
Life and death note

When I was three years old, a great accident happened to me. My grandfather dissipated the disaster for me at a great price. Twenty three years later, one after another, I was dragged into the vortex of a conspiracy that lasted for countless years.

Joey_cheung · Horror
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6 Chs

Not a dream

The stationmaster went down the mountain to cooperate with the investigation. At this time, I was the only one who took the lead. I asked, "what's the matter?"

He Yimin is my deputy. He said, "look at the monitoring."

I saw that he and Wen Mu were lying on the chair, looking very ugly, looking extremely tired. I asked, "what's the matter with you two? It seems that you are tired and paralyzed."

He Yimin said: "I don't know what's going on. My body hurts very much. It's like running 5000 meters. I haven't recovered after sleeping all morning."

I thought to myself, you two went to school last night. The zombie dragged his legs around the ball valve. I don't know how long it took. I'm not tired.

However, I dare not say this. Lin Jiji is living well. Maybe last night was a dream, or just an illusion.

Liu Yaoyao brought out the monitoring, which was at the ball valve level. Align the area between the two ball valves, and you can also see the part at the gate of the water collecting well. She zoomed in the camera, and I saw the blood on the wall, as if it had fallen from the wall. The ground was dark, like a pool of blood.

I asked, "did you find it for a long time?"

Liu Yaoyao glanced at he Yimin and he Yimin said, "look what I'm doing. If I didn't make an inspection in the morning, I didn't make an inspection. Everyone was afraid and I didn't go down. It was discovered by the operators during the inspection in the afternoon."

I asked, "have you checked the video yet?"

Liu Yaoyao shook her head: "there is no video."

I was a little angry: "after the incident of Li Youdun yesterday, I asked you to record all the monitoring."

Liu Yaoyao felt aggrieved: "I did videotape it. I don't know which one was cancelled."

I turned to ask everyone, and everyone shook their heads and said they had not touched the computer.

In this case, I know I can't ask, that is, I'm just pretending. It's really a ghost. The chain fell off at the critical moment.

I asked again, "did you inform the stationmaster?"

He Yimin said: "I've already notified the station master to come tomorrow morning."

I thought for a while and said, "let's go down and have a look."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, there is no sound.

I knew that everyone was afraid, so I ordered some brave, tall and strong male colleagues: "everyone is a man, and there is no ghost. I'm afraid of asking."

Lin Jiji volunteered to go down with me.

At the gate of the water collecting well, the situation was really shocking. It is not appropriate to say that the blood on the wall was splashed from the top to the bottom. It seems that someone scratched the wall with blood and left palm and finger prints on the wall. There was too much blood, and it flowed down the wall, thus forming blood marks.

There is a big beach on the ground, but it seems that most of them flow into the sump along the drainage ditch.

Looking at the small hole above the door opening, I was really afraid that a broken hand would suddenly appear, and then a severed limb was hung. That would really kill a lot of people. Fortunately, this did not happen.

I asked, "other cameras don't have videos, do they?"

Lin Jiji said: "that's not true. There is no video recording on the camera on the ball valve floor."

I asked again, "did you get anything?"

Lin Jiji shook his head: "No. we checked the video from yesterday afternoon to this afternoon, which lasted nearly 24 hours. No one came down except he Yimin and Wen mu in the evening, and later you ran down."

I was stunned and pretended to look around carelessly. As expected, I saw some blood stains on the corner of the concrete platform under the ball valve, which was already dark and almost invisible.

Last night, the ghost hit the wall. I ran with my eyes closed. I bumped into several places along the way. One of them hit me the hardest. It was a sharp corner. It was estimated that the most bloody cut on my head hit me at this corner.

I asked everyone to go back to the central control room, and the inspection in the evening was suspended. Appease everyone's mood. Irrelevant personnel go back to the dormitory to have a rest. Send the personnel on duty to the office. I check the video frame by frame.

Through the video recording of the camera on the water turbine floor, I saw that I hurried down the ball valve floor, and then did not appear again. Four hours later, Wen Mu and he Yimin chatted about the inspection equipment while walking, and appeared in the monitoring room. After getting down the ball valve floor, they hurried to carry me up within five minutes.

I specially looked at the time. It was 3:30 in the morning.

I called Wen Mu and he Yimin and asked, "what was the situation last night?"

He Yimin said: "What else can we do? Lao Wen and I asked for leave to cook some noodles. You agreed, saying that you would stay alone and go back to bed when we came up. When we came back after eating the noodles, we didn't see your shadow. I called you. You hung up and sent back a message saying you were asleep. We saw you fainting on the ball valve floor at more than three o'clock. We carried you up and the resident doctor checked you and said you were not What's the big problem? After reporting to the station master, he was treated at the station. Second brother, I want to ask you what you are talking about. "

I said ambiguously: "I heard a sound in the factory, so I went down to have a look. I didn't think I fainted. Wait, did you just say I sent you a message?"

