
Life's Path

You ever think about what is going on with your life?

As in what you could do to make this existence known as life enjoyable.

I for one am not too sure myself, I am still finding the "path" to happiness.

But I know I enjoy books, reading them is my hobby, my passion, and my escape.

Why? Why would I read books and try to escape from reality?

What's so horrible about life that I must find a way out?

Well, there is nothing really horrible about my life.

"Live and let live". That quote pops in my head sometimes, I don't really know the meaning behind it but I know I like it, and that's all that matters.

I like to interpret that quote as respecting others choices as they respect yours.

It's your life, do what you want with it.

But the thing is, sometimes you don't have the option of choice.

You didn't choose to be born in the family you were born into, you didn't have a choice when your family moved cities when you were a child.

The illusion of choice, I feel like it's all over our society as humans.

You have choice to go to college, you have the choice to drop out, but do you really?

Some people do yes, have the choice. But a lot of people don't, sometimes you have the hope of your family on your back, the pressure, the anxiety of making the wrong choice.

Sometimes it's your financial situation, forcing you to stop. Or to keep going since otherwise those student loans wouldn't be worth it.

But is that really something out of control? That I can not say, it depends on everyone's situation individually. But what I can say is that those times may seem hopeless, you might be lost as if you're on a boat with no oars or sails in the middle of the sea.

You drift around with no real goal in sight, you catch fish, drink rainwater and keep living.

But you know in the deepest part of your brain, that if you go a little further, far away over the horizon. further than you can see, is an island, you could call that island your destination in life.

You cannot accurately explain what that island is for the most part, but you know you want to go there. No, you NEED to get there.

But the problem that keeps plaguing you is how do you get there? You're stuck on a boat in the middle of the sea for fucks sake.

So you keep drifting, you meet other people stranded on boats as well on your journey, some catching up to you and going closer to the island, and those you catch and overtake.

Some, you interact with, others you just pass by or get passed by with no interaction.

Few keep drifting at the same pace as you but it doesn't last forever, no matter how you feel about it all those who you meet either slow down at some point or speed up and overtake you, or sink entirely.

In some of those peoples eyes, you're the one overtaking them or slowing down, but you continue your journey nonetheless.

You might help a person or two by tying a rope to their boat and dragging them, but dragging them with you is slowing you down, so you have to decide between slowing down or cutting the ropes.

It is a hard decision but one you must ultimately make

In another scenario you get help by being dragged, but your dignity and pride can only take being bound to another persons decisions for so long so you must decide between stomping your pride and accepting the fact that you're not in control, or you must sewer that rope and continue on your own path.

Of those people that overtake you though, you may feel envious, jealousy or self deprecation over letting someone who was behind you overtake you.

As towards those people you pass, for every person, you may feel a small sense of accomplishment, something to compare to and knowing that you are going further towards your goals and doing better than others.

But these are all distractions. You get careless knowing you're doing good already compared to others, you get relaxed and lose focus on your goal, or you get consumed in jealousy and self hatred over those passing you.

I feel like the seven sins represent this life really well.

Pride in overtaking others and doing better than them, thinking yourself above them since you have a better boat, more fish and are going faster.

Lust and greed go hand in hand, you are greedy for having more and getting further than others, no matter what, you will feel like you need more and more until you have everything you could think of.

But you can never have everything so you keep Lusting for more, for power, for status, for recognition. You lust for power over another mans journey to make yourself feel better, like accepting being only a manager at a fast food place, clinging to that small authority you have that could still ruin a persons life.

Envy over being overtaken and having someone do better than you, wrath over your own inability to make your dream a reality.

Sloth since you start relaxing because you feel like you're doing better than others on your way even though you've not made it to your end goal, you get slothful.

Gluttony I feel is the most complicated one, since gluttony is inherently not bad, gluttony helps you want more than you have.

But losing yourself in gluttony means you will trample others to get further, you will sabotage their boats, steal their fish, and sink them if you deem it necessary.

The sea is vast, it is unforgivable. And so is life, yes it is unfair, yes it is hard, some people will take your hand and some will let go. But if you give up you'll never get anywhere and just wait until you sink, making minimal to no progress.

But the sea is also beautiful, what lies below is spectacular. But a lot of people lose themselves in their journey to reach then end and never look down to appreciate the fishes, the life below, and all the beautiful things down there.

Life can be horrible, yes I know. But it is also beautiful, you just have to take the time to look around.

We as humans are always trying to go somewhere, but there is not a single island, everyone has their own path, their own journey, their own island, and their own destination.

So life may treat you bad now or in the future, but you just have to persevere.

Every individuals island is different, you may have an island filled with money, or an island filled with people you consider family.

But no matter what you must never stop moving forward, even when you look at the beautiful trees, the birds singing on the branch, or your significant other, you must never stop moving forward.

I made this as kind of my own thoguhts, it popped in my head and i just kept writing. It felt almost therapeutic writing this. i hope whoever reads this (if anyone ever does) liked my short view on the concept we call life.

IcySquidcreators' thoughts