
The beginning of the end

"So how's the kids?" I asked my good friend. "Oh you know the usual but the wife's a little under the weather" said Jack my good friend "oh really what's wrong with Carol?" "She just keeps eating and last night I thought I saw her eating raw meat." I still remember that conversation as if it was yesterday see Jack's wife Carol worked at a pharmaceutical company with viruses researching how they work and little did we know that merely two days before our conversation she had an accident in the lab which created a patient Zero for the world we live in now only three weeks later. See now the dead walk and for a while we were handling it pretty well because we knew what was happening in the first week but then they changed from what the books and movies would have you believe the slow and stupid and obvious ones the ones where they are dead and decaying, was only half true. See they got smarter and within the next week the army was all but turned and then they were able to just blend in and turn us within the last few days. Now there are more of them than us and they show no signs of decay they look just like us and they have these communities. Thankfully they cant speak or they would have already eradicated us but they seem to understand each other well enough. I found a group of survivors and I'm currently staying with them and this is where we really begin.