
001 | Beginning's


Classification; nightfright.

Vicious, malicious creatures. Cannibalistic towards humans. Emotionally heartless unless towards their own.

Description; decayed gray skin, long talon nails, eyes as dark as night, long hair. The human side usually appears beautiful to mask his/her supernatural side.

Abnormalities; Can possess up to 1 of ANY of the 4 elements--earth, water, air, fire-- born with speed, agility, heightened sight, and healing.

Inhabitants; Not Available

Population; EXTINCT


I couldn't get the shower to work. I haven't used this bathroom since last winter and I couldn't use my normal one because there's a spider in it, hanging from the ceiling. I tried heating up the pipes by rubbing them and running the hot water but nothing budged, I got up at 7 and I'm sure I've been in here for at least a half-hour and I was losing my patience so I kicked the spout in defeat and grunted before I started hearing cranking, a clanking noise. I coiled into a ball for protection when I heard hissing then water, I looked at the spout and at the water rushing out and I smile at the sight.

I rush to take a shower and get ready for my first day of school at BHS. At first, I was shocked to learn that I transferred schools but it's starting to become second nature. I didn't transfer schools; well, I didn't put in the application to transfer schools. I also don't pay anything for the house I live in besides food. But like I said, second nature.

It's odd but I kinda have a benefactor. . . I have someone that pays for my necessities. And I have not the slightest idea of who it is. They pay for the utility bills, the water bills, whatever bills required for me not to rent the home I live in, and my school bills.

I never receive any bill notice. Everything's just taking care of. I wish I knew who it was considering I have no family members left and I'm awfully curious of their intentions but there's no trace to follow. I AM grateful though. Highly grateful. And hey, this new school has my boyfriend enrolled there so I won't be completely surrounded by strangers.

I agree to wear an Elmo-themed outfit; red and black with an Elmo tank top, slit black jeans, black ankle boots, and my already black book bag. I toss my raven hair into a ponytail and I'm off down the stairs, grabbing my shades. I walk into the kitchen and grab a light breakfast then leave and eat my food on the way, I was walking so I have the time. I don't own a car nor do I particularly want one so I just about walk everywhere. I slip on the shades when the sun starts to rise and admire the beautiful town called Brokewood that I was practically born in. My eyes can't come in contact with the sun rays but the shades didn't get in the way of the vivid green trees and purple and pink skies. This town was beautiful even though it holds the most tragic of my memories.

Thankfully I couldn't get into it because I turned the corner and the school building was in my sight. The parking lot was partially empty and when I walked through the doors, the halls were the same as I followed the arrows to the main office. I walked through the door and walked up to the front desk, taking my shades off.

"Good morning, can I help you?" The 50-year-old woman asks me with a polite smile.

"Hi, I'm a new student, I came to get my schedule and locker number and all that stuff." I greet back with a grin.

"Name please?"

I give her my name and tap my nails on the wood as I wait when she looks through the computer.

She smiles again, "Ms. Anderson, yes it does say you start here today at BHS. There are a few papers you have to fill out before you're fully settled in but welcome to Brokewood High." She roughly taps a few key buttons as she glances at me with a two-row smile and the printer beside her boots up.

She takes out the paper that the machine spits out and hands me that and a pen.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

I fill out the paperwork right there and by the time I was done and she gave me my locker number and schedule, the halls were filled when I stepped back in them. My locker was in the other wing and I throw out my trash on my way there. When I got there, I sat my book bag in it after retrieving a few things then I use the signs to direct me to my first class and I draw in a deep breath before stepping in, and immediately the new girl aroma started to suffocate me. I take my seat in the back and not long after did English class start.


When I survived the first 3 classes, the free period arrived and opened the big doors of the cafeteria. From looking for my classes, I saw there was a court in the back also for free period so I decided to eat out there.

I grab vitamin water then go outside, sitting under a shady tree. I pull out my phone and put on some tunes before I open up my leather book in my lap and shade in some previously drawn music notes before focusing on the words.

It was my poem book. I'm not necessarily a poet but I tend to jot down quotes that allure me. It's a very prized possession of mine, I let no one touch it and I recite out not a single note to just anyone. I can't let just anyone into this book. They have to be special for me to put myself through that anxiety.

