
Life As A Demon

Rose's in school when she changes for the first time. Her dad is a demon and her mom was human, which makes her half human half demon. She goes through her life improving on her demon skills and eventually becomes Satan.

Renee666 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Me? The Devil?

"Have you lost your mind?!" I yelled. Satan rolled his eyes, "Not yet." He then gave me a book to study and sent me back home.

When I got home I stormed into Dad and Mom's room. "I need to speak to you." I said with acid in my voice. He sighed and got up. "Lets go for a drive." We headed out to his car. He started the car. "Did you know?" I asked. He sighed, "Yes, I know he wants to make you the new ruler of Hell." he said. "Why the Hell didn't you say anything?!" I yelled. He gave me a look. "Please excuse my language." I said apologetically.

"I didn't say anything because you need to learn that you're not going to be prepared for everything. As much as we want to be prepared, lots of things take us by surprise. I assumed you already knew that." he said. We were silent for what seemed to be several minutes. 

"Dad, do you think I could do it? Do you think I could be Satan and take all the responsibility within that role?" I asked in a quiet voice. "I don't think you can, yet. You will need more training and you need to learn more. You will be able to handle it eventually." he said. I nodded, "Thankyou for being honest with me Dad." 

The rest of the car ride was quiet. We went to the store to get stuff for dinner. Afterwards, he took me to that place where we prey on humans. "You and I could both use some blood." he said before exiting the vehicle. I smiled and got out as well. 

We entered the place and he headed off to find prey. I wandered around until I saw someone who appeared weak, not that they needed to be. I approached her. "Hey, I'm Savannah." I said. She seemed confused but said, "Hi, I'm Rachel." I looked her in the eyes so I could compel her. Once I saw her facial expression relax into a dazed smile I said, "Come with me." Like any compelled moron she followed me without any arguments. 

She followed me outside to the back of the building by the trash cans. I laughed and grabbed her shoulders. I smirked and then she finally snapped out of the daze. "How did I get here? What are you doing?" she asked in a frantic voice. I laughed again, "Demons gotta eat too. Oh and my name's Rose, not Savannah." I said. 

She tried to scream for help but I silenced her with my magic. I sunk my teeth into her flesh and drained all the blood from her body. Once she was fully drained, I got rid of her body and sent her soul to hell. From there Satan will decide if she's going to heaven or staying in hell.

After that me and Dad found each other and headed home. We were about to step inside the house but he stopped me. "You still have a little blood on your mouth." he said. "Oops." I wiped it off with my sleeve. "Better?" I asked. He nodded and opened the door. 

We stepped inside and I started making dinner. We decided on goulash. I got a pot of water on the stove to boil. I diced up tomatoes, onions, and peppers. I browned some meat. I poured the noodles in the water and waited for them to cook, stirring occasionally. 

When the noodles were done I drained the water and added the tomato paste, tomato sauce, tomatoes, onions, peppers, the browned meat, and a lot of cheese. I mixed that all together. When it was done I told everyone dinner was ready. 

When we were done with dinner and chores I finished my homework and took a shower. Then I made it look like I was going to bed. When I was sure my sisters were asleep I went to Hell.

When I got there I greeted Lucifer(or Satan currently). "Dad says I need training and more education before I can be Satan." I said. He nodded, "He's right. You are going to train with him, I'll teach you about ruling Hell." 

"What kind of training will I be doing?" I asked. He smiled, "The kind you will enjoy, you have to learn to fight. Physically. Without your powers. You will need to know how to use blades and guns." I felt a huge smile creep across my face as he spoke. "YES!" I yelled in excitement. He laughed. "With me you will study what it takes to rule Hell. You will take tests. You will be my apprentice. You will need to also keep up with your school work. You will be my shadow when you are here." he said. 

"When do we start?" I asked. He thought for a moment and then said, "Next week." I nodded, "What about training?" I asked. "That's up to your Dad. You should ask him now." he gestured behind me. I turned around and sure enough Dad was standing right behind me. 

I rolled my eyes, "Well Dad, when do we start?" He crossed his arms, "When do you want to start?" I pondered that for a minute, "Next week?" I asked. He nodded, "Works for me, now lets go home. You are supposed to be in bed." I rolled my eyes and transported Dad and I back to Earth.