
Lies Of The Heart

Zawadi is a sweet, and kindhearted young woman who falls in love with Lucas Steele. A handsome billionaire. At first it's all bliss. They enjoy each others company and treasure one another. But soon enough things begin to change. Lucas starts hurting Zawadi, he mistreats her, defame her and even cheats on her. She is however madly in love with him and accepts him back every time. But her child is murdered Zawadi swears revenge. She changes completely. From the sweet innocent young woman, a tigress is born. And she will stop at nothing to ensure that those who ruined her life pay. Just like her love is limitless so is her hatred. "When you enjoy the warmth of a fire, then it is called a mother's love. When the same fire starts to burn then it is called hatred. When the fire burns you down to ashes then it is called revenge. Because there is nothing like a mother's love. "

Angie_Odhiambo · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter Seventeen.

"What... um why are you here? Zawadi gulped nervously, her palms griping onto the towel tighter.

"I came to give you some clothes to wear."He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well you can place them on the bed and leave. I need to get dressed "she told him.

Instead of leaving like she had thought her would, he started stalking towards her. She gasped and started moving back.

With each step he took forward, she took one back. Until her back hit the wall.

"I will leave " He leaned closer "after you give me a kiss "He nibbled on her ear.

Her breathing became raged when he pulled her to him roughly by her waist, nearly splitting her in two.

"Now be a good girl and give me a kiss " He kissed the corner of her mouth.

" Lucaaaas"she moaned when his tongue ran over her bottom lip.

"Yes love" He whispered huskily.

"I.... I..... I need to... "she stuttered out, clearly in a daze.

"You need to what love," He mocked, his tongue moving to her collarbone.

" I need to... to get.. ahhh... dressed"she moaned out.

"Really now? " she could almost feel him smirk against her skin.

Not trusting her voice, she nodded slightly.

He nibbled move on her neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

"Answer me "He demanded, moving to the junction between her neck and shoulders.

Her knees almost gave out , but he seemed to have senses that, so his arms around her neck tighter.

"Yes, I need to get dressed... please " she pleaded. Not sure what she was asking. Whether it was for him to stop or to never stop.

Her pulse hammered at her throat, her whole body vibrated with it. Her breathing was fast, her body was heated and very aware of his, especially his member that pocked her stomach.

She whined in disappointment when he stepped back from her. She raised her eyes to his, blushing furiously.

"What is it cupcake, I thought you wanted me to stop"he said, with a smirk on his face. Then he disappeared out the door.

Zawadi was disappointed in herself. She couldn't believe that hes had managed to disarm her so easily.

She was utterly helpless when he touched her like that. But she was a realist.

And if she was to get over the shame of being so helpless around him then she would have to admit that she had wanted him to touch her, to kiss her, to run his hands over her body.

If he had decided to take her to bed, then she would have easily obliged, much to her annoyance .

.He had so much power over her and it scared her sometimes.With a frustrated sigh, she started getting dressed.

She put on Lucas's shirt and the boxer shorts He had given her. She wanted to put on her clothes from the day before but he's had insisted that she put on his so that helps can wash hers.

.The boxer shorts were big, too big. The waist band was way too lose ,no matter how many times she rolled it around her waist, it wouldn't fit.

With a frustrated groan, she took it off and threw it on the bed. She would have to manage in just Lucas's shirt.

It was decent. It reached mid thigh and was thick enough. She adjusted it first before going down the stairs for breakfast.

He was in the kitchen making breakfast with his back to her. She moved closer and sat on the counter.

"What are you making? " she asked curiously.

"Pancakes, I hope you are okay with... "He froze as soon as his eyes landed on her.

His eyes ran over her frame, staying a bit longer at her legs. Her cheeks heated up and she bit her bottom lip.

"w-what are you wearing "He whispered, his voice thick with lust.

"Your shorts are too big, so I decided to wear the shirt only instead. I hope you are fine with that. " she explained shyly.

"It's okay darling, it's just that you...oh God... you are making this so hard for me "He muttered almost to himself.

"What.... what am I making hard for you? she questioned innocently.

He released a guttural groan before saying "How I'm I supposed to control myself when you dress like that cupcake .Seeing you like that does things to me. " He finished.

"What things?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Do you really want to know? " He asked with a smirk.

"Y-yes " she gulped nervously.

"It makes me imagine these luscious lips... "He gently ran his thumb over her lip,then he took his palms and placed them on his throbbing member, ...here"he finished and she gasped.

She quickly look up to meet his eyes. It was true, that was exactly his imagination, judging from the lust and mischief that danced in the corners of his brown orbs.

"I... I... you"she couldn't make out real words.

"You what cupcake? Don't tell me I have that much effect on you "He said, confirming that the normal egotistical Lucas was back.

But then again she had been the one to fuel his ego, as always.

"No", she scoffed "you have no effect on me " she said looking anywhere but into his eyes.

"Then why did you starter like that "And of course that smirk was back on his face.

"I was just... umm, thinking, yes thinking of what to say" she lied.

"Really?"he moved his lips to her earlobe, gently brushing it "I could prove you wrong "

"Yes" she mourned, tilting her neck to the side.

His lips moved to her neck as they continued their assault.

She sucked in a deep breath, and here smirked against her skin, "All you have to do is admit that I do have an effect on you "He challenged

"Yes.... yes.. "she moaned loudly.

"Perfect "he acknowledged, looking at her neck.

She looked up at him with a frown on her face.

"Go check in the mirror cupcake "his smirk became bigger.

She darted to his room and stood in front of the mirror. She gasped in surprise when she saw the big hickey on her neck.

"Lucaaaas"she screamed in anger.