
The life

turn around in A hurry and grab the old self that I do not remember and with my fist, I slam her head into the ground but out of nowhere he comes from the ground in anger he grabs me by my neck saying "how could you take my bride away from me you have killed her permanently" I gave off one last smile. I saw my old memories coming back to my soul I tried to reject the memories but I could not any longer. I let go of his hands as he strangled me slowly I saw the black light but then suddenly I felt his grip loosen and I closed my eyes as I thought it would be my last breath being in the air of life. and he tightens his grip and let's go saying "if you did not look like my bride I would kill you,". he took me to his graveyard and i did not remember any more than that. I managed to run away along the lines and got plastic surgery and stay hidden from his endless sorrow so I will have to deal with him no longer.

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