
Life as a Dragon (BL)

Liam had always lived a hard and boring life. Going through the same thing again and again. Forcing himself to keep living for the sake of a promise made years ago. He had thought he was going to live and die like this... When something unusual happened in his life, freeing him. ------------------- "Welcome, host. I know you must be scared but there's nothing to worry about. I won't harm you as long as you fulfill what's asked of you..." Liam looked with his eyes full of disbelief towards the weird glass ball, hovering in the air and ranting. "Wait are you one of those systems? The ones in books." The glass ball, yes he was going to call it that for the time being, looked at him (atleast that's what he felt, it didn't exactly have eyes) than patiently replied. "Yes, you may call me Demyx. " ---------------------- That was the start of his life new life. He had to face lots of hardships with his dark past haunting him. But he was happy... MC is the top. --------------------

The_Mad_Queen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 6 The Massacre and The Girl

sensitive content in this one.


Liam looked around as he finally realized, he was lost. He was standing inside a dark alley covered in junk and had no idea, how he got there and how to get out... 


Two Hours Ago

Liam freaked out when he realized that his Grandfather had disappeared along with Demyx. Thankfully the group of werewolves he was caught staring at, just looked at him. Until the white head in the middle said something making them glare at him one last time then leave.

With one thing out of the way he decided to look for Maddox. He tried walking back to where they were but due to him being zoned out when they entered the City, he didn't really know where they were. 

After walking around for half an hour, he remembered that he could talk to Demyx in his mind. He tried contacting him as he frowned and clutched his head with his knees bent, the passerbys looked at him weirdly, probably thinking he was retarded.

"Demyx! Demyx!" 

Liam shouted in his head, at least that's what he thought he was doing. This was harder then you would think it was. He shouted for a while until he finally heard familiar voice.

"Shut up, I can hear you. You're giving me a headache." Demyx annoyed voice echoed in his head and Liam nearly jumped with joy.

"I'll give you directions, follow them. Don't talk unless I ask you to. Got it?" 

"Okay!" Liam nodded, making people look at him more weirdly but he didn't care. He had bigger problems the first day here and he was already lost. Ethan might just call him back and Lucien would probably not stop him. He still had a lot to do in the city, his first mission was still pending for god's sake, he couldn't let this ruin his plans.


Back to the present.

Anyways that's how he ended up in this alley. He wasn't sure if Demyx was bad at giving directions or if he was just bad at following them. The worst thing is Demyx has stopped replying, maybe there was a distance limit to this mind talking thing.

He wasn't that worried at first because his Grandfather could always track him if something happened. But this place looked like it had jammers of some sort, his watch was out of signals. And he still didn't have a communicator, they didn't need those in the Clan and he forgot to ask for one when leaving.

Maybe this was a test from his Grandfather, to see how he would do in a situation like this. Liam tried to think positively as he walked around trying to get out of this maze. 

"Look what I found, a baby. We're going to make money." 

Liam turned around and nearly cursed his luck out loud. He felt like he was the male lead of a stupid novel, this was the second time in a day he had met a person like this. You know the characters in a novel that had pea-sized brains and didn't have the brains to see if the other person was someone who they could even beat.

He couldn't really tell what they looked like some this place was really dark, if it wasn't for his amazing sight he would be blind. From the smell he could tell they were werewolves. Wolf shifters were the most common trouble makers. If they were without a pack, their wolves would gain more control then the humans, and wolves were wild animals so it wasn't without reason that most people here disliked werewolves. The indifference and the lack of fear on Liam's face must've made the man mad, or maybe he was just looking for an excuse to beat people up.

"Seems like you need to be taught a lesson kid. Don't worry, I'll take care of you and find you a good master."

The man said some stuff, Liam just ignored most of it. Walking around in this stupid place has made him really frustrated. He was itching to just grab the man's head and slam it into a wall. Liam could feel the urges he had kept locked in his heart breaking out as the corners of his mouth turned up. He was nice and kind but there was a reason he had spent his previous life as an outcast.

Fog started filling up the alleyway making the already dark place, impossible to see in. Liam floated as he appeared behind the man in a flash. The man was startled and started to shift before he could, Liam slammed his fist on his mouth, he could feel his fist breaking the man's teeth as he slammed head first into a wall.

He suddenly decided to take back the fog, it was more fun to fight when you could see their expressions. He watched as some of the lackeys grew fur on their bodies and growled at him. He was right, just a bunch of rogues he was going to have a lot of fun.


Liam wiped the blood on his face with his hand. He might have gone a little overboard, he thought as he looked around at the bodies lying around. The alley was silent, they had fainted or were probably dead. In his defense, he had been holding back for years and these people were looking for death. They had probably killed more people then he could count. 

He still should be more careful next time, his clothes had gotten all dirty. Thankfully, they were quite sturdy and didn't tear. They were just covered in blood. He decided to wash them by hand later, Ethan would be mad if he ruined the gift he gave him. Liam walked forward as he kinda hoped some more people would appear seeking death.

"Enter the house, at the end of the alley. I'll explain the rest later." Demyx's voice resounded in his head, making him jump a little. He was about to ask Demyx where he had disappeared to before and all that but he stopped as he sighed. He decided to just listen to him and leave the questions for later, he wasn't really in the mood to talk. 

Liam walked towards the house, Demyx said and sniffed as he smelled a lot of familiar scents. This was probably where those rogues lived. He glanced around and walked in, slowly disappearing as fog appeared around him. It slowly covered the whole house. No one could seen him walking around, not that there was anyone outside. Those guys he had beat up and probably killed, seemed to be the guards.

