
Chapter 1: Memories

'Life is indeed a fragile thing. One minute you were here laughing by my side and the next you were gone. I still remember how your smile dripped with sunshine. How you would hold my hand and guide me out of the dark realities of life. But one moment you were almost mine and the next you decide to go meet your Creator. I could never forget how your eyes radiated when you laughed. Why did you leave before I had the chance to tell you how I felt? Aren't you a beautifully cruel thing? Funny thing is, I can't even remember anything else about you. I really do miss you. My dear Diane.'

1st November 2005:

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I had the same dream almost every night for the past 6 months. The girl I loved died before I had the chance to confess my love to her. We had been childhood friends for over 20 years yet I was a coward. Oh but do not be mistaken this is not a story about me, I am recording this passage as I unfold the mysterious tragedy of THE WALK TO DISASTOR case.

This is David Jones of the Special Investigation task force New York, on the morning of 1st November 2005 at precisely 5am, I am to report to the head office after spending these 6 months off-duty. I have been briefed about the tragic death of Sally Maxim, a college girl of 18 years old, who had died yesterday at 3:20pm on her way to the hospital. She was hit by a passing truck, it was surprising she was still alive, though briefly, after how awfully she had been crushed. The bystanders reported to the police that the girl tried calling out to her mother in tears. But it was too late for her.

As ordinary as this case would seem to most, it intrigued me. Partly as it reminded me of how Diane died and partly because this was not the first time the girl had been in a situation that put her life at stake. This made me certain that it was not merely an accident. The truck driver had managed to escape, which frustrated me even more. But I will surely capture the culprit.

So I have worn my black suit, which is almost like a uniform considering the death rates and the amount of funerals we officers have to attend as part of our duty. Today is Sally's Funeral. Today is the day I swear that I shall bring justice to this young soul. I swear I will. I have been given 1 month by the chief, which is seemingly a short period of time considering the amount of interrogation required in this case, but as it happens the evidence had already been recorded.

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