
Round Two, Fight

Last time on Licensed To Kill...

The Doctor came early to visit me regarding the paranoia to make sure that I am okay. He gave me some good news, that I might be going home later today. I decided to go to the bathroom by myself as Madison quickly left to get us something to drink. Ashley helped me back to bed and told me to rest. 

As I am drinking the juice that Madison bought for me, I turn to look at her and ask;

"How did you know that I like lychee flavored juice?"

Madison is busy on her laptop and without looking up at me, she smiles and answers;

"I saw you a few times around the office drinking it"

I sit back and say;

"You know what, I personally think this is the best flavor of all the juice flavors out there"

Madison is still reading on the screen as she replies;

"Oh, and why is that?"