Liam slipped in through the door, he could hear people talking loudly and screaming. Some in pain while some in joy, maybe this was like a bar. Liam shook his head as he smiled at himself, who was he kidding this was probably some sort of criminal hideout. Liam thought back to the man he met outside, maybe traffickers? Those people his Grandfather told him about, making people slaves and selling them.

Liam entered the hall and wrinkled his nose in disgust, there were people drinking all around. With empty beer bottles rolling around and some people were nearly having sex. The place was covered in grime and reeked of beer. Liam was just contemplating his decision of going further when he stumbled. Someone had smashed into him, he quickly turned around. The fog could make him hard to see but it couldn't just make his body disappear, he was far from that level of control.

It was a girl his age who had slammed in to him, he was just thinking about how to get rid of her when he heard a voice from behind himself.

"What are you standing there for? Want me to come to you huh!" It was a man who was sitting in the middle.

Shit! Liam cursed but before he could do anything the girl just looked at him and then ran towards the man who had shouted, ignoring Liam. Like she didn't notice him, which was impossible considering she had slammed in to him. 

She was wearing a shirt that was too big on her, full of dirt and weird stains. Her hair and face was so dirty, it was impossible to see what she looked like. The man just grabbed the beer from her hands and pushed her towards the others. Liam had a weird feeling, she was probably one of those kids that they kidnapped. Looking at how she was he could tell what had happened to her.

He felt bile rising in his throat, things from his past flashed in his head. He clenched his hands as the need to save her appeared inside him. He impulsively headed inside the hall, he knew it was stupid and he should think more calmly. He was just 6 years old right now, he should ask his grandfather for help. But...

He could feel that the people inside were noticing the fog, they were criminals after all. Most of them were extremely paranoid, the fact that they had just noticed this could only be blamed on the alcohol dulling their senses. Liam readied himself to fight, however before he could do anything, he heard a howl and the windows and the doors brokes as wolves if different sizes swarmed inside the hall.

The people inside also half-shifted, as all of them were rogues they couldn't shift fully. A massacre took place in front of his eyes as he was people and limbs flying everywhere. The sound of glass breaking and screams filled the place. This time all of the screams were of pain.

It was a blood bath, Liam just stood there and watched until he saw the girl he had seen before. She was caught in the middle and just sat under a table with her head in her arms. Something inside him urged him to save her and he ignored his brain telling him to stay away as he dodged people and ran towards her. He threw the table, picked her up and ran upstairs where there were less people. The girl started struggling in his arms but he ignored her feeble struggle and opened the door to a room. He quickly walked inside, looked around. He noticed a window, walked towards it and opened it before jumping down.

He could hear the girl screaming in his ears as he jumped. She kept screaming even as they stopped falling and floated in the air. He controlled himself to land away from the massacre.

He placed her on the ground and she finally stopped screaming. She looked up slowly and glared at him. Liam noticed that she had large amber eyes, like the color of fire.

"What do you think you're doing? Leave me alone you piece of shit." She rained down curses at him and even picked up the glass bottles around her, throwing them at Liam as he frowned and dodged.

"I just saved your life and this is how you repay me, maybe I should have just left you die in that hell hole." Liam said coldly and walked away. He wasn't really mad at the girl, he was mad at himself. He didn't know why he did that, if the wolves hadn't come in there was a 80 percent chance he would've died. 

Even after his Grandfather warned him that this was a different world and a careless act of kindness could cost him his life. He was so stupid, what the hell did he think he was doing back there. He screamed at himself, and kicked the rock at his feet angrily.

"I'm sorry..." 

He turned around as he heard the whisper, the girl was standing a little behind him. She was looking at the ground and with her fists clenched. She looked up at him, noticing he was looking at her she flinched a little before going on.

"Thank you, I'll repay you." She said quitely before running away. She soon disappeared around the corner. Liam looked at her leaving and scratched his head confused, forgetting his anger at himself. He stood there for a second before he shrugged and turned around to keep moving when he heard footsteps. The girl had ran back, she stopped in front of him and looked at him awakwardly.

"What's your name?" 

"Liam. Liam Xanthos?" Liam said a little confused, the girl turned to run again but Liam grabbed her arm. She flinched and looked at him startled.

"Would you like to go back with me? Leave after washing up and changing?" Liam asked her knowing that she didn't have a place to go. She looked at him in a daze before nodding slowly unsurely.

"Great! Now I just need to find my Grandfather and we can go home." Liam said as he grabbed her hand, ignoring her flinching and her widening eyes, making her look like a deer in headlights, as he walked forward. The girl pointed towards the alley she had ran to before.

"You're just going to go deeper in the alleys if you go there." She said quietly, Liam looked where she was pointing and then looked at where he was going.

"Well let's go there then." Liam said happily as he walked. He had finally acquired a gps. This was probably the reward promised after doing good deeds. After leaving this place the tracker on his clothes would start working, making it easier for his Grandfather to find him.

He walked around the alleys as she pointed out the directions. After walking here and there for a long time they finally got out of the slums, that was what the girl said the place was.

Liam looked around thinking of a way to go back, Demyx has been quiet for a long time. People walked around them and whispered to each other, probably because one of them was covered in blood and the other in dirt. Liam like always was too busy in his own head to notice them. Surprisingly the girl wasn't timid in face of these stares, she even made rude signs at a few people who were staring.

"Liam! There you are! Oh My God Why are you covered in blood? Are you hurt?" 

Liam was just thinking of choosing a random road to walk on when he heard his Grandfather's loud voice. He was then grabbed by his shoulders from behind.


Took me a whole day to write this chapter. I don't know why it was so hard, I'm just not that good at writing interactions since English is not my first language. It's actually my third language.

Anyways plz point out any mistakes.

The_Mad_Queencreators' thoughts