
LIFE: A Mystery

LIFE is: Lecture, Instructions, Faculty, Education. So, it is like a school that only ends when you end. You don't decide who teaches you, you are given exams of various forms and you don't decide what questions you get. Your ability to pass these exams determines your progress and success. So, live this life like you've got no school but it, learn from your mistakes and most especially others', lend what you have to benefit lives, love others like you would want them love you, and leave the rest for those who need it.

Gilbert_Umukoro · Realistic
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4 Chs


Someone said, "A flowing water remains pure because it always gives out," and the Scripture says, "For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow;..." Deuteronomy 15:6 (KJV). This means the best way to avoid borrowing is by giving.

This is what it means to lend:

1. L- Lift. Look around and you would find people cringing in fear - they need someone to lend them some courage. Some are creeping in anxiety - they need you to give them a hope to keep living life. Majority are crawling in poverty - they need food, shelter and clothing to keep them alive and strong. Others are just there, crying - they are even tired with the life of theirs, they need some comfort and charity.

People need lifting, and the world would be a better place when we start to realize this.

2. E- Encourage and Educate.

Encourage the weak and the weary. Educate the ignorant and the idiot. Touch lives in the best way you can.

3. N- Nullify. Sometimes the best way to give something good is by rendering the negative invalid. For instance, when you nullify the license people have to do evil, you are indirectly giving them the platform to choose the right.

4. D - Develope.

The young ones are the leaders of tomorrow. They would take over when the older are gone. That's the reason why they need development, so that when they take over, their generation wouldn't suffer.