
Life’s Pretty Boring, So I Died

Synopsis: MC is a typical (Asian) guy; medium looks, medium height, medium everything. What’s not though is his mindset. He gets bored of stuff so easily, he decided to jump off a bridge and just end his boring life. After dying R.O.B took pity on his miserable soul and decided to give him three wishes. Maybe he’ll finally be rid of his boredom? Note: This is not my first time writing a story but also my first time writing a fan-fic. MC will go through a series of worlds and I may (or may not) put in deep stuff like emotional convos in the story. I’m pretty much making the MC’s character based on myself (except the suicidal stuff) and I’m making this as an outlet of sorts. I’ll pretty much deviate from the anime plots but I’ll still use them so the story can have a smooth progress. Enjoy and I’ll be happy with honest feedbacks. And yes, this’ll be a harem one. I don’t own anything other than the few OC’s I’ll be putting in and I’ll be updating the cover later (cuz I’m lazy)

RequiemofGhoul · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


With their job done, Jun and Majin (after getting thanked by the locals and experience their "persuasion"), are preparing to go back to Axel. The weather was also already starting to get colder as winter is approaching. So before they get stranded in a blizzard or experience even colder temperature while travelling, they made the decision to return.

Local1: C'mon Jun-san! You can at least try to experience the blessings of our goddess Aqua and the many benefits it can give to you!

Local2: Yes, yes! You would look and feel younger than before, keep bad luck away from you, and maybe bless you and your lovely wife here a child!

Majin: A-a-a-a-a ch-ch-ch-child!? Please don't exaggerate too much! M-me and Jun have only reached the level of k-k-kissing!

All: Oooohhhhh~

Majin: Uuuu~ (~///~)

Jun: Ahahaha....Please don't tease my lover too much. Anyways, We need to hurry back as we still have many things to do. Though regarding the child...We can work with that right, Majin? 😉

Majin: Juuuunn!!!

Jun: Hahahaha! Well, we best be on our way now. It would also be better if you all report this incident to the Kingdom.

Local1: Will do! Take care Jun-san and Majin-san! May the blessings of goddess Aqua be with you!

All: Thank you and good bye!

Jun: Be seeing you again everyone! Hold tight Majin.

Majin: I'm ready, Jun.

Saying their farewells, Jun rides his bike with Majin in the back, clinging tightly on Jun's waist. The journey was not a very eventful one, other than a few encounters with monsters along the way, the journey was a peaceful one. Still, even though with [Fenrir] being able to go at very fast speeds compared to the fastest available mode of transportation, it will still take them 2-3 days to arrive back at Axel. So with that in mind, the two decided to camp for the night in a place not too far from the road, with it being covered by a couple of trees that provide shelter for any weary traveler.

Jun: Let's stay here for the night. I would've even wanted to slow down our pace more if not for winter rapidly approaching.

Majin: Yes. We could've even hunted the more powerful monsters located near the roads if not for our haste.

Jun: Still, it feels nice, just enjoying the night with someone you love...

Majin: Jun...

Jun: I'm sorry, Majin...

Majin: Hmm? Why would you say that to me, Jun?

Jun: With me summoning you. It must've been shocking, being brought to another world. I'm a very selfish person. Even though I'm very lazy, I also always have thoughts such as "That should belong to me" or "Why does he/she get to have that and I don't?" , Hehe now I think I just sound like a petty person. I don't know what I really want, but I just have these...Random desires. I don't know anymore...This is also what led me to commit suicide I guess. I'm a pretty messed up person aren't I?

Majin: Jun...

Jun: !?

After rambling on for a bit, Jun was surprised at Majin's sudden attack on his lips. His eyes widen for a bit and then he joins her in the savoring of each other's taste. After a few minutes of deep kisses, Majin breaks off and then cups Jun's face to look at her directly.

Majin: Jun, I am thankful that you have summoned me here. A month ago after you summoned me, I was a bit nervous at being summoned. Yet, you were there. You took my hand, told me everything, and took care of me. And like I said before, I wouldn't have existed if were not for you, Jun. That is why, everything that I am, they belong to you. As your lover, I will help you in any problems that you may encounter and as your sword, I will cut through anything, just to fulfill your desires.

Jun: Majin...I am a very lucky man.

Majin: Fufufu~ very lucky indeed.

Jun: Oho~ getting cocky now are we? Take this!

Majin: Wah! Jun stop that! It tickles! Ahahahaha!

Jun: Hmm...Maybe I should also get a hold of these pair of bunnies. What do you think, Majin?

Majin: E-ehh? Well...If it is what you want...

Jun: Mmm... I will hold myself back, for now...Hehehe

Majin: Jun? Is something wrong?

Jun: Hahaha, no there's nothing to worry about Majin. It's just that this isn't exactly the most comfortable place to eat you. Let's sleep now. We have to get up early tomorrow so that we can arrive at Axel before night.

Majin: O-okay...Good night Jun.

Jun: Good night, Majin.

With the two confirming their feelings for one another once again, they cuddle under the starry sky and sleep with smiles in their faces.

Short chap for now. Sorry for the irregular chapter posts as I have a lot of work to do regarding college. I will try my best to update but I will make no promises. Stay safe y'all!

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