
Lies Of The Heart

Zawadi is a sweet, and kindhearted young woman who falls in love with Lucas Steele. A handsome billionaire. At first it's all bliss. They enjoy each others company and treasure one another. But soon enough things begin to change. Lucas starts hurting Zawadi, he mistreats her, defame her and even cheats on her. She is however madly in love with him and accepts him back every time. But her child is murdered Zawadi swears revenge. She changes completely. From the sweet innocent young woman, a tigress is born. And she will stop at nothing to ensure that those who ruined her life pay. Just like her love is limitless so is her hatred. "When you enjoy the warmth of a fire, then it is called a mother's love. When the same fire starts to burn then it is called hatred. When the fire burns you down to ashes then it is called revenge. Because there is nothing like a mother's love. "

Angie_Odhiambo · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter Fifteen.

The next evening Lucas came to pick up Zawadi as per their agreement. He was a very punctual man, she observed. Any time that he was supposed to meet her, he came on time if not earlier.

She was dressed in a little blue dress, reaching mid-thigh. Her hair was held in a ponytail, with a few strands falling off her face.

She had on nude lipstick and little make up. She paired the dress with a black leather jacket and black ankle boots.

Lucas shamelessly ran his eyes over her, taking in her appearance. She looked beautiful, but then again, when did she not? He thought.

A smirk found its way to his face when he realise that she was checking him out too. He cleared his throat and Zawadi snapped out of her daze.

"You like? " he asked smugly.

She scoffed before saying "I've seen better"

Lucas was in a black suit and white dress shirt.

In one movement, he had her body pressed against his and his breath fanning her neck.

His lips gently brushed her earlobe and she let out a shaky breath. He moved her even closer and said "We both know that that is not true. I am the most handsome, sexy man you have ever met, and you know it"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night " she remarked.

"Thinking of you helps me sleep at night. In fact you are all I think of these days, and dream of. " he retorted with a smirk.

She blushed a dark shade of red and lowered her head.

He let her go as soon as he had capture her and she staggered back a bit, but his arms reached out to steady her.

Of course it was true that to Zawadi, he was the most handsome and sexy man ever, but she would never admit that to him.

She hadn't uttered those words and his ego was already that big, how much would it skyrocket if she did?

No, she wouldn't give him that satisfaction, not today at least.

"Come on cupcake, well be late" he led her to his car and strapped her into the seat , then he went to his side and they drove off.

"Where are we going " Zawadi asked, with the excitement of a child.

He chuckled then said " You'll find out soon, cupcake. Have some patience "

She pouted and looked out the window, making him chuckle.

"We are here, cupcake " he announced and excitement flooded into her once again.

As soon as she got down from the car, he went to her and lifted her into his arms, making her gasp from the sudden movement. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on.

"Don't drop me" she warned him to which he just laughed.

He led them to a field, a park or a forest, she couldn't tell, the place was empty and had a few trees around.

In the middle of the trees was a house. Big and luxurious of course. It was more of a mansion than a house.

"What is this place? " she questioned. curiously.

"Welcome my love, to my home. " he said and kissed her cheek. Then he placed her down and proceeded to unlock the door.

"Why do you have a house in the middle of nowhere ?" she wondered a loud.

"Sometimes I just need some peace and quiet. And as you can see, it is very peaceful and quiet here" he said looking at her.

"But I thought we were going on a date, why are we here? " she asked nervously.

"We are, this is where our date will be" he moved closer to her and pecked her cheek "Don't worry cupcake, I won't do anything without your permission. " he reassured.

She continued to stand by the door. "Don't you trust me? I would never hurt you, I give you my word. Now will you please come in? " he pleaded.

"OK," she said and slowly stepped into the house.

All this while he watched with amusement. The fact that she was this nervous about being with him in his house amused him.

"Come" he offered her his hand which she hesitantly took.

He led her to the dinning room. It was beautiful and well furnished. A huge dinning table adorned the room with many chairs surrounding it.

The table was filled with all types of food. It looked more of a feast than a date. But it was beautiful. It must have taken a lot of time, she thought.

"Are you going to sit and eat or will you just stand there and drool over it" He teased.

She gasped and moved her hands to wipe the drool off the corner of her mouth, but she found nothing.

He burst out into laughter. And she blushed and covered her face with her hands.

"Here, sit" He pulled out a chair for her and she sat down, then he sat opposite her.

"So, how do you like my surprise? " He asked before picking up the bowl to fill his plate.

"I love it. It's really too much though. You didn't have to do this you know. " she said.

"Oh cupcake, you don't get it do you? I would go to any extent for you. I would even give up all my money, just for you. You are my real treasure. Now eat" He said and passed her a bowl.

They ate as they continued to talk, getting to know each other, until that were done with the food.

"Zawadi, come here" He said pushing away his plate.

She stood on her feet and moved towards him, an excitement she didn't know tagging at her.

He patted his lap, and she slowly crawled on. She wiggled to get comfortable , making him let out a groan. She giggled at his reaction.

"Zawadi, Will you please be mine? " He tightened his hold on her. "Don't say no, please. I promise we'll take it slow. I won't rush you. I won't make you do anything you don't want to. I just want to see you whenever I want and kiss you whenever I want. And say in front of everyone that you are mine " He explained nervously.

With a smile on her face, she answered, Yes" and at that, he turned her around and crushed his lips to hers.