This current poem is about one of my failed relationships. One where we were torn apart from each other and not decided to go our separate ways. His name was Alex and our relationship wasn't like any of our previous ones, he was so close to my heart; my everything. He was my soulmate. I lived and breathed to see and be near him every day and when he died, I was devastated. It was like the whole world shook like an earthquake and I had the worst headache. Thinking about it still brings tears to my eyes but I couldn't ponder much over it before someone blocked the sun from lighting up my paper.

Even with shades, my eyes squinted as I looked up and saw 3 somebodies, all in a triangle formation. One blonde, two brunettes. They stood there in silence before smiling, I frowned with confusion and observed their physique before hesitantly mimicking their smiles.

"You're Isabelle right?" The one in the middle-- the blond one --asked to which I replied with a slightly drawn-out yes.

And her smile widened. "Great. My name's Regina. This is Rachel and Robin. We're the cheer captain and co-captain of the cheerleading squad."

"And I'm the new girl which I presume is how you knew my name?" I tapped my writing utensil on my bottom lip.

"Yes. You're the topic of the day and have been for the past week. We stopped by to help you around the school." Regina goes on to say then takes my closet hand and pulls me off the ground. I don't remember wanting to get up but I do anyway to not be rude.

"We want to help you blend in more."

My eyes narrow. I've been to high school before, I know the do's and don'ts.

"What do you suggest?" I happily ask, tucking my book under my arm.

"Well for starters, don't drink the vitamin waters. They're not the real thing."

"And never use the stall in the girl's bathroom that's closet to the door." I look at Rachel.

"And get here early if you want the best places of parking, which are the front row."

"I don't have a car but thank you." I nod to Robin.

"Well if you follow those 3 tips and the regular rules for high school you should be fine," Regina finishes with a clown-like smile that I felt too scared not to copy "With one more rule."

Her smile looked two sided, the gesture is always supposed to bring good vibes but in her eyes she looked like she resented me.

"What's that?"

She tilted her head. "It's simple," She moves to the side to be able to point behind me. "Stay away from those 5."

I turned around to see who she was talking about and see her friends set their eyes on the same people when I follow her finger to a filled table of 5 guys. 4 were sitting down and 1 was standing, I saw only the back of 3 who had blonde, and 2 brown heads of hair but the sitting one across from them had raven hair like me that was slightly long enough to curl around his ears and brown eyes with long lashes. The one who was standing had brown hair too but it was more vibrant than the other 2 and longer than all the rest for it sat on his shoulders and his jaw was sharp as his green eyes looked at his colleagues as he talked.

"They're cute," I voice my thoughts then turn back to the girls "They're boyfriends I'm assuming?"


"I don't know if you're aware of this but I'm already in a relationship."

Regina's eyes went up to the left before they lit up. "Yes! To Jason. Right, he hasn't stopped talking about you."

Sounds like Jason. I don't know why I made it clear to them that I was taken simply because I wasn't so sure if I was staying with Jason.

"I respect the girl code so consider your boys, all yours."

"But that's not all, you have to stay away from them completely. Don't even befriend them."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Just don't. Even avoid being lab partners with all 5 of them, follow these rules and you should get along smoothly with everyone at this school."

There's only 3 of them, how are they sharing the 5 of the guys we're talking about? And I wouldn't take someone else's boyfriend so what's the harm in being friends? I try to keep my head down in order not to provoke Isabella but I'm also not a pushover; I'm not listening to her. Or the other 2.

"Okay. Thank you for the tips but I should get going to prepare for my next class." I grin and take off before they could respond.

I was walking from the grass to the concrete but couldn't make it halfway before someone screamed:


I turned around and couldn't see who it was before I was engulfed in a bear hug and lifted off the ground. I couldn't mistake this gesture though for anyone else but Jason.

He was dragging much attention to us from the people on the football field and no doubt behind me before he set me on my feet and smashed a surprise kiss on my shocked lips and held my face in his hands. He pulled away and hook both hands behind me.

"You're finally here, I haven't seen you all day." His striking smile popped by for a visit.

"I guess we have different classes. . ."

"I missed you." He pecked my forehead before facing the football field, moving an arm around my shoulders.

"This is my Isabelle! She's off limits!" He yells to the men at the field and my cheeks immediately reddened as I push out his grip and to make things worse, his friends started approaching us.

"Why would you yell that? What's wrong with you?" I yell in a tone only we heard and glare at him for placing certain claims on me that he knows I don't like.

It's his possession behavioral problems that have me wanting to call quits.

That glint flashed in his eyes as his smile turns into a wolfish grin. He didn't respond.

