
Lies I Tell Myself

Lyra is a young woman who almost dies from an attack by rogues, while she was wondering the forest debating about suicide. She is barely alive when found by border patrol. However, she has no memory of the last few months. Her family and mate get a second chance, but they are all keeping a secret to keep her safe.Lyra's fated mate rejected her for his choice mate. Her birth father's enemies are looking for her and she doesn't even know who she is truly. Lyra's second chance mate is the Alpha of the Silvercrest pack and not interested in another mate after losing his first mate.

dysphoricThea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Night Out On The Town

Lyra's POV

December 10

I ended up missing lunch with Jordan. Raya ran for three hours, then went hunting and of course she had to roll around in some mud. At least she washed the mud off her fur in the river getting most of it off. At least she agreed to meet me at my apartment. She told me I owed her. So there is no telling what she has planned.

I did some thinking like Halley suggested. I made my little mental pros and cons list. Now I just need to talk to Brandon. I am not sure if I should reach out or hope he is at the apartment when I get back. I got back in my 4runner and headed back to my apartment for a nice hot shower.

I don't think we should run there for a bit. Raya chimes up.

Okay anything I need to know about? Asking, it's a bit weird for Raya to just not want to go to the same stomping grounds.

I want to explore other places. Raya responded nonchalantly, but failed at not raising suspicion.

Fine, we can explore other trail heads. Are you sure nothing is wrong? I ask her as I pull into my apartment complex gate, putting the code in to get inside.

I can't say anything was wrong, but it definitely felt like someone was watching us, but I didn't catch a scent and I couldn't find anyone. It's more of a feeling than a fact. She explains, knowing I live for evidence hence a career in law.

Okay. Maybe we are just subconsciously thinking about what Halley said about a new extremist group. There is nothing to get concerned about until we have proof we need to be concerned. I say, hoping I am not missing something important with my mind being clouded with thoughts of Brandon and my mother.

I don't know, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Maybe we do need to go home and just get a break from everything here. Raya suggested. She isn't wrong. So we do need a break. I just don't think that going home is the right place to get away too.

Parking my suv, I gather my bags, phone and get out of the car. I lock my car and walk towards my apartment building. I love the view from the third floor, but sometimes after a long day I detest these steps. Finally making it to my door, I open my door hearing music playing silently hoping it is Brandon. Walking into the living, no such luck, so I check around only to find Jordan coming out of my closet with a dress.

"Having fun." I say when she doesn't notice me as she dances with her wine glass.

"Oh shit, you scared the crap out of me." Jordan screams. She goes to set the short black dress on the bed next to another bodycon red dress. Only to decide nah.

"My bad, but you know that key was only meant for emergencies, right?" I remind her. I was not expecting her to be in my apartment enjoying her own little concert. I turn the music down.

"Hello Lyra, this is an emergency. My best friend is hurting. I need to help her. Duh." She replies putting her hand on her hip. I roll my eyes at her. She is a goofy little spit fire. With her fiery red hair, blue eyes and model-like stature, she is always ready for a party. She is 5'7 and thinner than I am but with more hips.

"Oh really. Well what emergency requires some bodycon dresses and high heels?" asking her knowing damn well she wants to go out tonight.

"We are going out to dance away our problems. I can't decide if you should go with red or silver? I personally am going to wear this killer black dress I found in the back of your closet. Why have I never seen this dress before?" She says holding the Aliah Puff Chiffon wrap dress. It's a short dress with a deep v neckline and a wrapped bodice with cutouts on the sides. The puffy sleeves are cute, but not baby doll style.

"My mother bought it for me last month when I was home.. Mother was hoping I would find a date for some upcoming events." I say trying to skirt around it. "I forgot I brought it home with me."

Looking in the mirror, Jordan holds the dress up to her. "Do you think with a good push up strapless bra, I could rock this?" She responds by turning to me for an answer.

"Yeah. I am jumping in the shower. Grab the deep red dress with lace on the bodice for me. You need to wear those cute strappy black heels with that dress." I say as I head to the shower.

"Good eye." Jordan replies walking back into my closet to find the shoes she is looking for.

I brush through my long hair and throw it back into a bun to jump in the shower as I hear Jordan turn the music back up. I washed up, shaved and stood under the hot water just enjoying the relaxing feeling washing over me. I dried off, put my fluffy black robe on and grabbed my moisturizer and walked back into my room. On my bed lay another dress then the one I asked for, a deep wine sparkling v-neck short dress. It's cute. A Little shorter than I would normally wear. Sitting in my vanity, I start putting my lotion on, coconut and vitamin e. It's my favorite lotion, it's light non-sticky.

"Good, you are finally out of the shower. I found a better dress for you. What do you think?" She asks, holding up the sparkly wine dress.

"It's cute. I have the perfect black dress coat to go with it." I responded looking at her. "If you don't slow down on the wine we won't make it to the nightclub."

"Oh yes we will. So tell me about what is going on with you and Brandon." She says sitting on the floor in front of my closet door mirror with her makeup bag.

We both did our makeup while I told her what happened between Brandon and I. and the fight. I finished explaining everything and as if on cue my phone began to ring. "Ugh, it's my mother! I'll be right back." I say grabbing my phone and heading to the living room to the patio. I stepped out and took a deep breath before answering, "Hello Mom." I say in the nicest non confrontational voice I can muster.

"Lyra, I have given you time to think about our last discussion. When should I expect you to be home." Tallulah asks. Great of course we are back to this again.

"Mom, I tried to explain the other day that I cannot come home this weekend. I will be home closer to christmas. I can come down the day before but I have to leave out the day after the Yule Ball." I explain hoping this will be an approved plan.

"No that will not do. I need you home before Wednesday. Do I need to get your father involved?" She questions as if it was up for debate.

"Let me see what I can do and I will call you tomorrow. I'm getting ready to go out for the night. " I say. Please agree. Please agree. Pleas moon goddess please let her agree so I can get off the phone.

"Fine. I will expect a call from you by noon tomorrow. Do you hear me?" she responds.

"Yes ma'am of course. I will call before noon." I answered so shocked that she didn't fight.

"Now behave yourself and leave those human boys alone. We don't need you soiling yourself before you meet your mate." Tallulah said.

"Yes mother. I am just going out with my girlfriends. We will not be talking to any guys." I responded.

"I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. Have fun sweetie. Love you." Tallulah said before hanging up the phone. I stood there shocked as I looked at my phone. That was a weird turn of events. Something had gotten into her for her to be so okay and not want to argue. Either I am in big trouble or she has been body swapped by aliens. Shaking off the thought I go back into the apartment and back into my room.

"Well that was quick, what did she want?" Jordan asked, not looking away from the mirror as she put on her fake lashes.

"Oh you know the regular: when are you coming home and don't get into trouble. Kind of stuff.

"Drink this and let's get ready. I already have an uber on the way." Jordan said, handing me a shot of vodka. Throwing the shot back, I sit down at my vanity to finish my makeup.