
Life as a Dragon (BL)

Liam had always lived a hard and boring life. Going through the same thing again and again. Forcing himself to keep living for the sake of a promise made years ago. He had thought he was going to live and die like this... When something unusual happened in his life, freeing him. ------------------- "Welcome, host. I know you must be scared but there's nothing to worry about. I won't harm you as long as you fulfill what's asked of you..." Liam looked with his eyes full of disbelief towards the weird glass ball, hovering in the air and ranting. "Wait are you one of those systems? The ones in books." The glass ball, yes he was going to call it that for the time being, looked at him (atleast that's what he felt, it didn't exactly have eyes) than patiently replied. "Yes, you may call me Demyx. " ---------------------- That was the start of his life new life. He had to face lots of hardships with his dark past haunting him. But he was happy... MC is the top. --------------------

The_Mad_Queen · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 14.1 His Mother

Liam slowly opened his eyes, they felt heavy like he was lifting weights with them or something. The bright white light after he opened his eyes made him close them again immediately. He couldn't hear anything and his eyes weren't opening. There was complete silence around him and darkness infront of his eyes. His heart beat quickened and he felt an uneasy feeling inside himself.

Panicking he opened his eyes finally and squinted as he looked around. He was on a bed like thing that was enclosed all around with white walls with glass on them. The side of the bed had a lot of buttons. There was no one around. The unfamiliar environment did nothing to stop what felt like a panic attack. 'Dragons have panic attacks too?' Liam thought a little amused. It was probably the human in him that was panicking or maybe dragons have them too. He'll have to research that.

A weird sound came from around him like when compressed air is removed and one side of the weird enclosure opened up. Something like white fog could be seen escaping from the cabin. Liam closed his eyes as the light outside nearly blinded him. Again. 'Was I kidnapped or something?' he thought blankly. The last thing he remembered was that excruciating pain that suddenly enveloped him when playing with Michail and Kanna. He opened his eyes for the third time and noticed that the lights were dimmed, his Grandfather was standing there talking to... Was that Lucien? What was he doing here?

'Am I hallucinating?' Liam felt something slam into his chest, it felt like a person. He looked down and saw Michail's black hair with his rabbit ears that were falling down on his hair. 'He probably half shifted without realizing', Liam mused. Usually Michail was really shy about showing his ears. He wanted to assure Michail that he was fine but he couldn't talk for some reason. His mouth felt parched. He grabbed at Michail when he felt the bed like thing moving up and putting him in a sitting position. Michail was now sitting beside him and nestled in his arms. He looked around for Juno and saw her standing outside the cabin like thing. She noticed him looking and walked inside before standing beside Michail and patting him to console the scared bunny.

"You really can't stay out of trouble, can you?" Lucien said as he stopped talking to his grandfather and stood in front of him.

Liam made helpless face, after all he didn't even know what was going on.

"Well, I guess it isn't your fault. This was inevitable." Noticing Liam's frustration he grinned, gave Liam a glass of water and dragged a chair to the bed before sitting down.

"This is going to be long so let's sit down first."


There were so many different races in this world that it was impossible that there wouldn't be children who had parents of different races. They were known as hybrids but unlike what Liam had read about them in his world, the situation here was different. 

Most hybrids were of one of their parent's race. Usually they were of the race that was more common. Like if one of their parents was a dragon and the other a werewolf, there was more than 90% chance that they would be a werewolf bcz dragons were more rare. It was extremely rare that a hybrid would have both of the races of their parents. So much so that, only three or four of such hybrids existed at one time. 

And it wasn't always a good thing, other than it being rare there was another reason why there were so few of them. Because most of the hybrids died when their other race awakened especially if they were of some highly agressive race. The two different racial blood will always be at odds with each other and try to eliminate the other, this would make the hybrid weak and eventually kill them. However if they awakened they will be extremely powerful and it was guaranteed that they would be one of the strongest of their time. Only people that had both of their parents' races were called hybrids.

When they brought Liam to the hospital, he was quickly put into a treatment cabin which was the enclosure he woke up in. The medics did some scans and tests, and were shocked when they found out that Liam had another bloodline that was awakening and in result his dragon bloodline was clashing with it which was the reason for the pain. They immediately informed Maddox and Lucien bcz he was Liam's official guardian. 

Maddox was extremely worried as a dragon he knew that his race was one of the most aggressive ones that loved fighting and didn't like other races invading their space. They had the tendency to fight just for the thrill of it. Infact it was extremely rare for them to even have a mate that was of some other race or just another type of dragon. Usually their mates were of races that were a little weaker and less hostile like humans, shifters etc. For Liam to have another bloodline it meant that he would probably not survive.

