
Chapter Forty Eight.

Lucas smiled to himself, his gaze fixed on his beautiful fiancé sleeping in his arms. Even with her lips slightly parted and little snores coming from her mouth, she still looked perfect.

Like something out of a movie, out of a dream.

He moved his hands to her belly, fingers stroking in a gentle caress .

She was pregnant, that too with his child. The feeling of happiness that was coursing through him ,he had never thought he would ever experience it.

Her pregnancy had changed things for the better. Now she was not just his fiance, she was going to be the mother of his child.

With a smile on his face, he took out his phone and dialled his mother's number.

"Hello son. You finally remembered your mother " his mother began.

"Of course I remember you . How have you been? " he asked his Voice low since Zawadi was still asleep.

"We have been good. I just miss my soon to be daughter-in-law. You didn't even tell me you two were engaged. I had to find out from your sister. You don't value me anymore " she says dramatically.

"Come on mom. You know I was going to tell you. Anyway, that's not why I called "he said.

"Then why did you call?" she asked.

"I have something to tell you. " he took deep breath"Zawadi is pregnant "

"What? Really? That is such good news. Oh I can't wait to tell everyone. You have to come over for dinner. I have to see her. I have to congratulate her. Oh I'm going to be a grandma. Wait till your siblings hear this. They will be so happy " she ranted on.

"Calm down mother. We will surely come for dinner , let me just inform Zawadi first " he said with a light laugh

"Okay, I'll see you and my daughter-in-law soon. Bye soon. " she said.

"Bye mother " he hung up.

He lightly stroked Zawadi's cheek. She stirred but went back to sleep.

"Cupcake" he called softly.

"No, let me sleep" she whined, her eyes closed.

"Cupcake, you have to wake up"he shook her lightly.

"Just five more minutes. " she groaned.

"My mother has invited us for dinner. If you don't get up, we will be late" he explained.

"Okay, I am up" she says rubbing her eyes.

"We should get ready" he suggested and left for the bathroom.

Once Lucas had showered, he went to look for Zawadi who was downstairs, stuffing her face with chips.

"Cupcake, if you eat like that then you won't be able to have dinner" he hugged her from behind and kissed her hair.

"Don't worry, by the time we her there I'll be hungrier than all of you" she says then leaned into him.

"Being pregnant is so hard. I eat so much and don't get me started on the morning sickness. I hate them. And the hormones... "she sighed then continued "But still, I am happy to go through all this if it means at the end of it all we will have a baby. Just the thought of the baby makes it all worthy it"she said.

"I love you, so much. I am so lucky to have you and you will be a great mother". he told her.

"I love you too Lucas. And you will be a wonderful father. " she turned around and kissed him fully on the lips.

"Vinegar flavored chips, I thought you hated vinegar? " he asked, amused.

"I do. I hate them so much, normally. But now it is all I crave. " she said.

"Peanut butter, " she squealed suddenly.

"What? "he asked confused.

"Imagine if I dipped the chips in peanut butter. Oh they will taste heavenly" she licked her lips, imagining the taste.

"That would be gross" he wrinkled his face in disgust. "Let's go cupcake, we are getting late " he picked her up in his arms and led her to the car.

Zawadi and Lucas walked into Mrs Steele's house hand in hand half an hour later. As expected, Mrs Steele had made exceptional arrangements for the dinner.

"Well, if it isn't my butthead brother and her beautiful fiancé" Sabine teased coming to meet Zawadi and Lucas.

"You are the butthead here" Lucas commented, a smirk on his face.

"Hi Zawadi" Sabine greeted, engulfing Zawadi in a tight hug.

"Hi Sabine " Zawadi giggled.

"Okay, that's enough, you'll squish my baby" Lucas warned playfully.

"Hello son " Eva said coming into the room. He gave Lucas a hug, then turned to Zawadi.

"And my beautiful daughter-in-law" she gave Zawadi a hug as well.

"I am so happy. I am going to be a grandma. This is the best news that I have received in such a long time. "she said happily.

Zawadi blue smilled and gave her a hug.

"I am so happy too"she said and pulled back to wipe her tears eyes. "Don't mind me. I get so emotional these days " she said.

"That my dear is pregnancy. However. it is such a wonderful experience and at the end, it is all so worth it " she said.

"Come on in. Dinner is ready "Sabine said.

"Where is everyone else? " Zawadi asked looking around .

"Alexander and Henry are at the office but Adam has just gone upstairs to get changed. Oh here he is" Sabine said looking behind her.

"Uncle Luke, " he shouted as he ran into Lucas's waiting arms.

"Hey buddy. How have you been?" Lucas asked.

"I've been fine. I missed you " he said as Lucas loosened his hold on him.

"Well I missed you too. Remember Zawadi"He turned and pointed at Zawadi.

"Yes, she is still pretty " he commented.

"Hi Adam" Zawadi greeted.

"Hi Zawadi" he said back, waving. Then he lowered his head with a blush on his face.

"Sit down baby" Sabine said.

:"Can I sit next to Zawadi" Adam asked Lucas nervously.

"Of course you can, buddy. "Lucas said with a smile then helped Adam to his seat.

"I think he has a crush on you "Lucas whispered in her ear making her giggle.