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12 Chs

Chapter 10

Things were better now . I became better at everything that I was good at before . I was doing better in school . Was getting in more trouble . And I was learning to trust people more.

So I trusted the girl that I said worshipped Fidelia . We became "friends" or so I thought. She liked the proprietress's son and at some point I thought he liked her too , actually I think he did for a time or two before he stopped but she was delulu over him . I tried to be the perfect friend, fed her delusion sometimes and gave her reality checkups other times . The whole school knew she liked him and everyone would talk about how she was literally obsessed when he didn't like her back . I'd always been the kind of girl to say what I thought to peoples faces , so I would always tell her the truth whether she wanted to hear it or not instead of gossiping with people.

But when I think about it , I think she started to despise me because I was too blunt with her . There were times she would do the most diabolical things to her friends and they would be mad at her and she would begin to cry and play pity party . She did that too many times , she would cry so much and sometimes not eat. But she was my friend until I realized she wasn't .

I was made the assistant head girl in SS1 and she was the health prefect. I did my job and sometimes hers. There were times student would come complain to me that they were sick cause she wasn't attending to them . But no one saw my effort only hers cause she only did them when the school authorities were watching . For the Eye Service.

Everyone started to say that she was gunning for my position and I realized that too .

She wanted what was mine . Her friend's . She wanted validation from her family , from the school , most especially the proprietress who was the mother of her crush . She wanted them to be the perfect duo cause he was head boy too . After some time I knew that there was nothing I could do to make them see my effort , it was always going to be her . They were going to give her what was mine , what I had worked hard to keep , just like that .

People would come to me to tell me that she was jealous of how close I was with him . It was clear but I didn't understand why ?. He didn't want me and I didn't want him. It was CLEAR.

Eventually she got what she wanted . She became Head girl along side him . And that same day she had the audacity to come and ask me why I was angry at her cause it wasn't her fault she was made Head girl . The students made it easier for me cause they would still call me head girl infront of her . Sometimes she would answer and then they would say not you . Some would tell her she stole it from me but she never saw it as that . She was never apologetic for that .

Me and the proprietress's son started to write songs together. You might wonder why I'm not putting his name , I just don't want to use his real name and I haven't thought of a fake one for him .

His mother decided to sponsor our little hobby . We actually wrote and album and produced it and his mom paid for all the expenses . She was really generous for doing that . I thought she liked me , she was so nice and caring . Until the fun was over and I realized it was only temporary.

She started being mean , she would call me out of a crowd of people that were doing the exact same thing I was and punish just me . She made me ruin my sandals and walk to the hostel which was a little distance away from school ,bare foot and just cautioned others . When my mom hadn't paid my school fees completely she would talk shit about her in front of me , teachers and other students even though there were students that hadn't paid too . Time like this would make me hate the fact that my father was dead more . My mother had to do everything on her own and it wasn't easy at all , I had cried so much that day . There was a time she seized my snacks and provisions cause I hadn't finished paying my school fees . Her exact words were " you don't deserve to eat if you can't pay your school fees ". She said that in front of almost all the teachers and made me miss the bus that took us , boarding students to the hostel .

I had to trek there alone , thinking about my life . I didn't cry till got to my hostel and laid on my bed and my brain kept reminding me of what had happened more ten minutes ago . It kept going on and on in my head again and again till I couldn't hold the tears anymore and I just cried and cried .

No one understood me when I said I was being maltreated. My so called "friend" , I'll call her Nora would always say " oh she doesn't hate you , I think she actually loves you and this is her way of disciplining you". Like what ?. How?. Anytime I said anything against her , Nora would go tell her son , who was my friend. There were times I would refrain from saying certain things cause she was still his mom and he was still my friend. He would never understand if I said his mother was maltreating me and I never blamed him . Nora how ever was a snake , not only would she tell him , she would go tell the proprietress since she was her little side kick/ news reporter.

Nora was far from what I would call a friend and at some point I think she tried to ruin my friendship with the proprietress's son for whatever reason . She wasn't a friend, she was a liar, emotional manipulator and gossip and all I did was care for her .

What do you guys think?? Ever had friends that betrayed and turned out to be worse than enemies?.

YUSRAH_ISABORSON_creators' thoughts