His anxiousness made his dragon feel that Liam was going to die. Which in turn made the overprotective dragon want to rampage. It got to the point that the medics had to sedate him and put him in the calming room, basically a room where they put people in such situations because some powerful races had the tendency to shift when worried. With both Liam and Maddox unavailable Michail's dead had to be the one talking to the medics. 

Maddox finally calmed down and shifted back into human form when Lucien appeared. By that time, Liam's situation had gotten better and surprisingly his different bloodlines were no longer clashing. 

The medic incharge of him was also pleasantly surprised and told Lucien and a now sane Maddox that his body might be able to successfully except both of the bloodlines. He then took some tests again to find out why was he accepting this so well which were still not back. Lucien was ecstatic as well as unhappy, after all Liam was going to have to go through a lot of pain during this process. And even if the chances of death were low, Liam might still end up dead.

Ethan was going to freak out.


Liam leaned back against the pillows and sighed. He was still in the treatment cabin and the others had left when he said he wanted to sleep. The treatment cabin by the way was basically a magic tool that could scan you to find out what's wrong and use magic to heal you. It was pretty advanced and really expensive to use but he felt good in here. The cabin helping his mind relax and not freak out over what was happening.

It seemed to be a good thing to be a hybrid but there were too many variables. And he was kinda confused about what to feel. His path to getting strong was already really shaky, having more things to consider just made it harder. But it's not like he was unhappy, aside from the pain there wasn't anything really bad about the situation. 

 To someone else having to go through this much pain, might make them depressed. But Liam wasn't really concerned about that, he smiled faintly with his eyes closed as he recalled his past life. Honestly the memories had gotten a little foggy, he was starting to forget many little things. But he remembered the obsession he had, the one that drove people around him crazy. You know when you're kids and you watch a superhero cartoon or movie. You dream of being one and all that, but as you grow older you move on and get busy with life. Realize that it will never be true.

Liam was the same except he never moved on and when he stopped trying everything lost meaning. He didn't exactly want to be a hero just fighting and living in danger. His parents thought it was just a phase like his brothers had so, when he asked to learn all sorts of martial arts they humored him. To be honest, maybe because of being a middle child he kinda always faded into the background. They probably didn't even realize how bad everything was until the accident.

Anyways basically he spent a large part of his life training to be strong. Believing that one day he'll be strong like the heroes he watched. Although he never moved on, he did realize as he grew older that it wasn't possible. And it was stupid to other people. So he tried to live like others but he couldn't. But no matter how much he trained, no matter how strong he got, he was never going to be able to be strong enough. Maybe he could become strong enough to fight several people with guns but what if there was a bomb. He would die instantly. Strength like he wanted was impossible to have.

Then came his rebellious phase as he fought illegally and at school, over the fact that what he wanted was impossible. Whenever he thought of living life like other people, he wanted to kill himself. He didn't want that boring life of having a job and kids, raising them, growing old and dying. Yeah there was a little more in between but that was basically the gist of it. Fighting gave him such excitement, the thrill, the feeling of danger. He wasn't exactly sure what and why it was but he loved it. There was something in him that loved the thought of it. That craved to be strong.

He was barely dragging himself when the accident happened and his mother cried and told him to stop.

So he stopped. 

Not exactly for her. Maybe because he realized it was pointless. That was the last thing he did for her, after that their relationship went downhill real bad real fast. Honestly his relationship with his parents had always been weird at best. He was just there in the family. Not really... Belonging? He wasn't sure. They were just too different and the fact that his parents were too busy with their lives and same with his brothers didn't help. You know like everyone's laughing and talking, you're there too but it feels like you're not. Like you're a ghost. 

According to his psychologist that his parents sent him to, everybody goes through that phase. But they just didn't get it. It's not like it was their fault though. He didn't get it himself. He just knew it was different. Or maybe that's how everybody feels?

Liam shook his head as he chuckled a little. It's been a while since he dazed off. He was pretty sure he had ADHD or something like that. His mind just jumped around so much.

The point he was getting at was that after living his previous life, he didn't give a fuck about the pain. Getting stronger was what he wanted, he could handle all sorts of stuff for that. He was finally where he wanted to be, where he had wanted to be all his life. This hybrid thing came at a good time, he was reminded again of what he was here for. Not that he had forgotten but it strengthened his resolve. 


He needed to get stronger. 

He was actually rather confused why he wanted this that bad but that was alright. He had a long life ahead to figure this shit out.

Liam's not sure but I definitely have ADHD. I just go off rails while writing and start writing about unrelated stuff. It takes me everything to focus.

During writing I went to confirm something I was writing about on Google and somehow ended up watching YouTube shorts for 1 hour. Then I started knitting a sweater. Hence it took me days to complete such a small chapter.

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