
Life as a lust demon

Kira777 · Urban
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6 Chs

Heavy words

Nathen woke up. He was alone on the bed and after looking everywhere in the room he concluded natasa wasn't in the room. He put on his clothes and went to the living area. he saw natasa sitting on a chair putting her head down. It looks like she was crying.

Natasa was thinking abd having regrets about last night. She felt guilt about having sex with her own son. And the fact that she is still attracted to him is giving her more guilt. She heard walking sound behind her as she looked behind she saw nathen was coming toward her.

Nathen looked at her mother's eyes and saw she was crying. He asked "why are you crying?"

She blushed and remained silent for a while and replied with tears in her eyes " i am sorry nathen. What we did in the morning was my mistake. I'm not a good mother"

Nathen understood everything. She was still under his charm. But charm only worked when he was with her and she was looking at her. He want her to be his woman. Without any regrets without any hesitation. As he was thinking that he suddenly remembered his new found skill heavy words.

He grab her hands activating lust touch and looked in her eyes. As they looked at each others eyes he spoke with a calm voice

" who said you are not a good mother? You are the best mother. You raised me after father died and never got remarried because of my sake. I know we are not rich but you never let me realize that. You worked hard for me. Sacrificed your happiness for mine. Now i want to see you happy. I don't want you to be sad or cry. I love you mom. And i know you love me too. So never say you are not a good mother. You are the best mom. And what we did was not a mistake. It made me happy and i know you fell the same way. I really love you mom and i want you to be mine and you also want that, right? "

She stopped crying and replied with a read cheek " but we shouldn't do that. It's inappropriate. And what will others think of us if they know? "

" i love you mom and that's true. We don't have to think about others. We should do what makes us happy. I want us to be happy not others" he told her that and kissed her forehead.

She agreed with him at the end and fully became his woman. They had three instance sessions at the living room after that they had lunch and went into there room for bath. While taking a bath he checked his status


Name : Sam king Age : 17

Level : 3

Specie : Lust demon

Exp : 0/300

HP : 1000

Str : 25 Def : 22

Agi : 33 stm : 70

Vit : 70 Int : 19

Dex : 27

Skill :

Super Charm (passive) : if you feel attracted to someone she will feel super attracted to you too.

Super stamina : you have stamina unlike others. You'll recover stamina in very short time.

Total birth control : no need for explanation

Love sick : if someone make love with you they have to remain your woman for the rest of her life as she won't be able to make love with anyone else.

Curse of love : if you make love to a woman you have to make her yours for the rest of your lives. Or the great curse will strike you.

Life giving : your sperm can cure diseases and also can extend life.

Supreme eyes : can apprise anything. Can be countered by very high level artifacts.

Lust touch(active) : it makes the target lustful. Can target specific part or the whold body. Targeting Specific part is more useful.

Perfect sync(passive) : wheil having an intercorse you and your partner will orgasm at the same time so that you can gain extreme pleasure.

Heavy words(passive) : if someone is positive towards you and they want to believe something that is unbelievable. Your words can make them believe.

*new* Inventory : can store anything ( not living beings).

"Wow kou i got a new skill. Inventory. That's great. It will be super helpful. And it's a very cool skill to have" nathen was exited

" yes. I'm certain it will help you greatly. Oh I'll remind you about one thing that after level 3 you'll not get new skill eyerytime you level up. And you'll get some skills that will grow stronger as you level up." - kou

" well that's a bummer. I think i should learn some combat. Kou is there any way i could learn combat skill ? "

" don't be sad nathen. Even though you wouldn't get any skill each level but you will get more stat value as you level up. And you'll get combat skill after level 10. When you'll become a full fledged demon. " kou explained

Hearing that made nathen happy. In the afternoon nathen was thinking about going out and explore because he was still new to this world.