

To Start off with, I'm not who you think I am a girl yes, happy yes, makeup yes,

real name no, I'm Hanna Ju or so you might call me by I'm not that casual I'm more or less a shadow dwelling in the dark. Waiting to reap your soul but that is what most people thought when I was in grade school no one could stare at me without an evil look that had a drop of pity for the family that I had lost but is all in my head I still have my mom and dad sisters and brothers. but I dislike the fact that my grandpa died on my birthday. it is not my fault I stare a people the way I feel why can't I stop seeing her in my eyes. the girl with decomposed skin staring at my every move till I stand to when I lie down to nap I feel her looking at me sometimes she...looks me sleeping and crest my cheek it wakes me but I pretend that I'm... sleeping I pretend is that she is not staring in to my soul with her jeweled red eyes and her deadly feeling of being next to her rubs of to the people around me so they avoid me I am a monster arent i.

I want a friend that does not look down on me that does not get mad when I say something out loud I want someone who can accept that there is a monster on my shoulder with blazing red eyes.

I want to find the help that I need but if I do the deal with him I made will be broke and it will make him mad it always does

this is a fiction.

please leave your rating so I know if I should continue this phenomenon

p.s I need your advice it helps me a lot.

Nisagamicreators' thoughts