
Life's changes

Mellissa is a wolf teen trying to get through life. Her past was hard on her and she is still dealing from the trama of that. She dropped out of highschool at 16 and for a while was fending for herself. Now because of the council she is forced to be in a pack and has to get used to it till they say other wise. Derrick is a male alpha whos trying to protect His mate and his pack. He has to jugle both in order to do that. Not to mention lie about his life. His twin brothers are both working with there dad to destroy the council and take over. They both have to fight against there pasts and eachother in order to keep the bond together. If they don't they will lose eachother forever. Both wonder what they can do when the world is against them in everyway possible.

Kristina_Lucero · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 9 ~ Worrying

It took days for Derrick to wake up. The whole time Anthony stayed with me and I refused to look at him. It was both of our faults that he was like this. He hurt him and I didn't stop Anthony in time.

"I am so sorry Emmy. I didn't know this would happen. I should have stopped." I frowned. That was the 20th time he's apologized to me.

"It's not me you need to apologize to Anthony." That was what I always answered him with. It was all I could come up with right now.

"I know I need to say sorry to him too but I'm mostly worried about you forgiving me. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you." I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"I know you didn't mean to. I know that you couldn't control it. None of us can. I should have stopped you sooner." He sighed and shook his head at me.

I grabbed Derrick's hand and slightly whimpered. His hand was the only thing giving me comfort right now. It was warm and I could still feel his pulse through the touch.

"This isn't your fault Emmy. This is on me. I should have had more control. I should have been stronger than this." He put his head in his hands and I sighed again.

"None of us are strong enough to stop it once it starts Anthony. We are all cursed to deal with this. If we're blaming people we should blame them." He Groaned but nodded.

"I agree with that all the way Emmy." I forced a small smile. Just then I felt a squeeze on my hand and my head snapped over to Derrick.

"Derrick? Baby? Are you awake?" He nodded then winced which in turn made me wince.

"Don't move love. You are hurt pretty badly. Just stay still. I'll go get your dad ok." He opened his eyes.

"No. Stay here with me. please?" I looked at him and nodded quietly then went and sat down by him.

"I'll go get him. He said he'd be across the hall in the lab room right?" I nodded to him and he got up and walked out. Derrick sighed and leaned back again.

"How long have I been out?" I frowned.

"A few days now. You had a massive concussion and your dad wanted to let it heal a bit before he let you wake up." He sighed and rubbed his head then winced which made me flinch.

"Babe you need to be careful. You had a massive concussion. You shouldn't move much let alone touch your head." He smiled at me.

"I'm ok babe I promise." I frowned at him and shook my head.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better and I know it. Thank you babe." He smiled and I hugged him carefully.

"You're welcome love." he murmured as he wrapped his arms around me and sighed. Just then his dad and Anthony walked in.

"Hi, son. How are you feeling?" Derrick sighed but thankfully told him the truth.

"My head hurts but other than that I feel fine dad." His dad smiled and nodded and explained what happened.

"Yeah I guess I underestimated you Anthony. I won't do that again." Anthony rolled his eyes.

"You won't have to because I am never fighting you again. Not after this. I am not putting emmy through this again." I sighed and nodded in agreement. Derrick rolled his eyes and squeezed my hands.

"I will be fine. It will go away in a couple of hours." His dad immediately shook his head.

"I wish you were right bud but unfortunately it isn't gonna be like that this time. You had a massive concussion which took days for you to recover from. So I'm sorry but you'll have to stay here for a few more days." Derrick looked at his dad in disbelief.

"Please tell me you're joking dad. I have paperwork and meetings and other stuff I have to do. I can't just stay here for a few day's and do nothing." His dad sighed and shook his head.

"We can bring paperwork down to you and your mom and I will handle the meetings. You have to stay here whether you like it or not. That way I can monitor you and make sure you're doing alright. Besides, You'll have Mellissa to keep you company. She won't leave no matter what anyone else says." I shrugged and looked at Iven.

"He's my mate. Of course i'm not gonna leave him. Even if we weren't on better terms I would still stay here with him." Derrick smiled at me and relaxed a bit after I said that.

"Thank you Emmy but the point is you shouldn't have to. I'll be fine. I can move around and talk. I can guarantee I'll be able to walk so why can't I leave?" His dad sighed and shook his head and I frowned.

"Derrick please. Just stay a few more days. It won't hurt to lay in bed for a little while longer. Just to make sure you're alright." I was whining as I said that and Derrick winced at me but his dad continued.

"Mellissa is right. Plus we don't want to risk you getting light headed and falling into something. It would just put you right back in here and then you'll be here for longer. I know you don't want that." Derrick groaned and put his hands over his face.

"Fine. I'll lay down but at least let me be in my own room. I don't need to be taking up another bed that could be used for someone else." His dad and I looked at each other and sighed.

"Alright but you have to promise that you won't get up. Or give Mellissa any problems when she tells you to lay back down." Derrick rolled his eyes at his dad and nodded in agreement.

After that Iven and Anthony got him up safely and we forced him to let them help him up the stairs at least. I brought the machine that monitored his vitals. Once we got upstairs though he refused to let them help him anymore and I let Anthony take the machine and walked beside him holding his hand and ready to brace him up if I needed to.

"I'm fine Emmy. I promise. I don't feel faint even the smallest bit." I rolled my eyes.

"Not yet maybe but there's no saying you won't in a few more steps." He smiled at me.

"You know, I'm glad you get so protective of me. Even when we weren't on good terms you were like this. I love it but I also wish you wouldn't worry so much." He brushed my hair back out of my face as he talked.

"I'll say it again for the people who weren't listening. You're my mate. Of course I'm gonna get worried and protective of you when you're hurt. No matter what terms we're on. I care about you more than I have anyone else in my life." He smiled at me and chuckled.

"We're almost to the room. Then he can lay back down. So you won't have to worry so much, Emmy." I looked back at Iven and nodded gratefully. At least we were almost there.

"Hey, like I've said multiple times, I'm ok. I don't need to lay down. I can walk and talk and stand and all that good stuff." I rolled my eyes and so did Iven and Anthony.

Just then we reached the bedroom door and I opened it as I reminded Derrick that he had made a deal with us. He just rolled his eye's and walked in. As soon as he laid down and took off his shoes and shirt he made me lay beside him and fell to sleep again.

"The walk up here must have tired him out. I'll put this on him then head to the study. If you need me, come get me. Other than that, let me know when he wakes up." I smiled at him and nodded. After that Iven walked out along with Anthony.

I sighed and looked at Derrick as he slept. just hoping he'd be alright soon. That way I wouldn't have to worry so much.

As I lay there thinking I slowly fell asleep next to him. Feeling nothing but warmth, comfort, and for once, safe. It didn't last long though.