grabbing a seat in living room.

We stole the blue prints from Johnathan's rival that made higher progress than him. He now needs to hide the blueprints, decode them, and reorganize them to seem as though he worked on them for years.

" Got it bossman." Alexander comes to sit next to me on the kitchen island. He plugs the flash drive in his computer that I recently got for him, and searches through all the data his program stole from Johnathan's computer.

" There's deleted messages between him and the ceo of another corporation. He left the blue prints and all the data we stole for him, with this guy. They plan to split the rewards after presenting the blueprints to their shareholders and other higher ups to get them to invest in them. They even wanted other countries to buy the data off them."

" Wow he's planning to rake in a ton of money." Riley exclaims.

" Hm-mm. He'll have a ton of eyes on him. Including the federal government, since he's invited the ambassadors of other countries." Nick grins, holding his chin. He spaces out for a minute, thinking.

" So, what's the plan, Nick?" Sophia places a hand on his shoulder bringing him out of his daze.

" Alexander, can you gather information on the company helping Johnathan."

" Yeah, give me a second." Alexander's fingers fly across the keyboard, hacking into that company.

" It's two hours away from here. The building has 27 floors, they own 12 floors, levels 15 through 27. Regular employees leave before 8 pm, including the ceo and executives. Only the security team is left at night, there's 23 of them. They go on rounds every half hour. "

" How many exits are there? And what's on the roof?" Nick inquires.

" There's four exits, on each side of the building. The roof has a door for entry but they keep it locked, a large air vent connected up top, and metal railing all around the perimeter. The elevator shaft is near the air vents."

" Where's the control room and server storage?"

" Theres two control rooms, one on the 2nd floor and one on the 16th floor. Server storage is in the 21st level. Guards are also stationed there." Alexander pulls up the buildings blueprints to answer.

Nick comes up to check the prints as well.

" How many guards are at the 1st floor?"

" Two at the receptionist desk." Alexander answers Sophia.

" Alright I've got a plan in my head. Now we just need to get the supplies. I've got about four hundred on me. Who has money?" Nick claps.

" What type of supplies do we need?" Riley warily questions Nick. This girl likes money too much to give even him a cent.

" For you to break in through the air vent and down the elevator shaft to reach the control room. And outfits to complete the scam."

" Ah, don't worry about my part. I've got my equipment covered." Riley says happy about not needing to spend money. She's the type to collect money and barely spend it.

" That works too. Then I'll cover the clothes." Nick nods. Then he turns to me. " Oliver, you'll head in with Alexander..."

Nick goes on to explain each of our roles in the operation.

An hour later, Nick glances at his watch. It was currently 8:00 pm. " That's all. Let's get ready and then get some sleep people, we have to be up and ready to go at 3:00 am."

We disperse after he says that. Each go to do their own thing. Riley goes to get her equipment ready. Nick and Sophia take the car to pick out the outfits we'll be using. Alexander goes to prepare another program and tech needed to break in and clear out the data in their servers.

And me?

Well, I don't have anything to prepare.

And if the guards draw their guns on me?

Then I can only use my fists.

That's the style of the original Oliver. Although extremely proficient in firearms, he preferred hand to hand combat.

The main reason, though, is that I'd rather not go on a killing spree in front of Alexander. He still upholds the typical values and morals of a human. I'm pretty sure he'd be mad if I killed civilians, or rather people in general.

...It's too early to show him that side of me.