
The Book

A book is a thing through which, everything can be done. Again a lot goes into the air. Let's not run out tomorrow, there will really be an end to everything one day. The sky, the air, the earth, everything will one day feel great emptiness. Just like I think now. Something seems to be happening, this is not noise.I understood that everything is there, but not exactly. It is like an island of thirst, it made me weak. Not going to go to the top page at all. I'm crying azure, that's what I'm talking about, no one is listening on any shore. My words are not reaching this unfamiliar vagabond. This book is my life and this book is my life. Numerous stars twinkle, saying as if in a gesture.If that happened then I wouldn't do anything. I did not run for no reason, I followed him unnecessarily. So today I am surprised, looking around, I feel very good, he explained. Running to make the mind generous, to make the mind of that color. I'm giving it to my mind. Still, the fear is not going away,Nothing. How cruel the colorful people around, how tired the race, no one is giving me, a little crowded. Now it seems that I can or can't do it in that tune, as if I am going far away, to some unknown, city. After overcoming the illusion of that city, I am going to run out again. I understand this book, without seeing anything, without hearing anything, just listening to my own words, I run far away, for some time, in the land of one Nafara.This will be the end of understanding, I think so. Suddenly I saw that it did not start. Oma is the same surprise, I don't even understand. That's why I say, what are these, alas for the book. It's as if the mind has said exactly that. You grow up Bigger than me. Someone like me, make someone else. Today I am sitting with my mind full of this crime.Maybe I went after thirst, maybe because of his love, I became desperate. I understand this book, if I had a little, it would have made me permanent in it. I thought so then. Book you don't leave me I did not come to you with that expectation. I have come to express all the thoughts of your mind.But I did not know before that you would lead me like this. Books. I feel like I'm one of you today. This is not a lie. I think so. It's like a whole book. Like another world. Books are like a part of the middle of life. No one has the ability to read a book.Everybody remembers the 3rd line of the book, everybody remembers the 13th line of that book, everybody remembers that line of pain, everybody remembers the last word of that book. With keen interest, if you want to know something, you will know, but you will get no results. Makes the mind generous, listens to what the wind is saying, haha ​​car around, listens to the sound. Then if you want to know something in your mind, you will get the result. Yes, I am your book.