"This is the famous Isabelle." I spin around to a deep voice and walk far enough back to bump into Jason's chest. His friend looks me up and down, smiling when he met my peculiar stare.

"Jason told us lots about you, I'm Victor."

Victor was the captain of the football team and I only say that because of his jersey with the number printed on the front. Victor was also a blonde haired fellow with brown eyes and tanned complexion. His friends beside him were on the football team too.

"What made you transfer to ol' Brokewood High?"

"Um," I harshly clear my throat and tuck some hair that left my ponytail over the hours, behind my ear as "A ch-change in scenery."

They notice my stutter and laugh when I have to roll my eyes at my nervousness showing. But this captain intimidated me with his sharp stare and matching body structure. I raise my head when he spoke again:

"Well we have a lot of curricular activities here you'd be interested in." Victor says once his chuckling died down and a girl walks over and sticks to his arm.

It's was Regina.

She smiles, "He's off limits too." She speaks to specifically me and he switches looks between the 2 of us.

"You've met before?"

I wanted out of this talk badly for I felt like all eyes on me even though they may be already were since I was a new face.

"We met a couple minutes ago, over at that tree. She was helping me. . settle into school here and it was nice meeting you all, I'm sure Jason has nothing but good to say about you too but I should probably get going for my next class. . ." My rambling trailed off when Jason's arm slithered around me from behind and pulled me more into him.

Still upset at him, I turn and nudge on his chest again to free myself with a sigh but then when I look back at Victor I knew why he did it.

His eyes darted up from my body again and flashed me a sly smile.

This atmosphere was one Isabella reveled in and it was that that I gotta distance myself from it.

"I got to go." I rush away from the circle when Jason yelled:

"I'll drive you home after school!"

And I grumbled a "Sure" before swerving around tables and stepping foot back into the building. I jogged to my locker to sit my poem book inside before running down the hall--happy no teachers spotted me--to Music class, jerking the door open when the bell for the end of my period rang.

Once I stepped in the room I knew even more that I was a bit late cause nearly all the seats were occupied.

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Anderson. Lost track of time?" The teacher startles me with her voice being the only sound and i go to tuck my hair again.

"It was a bit crowded at free period." I reply to which she nods and walks around her desk.

"People like yo give themselves their own free period so it usually is, come." She motions me closer with her finger and puts her hand gently on my shoulder when I got down the stairs.

"You can call me Ms. Anita." She whispered to me "Class, this is Isabelle Anderson and she will be joining us for the rest of the semester! I expect nothing but proper behavior towards her!" Ms. Anita yells for the university sized room to hear her clearly.

She points out a empty chair that I was happy to occupy and get all eyes off me. Ms. Anita was the first teacher to stand me up in front of the class out of this entire day, the rest just pointed at the chair I was in. I hate the spotlight, the less I have the better. That's the reason why I don't make friends at school, I didn't have any at my--now--old school and I won't make any here.

My mind shifted to my boyfriend sooner than later after my Music class resumed its session. Hearing Jason make it the world's knowledge that I'm his girlfriend isn't really the core reason on why I want to break up with him; I don't mind those type of sentences because I feel the same. I like knowing that my boyfriend is mine and I'm sure it's vice versa so its not a problem, it's how far Jason's possession goes. It gets to the point where he fights people because he feels challenged and gets upset so easily. He restricts and literally forbids me to go around certain guys and sometimes physically stops me from getting to close, when he started to get like that we started to argue more often and it wasn't always about his possession. We took a break a couple times and they were all because I asked for it but I think I want to completely cut us into different people.

We've been together for almost two years but its not like I don't know how to be single. It might actually be relaxing, not having to be secretive in my own house. He won't like it but neither will I. . sort of.

When the class was over, it also happened to be my last class, so I went to my locker when the bell rang and rummaged all my stuff out of it, and slung it over my shoulder. I fished my shades out the side of my bookbag on my way out of the hall and to the front of the building. I looked down to open the eye accessory which is how I crashed into somebody and shook the both of us, him saving me from stumbling before it got worse.

Embarrassment snapped my head up to look at the person and my mouth opened to vomit every apology known in the dictionary before his face settled into my brain and stopped my thoughts short. He looked like a deer in headlights too as his hands stayed on my arms and his eyes swam across my face.

He was gorgeous. Like, really, really, really pretty. . there's wasn't a single blemish on his face and everything else was so defined and confident. Black hair, a little stubble on his jaw, warm brown eyes with fluttery eyelashes.

