
Life as a lust demon

Kira777 · Urban
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6 Chs

2. System and evolution

I woke up the next day with a voice in my head.

" good morning nethen" i heard a voice of a woman in my head.

"who are you?" i asked

" i am your system ai. Currently i don't have a name but if you want you can give me a name." she replied

I was shocked and asked her "what system? And how are you speaking in my head is it telepathy?"

" You have a system now and i am that system's ai. And no i am not using telepathy the system in integrated in you soul so we could talk as i am a part of you but as the same time i am not. "

I was confused by words but before i could ask anything she started to speak again

" you don't have to speak loud if you want to talk to me we can communicate in your mind. And if you want to know about system just think about status and you'll understand"

Hearing her words i immediately think "status" in my head and a status window like a video game appeared in front of me


Name : Sam king Age : 17

Level : 1

Specie : Lust demon

Exp : 0/100

HP : 700

Str : 19 Def : 16

Agi : 27 stm : 50

Vit : 50 Int : 13

Dex : 21

Skill :

Super Charm (passive) : if you feel attracted to someone she will feel super attracted to you too.

Super stamina : you have stamina unlike others. You'll recover stamina in very short time.

Total birth control : no need for explanation

Love sick : if someone make love with you they have to remain your woman for the rest of her life as she won't be able to make love with anyone else.

Curse of love : if you make love to a woman you have to make her yours for the rest of your lives. Or the great curse will strike you.

Life giving : your sperm can cure diseases and also can extend life.

Supreme eyes : can apprise anything. Can be countered by very high level artifacts.

Lust touch(active) : it makes the target lustful. Can target specific part or the whold body. Targeting Specific part is more useful.

Perfect sync(passive) : wheil having an intercorse you and your partner will orgasm at the same time so that you can gain extreme pleasure.

I was shocked when i saw my status. My skills and powers were sex related. But the most surprising thing is that i was not a human anymore but a demon. A lust demon to be specific. I remembered the voice of the AI when it gave me choice. But because i was sleepy it chooses the first option automatically for me. But i wasn't sad or anything. I just don't know if it is something good of bad. So i decided to ask the system.

"hey i am a demon right now! So what benefits do i get for being a demon and what should i be concern about?" this time i asked the question in my head.

" you are strong then a normal human. And you'll have lifespan far above a human because you are a demon now. And as. For the bad side there is nothing that you should really concern about." she replied

I was relieved hearing her words. Now I'm excited. I was a teen boy so i was excited having such skills and who doesn't want to live long? As i was happy thinking all this things a question appeared in my mind.

" hey system am an incubus? And the most important quis can i fly ?" he asked the question and hoping he gets the answer he wants.

" no you are not a incubus. Incubus is a low rank demon but you are a righ rank demon far greater then an incubus. and about the second question the answer is yes and no" the answer made nethen confused but the system continued " you can't fly right now but you'll be able to fly when you'll get to the level 10"

Nethen wasn't happy but he had hope that he can fly one day if everything goes well. And he asked the system " how do i level up?"

" you can level up by gaining exp. And exp can be normally gained by training and battle. And as a lust demon you can gain exp by having sexual activities and this will be faster was cause you are a lust demon"

Nethen wasn't shocked because he predicted this by looking at his skills. Rather he was exited. Well this is the best outcome for a teenage boy like him.


Nethen heard the sound of door opening and when he looked it was her mother.

"how are you feeling?" her mother asked

" I'm good. Don't worry about me mom." he replied. She had a worried face that indicates that he really loved her son. Well she was her only son so of course she loved him. Her husband died 15 years ago when nethen was only 2 years old. And she raised nethen alone. Well but nethen was long gone and it was sam who was in nethen's body. So the feeling he fell towards her was not platonic love but lust. He had strong respect for her as he knew she was a good mother. But looking her beauty he can't help but admire her.

She then told him to get fresh and come to the dining table to have breakfast.