He Yimin said: "second brother, you are so forgetful."

He turned out the text message. At 11:40, he did receive the text message sent to him by my mobile phone.

I wonder I sent a text message really? I seldom have the habit of sending text messages. If I have something to do, I call directly and say it clearly. Besides, I'm too lazy to type. But this message did sent from my mobile phone,

I took out my mobile phone and found the text message in the Outbox.

I'm going back to bed. Please keep watch and call me if you need anything.

It's really the tone of my voice.

What's going on?

He Yimin looked at me with a frown on his face and rubbed his temples as if he was in pain. He said, "are you suffering from high blood pressure again? Second brother, I didn't tell you about you. You should really take good exercise. You are 23 or 24 years old and have high blood pressure at a young age. You can do it yourself."

I said: "nothing, just a little headache. I've been nervous for two days. If you're too tired, go back and have a rest."

Wen Mu said: "I'm really tired. Second brother, let's go back."

After they left, I thought to myself that I saw them go to the ball valve floor from the monitoring last night, and they also reported to me before the inspection. Why did they say that they asked for leave to go back to eat noodles? Did I sleepwalk last night? And what about that short message? I should not forget that I sent a text message. Other people don't know my mobile phone password. My mobile phone is always on me. It can't be sent by others with my mobile phone.

I'm getting confused.

There are many questions that make me confused, but Lin Jiji's life proves that everything I see is an illusion. But what about the palm print on the wall? All the surveillance cameras have not captured any human figures. They will not appear out of thin air. Are they ghost fingerprints?

Originally, I did not believe in ghosts and gods. After the scene last night, my faith was greatly affected. Although all kinds of evidence indicate that it may be a dream, it is too realistic.

At dinner, I asked the chef whether it was intentional or not. The chef confirmed that he Yimin and Wen Mu had indeed come down to cook noodles. They didn't lie.

Since what they said is true, it really shows that I have the problem.

In the evening, I was watching TV in the dormitory, and I called the central control room every hour to confirm. Song Liuri and Jiang Tian, who were on duty, were annoyed and said, "brother, don't be suspicious. You can sleep if you're OK."

Where can I sleep? Lying on the bed, I can't concentrate.

At about ten o'clock, I heard a creak outside, and the door opened and closed. I thought, who still goes out so late? It's dark outside. Where are you going?

I have something in my heart. I feel abnormal when I hear anything. I go to the balcony and look out. By the light of the street lamp, I saw two people, one tall and one short, walking towards the gate with stiff movements, dragging their legs and lifting their hands. It is he Yimin and Wen mu.

That action is exactly the same as last night.

I shouted, "what are you going to do?"

Like last night, they turned their heads to look at me, bared their teeth, turned their heads and continued to walk mechanically. Both of their heads face the same direction. As they move, they turn their heads, always in a certain direction.

When I looked in that direction, I thought of the picture of them facing the ceiling last night. I was suddenly shocked. They were staring in the same direction. And that direction is the direction of Xiaojiang village in the upper reaches of the river.

I suddenly felt chilly all over. I thought of their eyes just now. The color of their eyes was wrong.

Last night, it was green and looked like the eyes of some kind of animal. What I saw just now is blood red, like the blood red of the eyes of people who have been choking for a long time. And under the dim street lights, you can see it clearly.

I pinched my thigh with my hand. It hurt. It proved that I was sober. What I saw was not an illusion. All this proves that what I saw last night was definitely not a dream, but something that really happened.

I went to knock on Lin Jiji's door, ready to call him out and go with him to see what happened. However, no matter how I knocked on the door and shouted, Lin Jiji did not respond at all. He turned the door handle and the door was locked from the inside.

Something was wrong. I opened Liu Yaoyao's door again. It was also locked. She was a girl. It was normal. Logistics, car crew, security guards and cooks all knocked on the door, but the door was locked. They could not wake up after shouting.

How strange and strange this situation must be. If one sleeps to death, it is impossible that one cannot wake up with such a loud voice. I went to open the sail door with the last hope, and the door opened.

The room was dark. In the middle of the room, there was a dark shadow by the dim light of the atrium. When I turned on the light, I saw Zhang Fan kneeling in the middle of the room, wearing gray pajamas and bare feet. The head is low, the hands are raised above the head, and the palms are facing the sky, as if holding something.

I gave him a push, but he didn't budge and didn't respond.

My face was white, and I could not care about many more. I bumped and kicked several doors, and my heart was cold to the bottom.

Everyone in the living building except me was kneeling on the ground in the same posture as Zhang Fan, facing the same direction.

That direction is the same as wenmu and he Yimin's, Xiaojiang village