
Life as a Glitch in a Dating Sim

Not only have I been waiting for this god d*mned game to load for the past 5 hours, I spent nearly a month digging into its code trying to make it not crash long enough to get it running. I can't believe I took on this job for my self proclaimed "Friend" who would have beat the crap out of me if I said no. *Ding* "Finally! F*ck!" I exclaim. "Now just to click-" I start to say as I move the mouse over the start button before it throws up another error. "Son of a b*tch! I'm going to throw you in a f*ck*ng microwave! No, you don't even deserve that you piece of cr*p! Out the d*mn window with your b*tch *ss broken code!" I shout moving to launch it out my window and just as I'm pitching the computer out the window I slip and follow it to the street below. As I fall time seems to almost stand still as the ground slowly grows in my vision. I notice lights approach from my right as I notice a passing truck... "Well... Shit... At least my porn dies with me..." Is the last thing I say as I, my laptop, and the truck collide. I feel surrounded in darkness... Until a nightmare inducing sound sends shivers down my spine letting me know I'm actually in hell. The intro music of the game that lead to my untimely demise... And it's start screen. ************** Disclaimer: Any similarities between current or historical events, people, religions, cultures, ethnicities, popular media, etc... Are all purely coincidental. I am creating a story, and will not censor myself. So if you are easily offended or "triggered" I would advise you find a story that suits your sensibilities and thank you for your time and wish you the best. There is a world of content out there and I hope you find what is best for you. I reiterate, this is an 18+ rated adult experience story and will include references and/or graphical descriptions of sex, drugs, violence, r*pe, the LGBTQIA+ community, discrimination, etc... If you see all of these warning signs and continue anyways... I salute your bravery.

Lemon_Square · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Fun in the Kitchen I

I get into the shower after stripping off my dirty and grimmy street clothes. And begin to relax as all the stress that's been accumulating is washed away...

It takes some effort to get used to the feeling of moving and washing my bat-like wings as the sensation is rather peculiar, like rubbing the space between your fingers but spread across a space the size of your back.

I also don't have very great control over them so I end up spilling some of the water out of the side of the tub-shower combo. And I discover that it's even harder to scrub my back than before... Go figure.

Though, as I move onto scrubbing my tail I feel like lightning shoots up my body as I uncontrollably shiver and spasm... 'What... The... Fuck... That was awesome!' I scream internally as I decide to study my tail in more detail later but right now I have to clean up all this spilt water.

After drying the floor and myself I look to the clothes willow leant me and I'm left with a strange thought... 'Do boys wear panties now?' I decide to wash and dry my own underwear, a set of boxer briefs and rinse my cap before drying them both with some form of magical hairdryer.

It took a little while longer than I'd hoped but I'm downstairs in less than 40 minutes where I'm wearing a pair of jeans, the cap, and a long sleeved t-shirt with a turtle neck covering my bruised throat, all of the clothes are slightly big on me. Making me feel like a kid playing dress up.

Once down the stairs I immediately find myself in the kitchen and discover a bunch of ingredients laid out on some counters while I see the lights beyond the kitchen in the dining area shut off as Willow comes back into the kitchen.

"Oh, you're finally out. I was starting to get worried. Do the clothes fit?" Willow asks double checking all of her ingredients with that same indifferent face.

"Yeah, though they're a bit bigger on me." I say holding up my long sleeves.

'My clothes look adorable on her! I can't wait to dress her up later!' Willow thinks to herself.

"Don't worry. We can go shopping tomorrow during lunch. Right now we need to prep our dough and let it set in the cooler. Have you ever made dough from scratch before?" Willow asks moving over to roll up my sleeves.

I feel her rub my arms gently before moving along to start pulling out the flour, spices, and some other ingredients and mixing bowls for us to begin.

'So smooth... And slender...' Willow thinks to herself before beginning to work.

"No, but I'm a quick study." I reassure her following her motions and actions, step by step.

Though halfway through I start to sweat and get out of breath as we start to kneed and pound the dough.

'God, I don't know if it's my abysmal strength or constitution but I can't believe cooking is straining me this terribly.' I think to myself trying to power through.

'I can't disappoint Willow! I believe in repaying kindness with kindness and evil with evil. And I won't let her down!' I think fiercely attacking the dough.

'Aw... Look at her try so hard!' Willow thinks to herself before moving behind Silver as she had long finished her batch of dough.