My eyes just darted back and forth to features I already seen, completely awestruck until he spoke.

"Your eyes.."

And that made me shake my thoughts and slip those Ray-Bans on.

He was close too so he saw my eyes clear as day. No way around covering it up; they're not the most. . humane thing about me.

"I am so sorry for bumping into you." I apologize and steer the conversation.

"Isabelle, right?" My victim wasn't the one who spoke, he was still staring. One of the other guys standing next to him did. A blonde. . The blonde from lunch.

"Yes. . ."

"I'm Nathan. That's Xander, Logan, and Luca. Lastly Haylor, at the end." He put names to the faces I've been sworn to not go near.

The one I nearly bulldozed is Zayn and the long hair and green eyes were Haylor. They all greeted me as Nathan introduced them--and I did as well obviously but eye contact with these 2 was more intense than the others. Way more.

". . . I'm sorry for running into you Xander. I wasn't looking for only a second and I bumped into you." I tear my stare down from Haylor and look to his friend.

"Are you okay?" He asked and just currently moves his hands from my person.

I nod and tuck some stray strands away. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"I'm guessing you don't know how beautiful your eyes are since you're hiding them."

My eyes avert to the ground as my lips smile and my cheeks heat up for the second time today.

"I know, thank you. I could say the same about your face..--"

I mentally facepalmed. "I did not just say that out loud." I knew I had for certain when a cocky smile was plastered on Xander's face when I looked back up.

"I gotta go." I raked a hand through my hair even though it was still in a ponytail and I roll my eyes at my embarrassment making me antsy.

"Thank you." Ugh, you heard the laughter in his voice!

"You're welcome. I'm going now." The sun started to feel like the spotlight and the heat was just now starting to affect me so I dispersed from the scene and found the passenger seat of Jason's Prius real fast.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Jason from me getting into his car too fast.

"Yeah, fine. Can you stop by the post office before we get to my house?" I turn and ask before fastening my seatbelt.

He pulled out of his parking spot and turned the car when I caught the 5 guys still in the same spot and I sunk in my seat when Xander looked this way. The post office was about 10 minutes from school and I wasn't necessarily here for a package so when he pulled up to the entrance, I was already out of my seatbelt and had my hand on the door handle.

"You can stay, I'll only be a minute," I say and get out before he protests.

I skip into the clean smelling building and take off my shades as I make my way to the bathroom. My steps are slower when I get there and I look under the stall doors for any other occupants. When I didn't see anyone, I leaned on the counter and let the air out of my cheeks. She wasn't here yet. My thoughts drifted back to minutes ago, to the male models that attend my school. They were perfectly tanned. And drenched in blank ink that somehow didn't taint their image, it perfected them even more if anything. Green eyes stood out of my mind like a sore thumb and every hazel speck swirling in them. A perfectly straight nose focuses next, then a parallel jawline. I must have looked hypnotized but I couldn't shake my thoughts as a heart-shaped line started to color a pink hue between the lines when suddenly a noise beside me shooed away the image like a cloud.

I blinked a few times and searched for the noise origin and saw a small figure covered in a black hoodie was sharing the space with me. I stiffened and clutched my glasses before she pulled a yellow manila envelope from under the baggy hoodie and handed it to me.

I opened it and scanned the viles to see if everything was accounted for and when I looked up to thank her, she was already gone...

Eh, typical procedure.

I take the 5 tubes of blood out of the protected envelope and examined them each before putting all back but 1 and unscrewing the cap. A put the tube to my lips and tilt my head back, sipping down half of the fluid before stopping. My eyes shut as I swallow and immediately feel everything heighten around me.

Werewolf blood. Part of a treaty I made with the furry creatures because I got fed up with their glowing eyes always seeming to follow me everywhere. But this month's delivery tastes different than the others? I roll the test tube in my hand as I squint at it and make a mental note to stop by later in the week to find out why that is. I head back out to Jason before he becomes curious and stuff the envelope gently into my backpack.

"Home now?" I look as he says that and couldn't catch exactly what he said till seconds left.

"Yeah, we can go," I reply.

"What's that on your lip?" He asks next suddenly and lifts his thumb up to wipe it away like the gentleman he tends to be sometimes.

"Just ketchup," The tip of my tongue beats him to it before he found out what it actually was.

"Come on, we have homework."


Nightfright is my original character. I made the name, features, and everything else that will be later discussed.