
Bumping Into Her

I start eating, but can't keep my eyes off her. She's reading through a stack of files and then on the computer screen, back and forth. Then she closes one file and opens another. I find it very intriguing.

When I'm finished eating. I pick up the menu as if I'm going to order something else, just so that no one can see that I'm looking straight at her. The waiter walks over and asks;

"And how was it, sir?"

Very surprised I look at him and say to him;

"I didn't keep on staring. I was merely looking at the menu and maybe wanted some dessert or something..."

The waiter has a confused look on his face and asks;

"I was talking about the food, sir. What are you talking about?"

I clear my throat, sitting upright while saying;

"Where are the restrooms?"

When I'm done taking a leak, I wash my hands and look at my reflection in the mirror. I notice that I messed a bit of sauce on my pants. I take a hand towel and start to clean it. Not looking at what I'm doing, I inadvertently turn the faucet the wrong way. Water sprays all over me. I dry up the water the best I can and then run out of handtowels. I walk up to the hand dryer, but it's out of order.

There's no way for me to dry off my shirt and pants. So, I decided to just walk back to my table. When I open the door, my attention is drawn to my wet clothes and it is all I seem to focus on. I don't even notice her standing right in front of me. I walk straight into her without even slowing down, she nearly falls over.

I grab her hands while she falls backward and as her hands touch mine, my mind goes to mush. I struggle to act normal. She is even sexier up close. Her hands feel so soft like silk. I just walked into her...I have to say something.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that...It's just that...Fuck..."

She looks at me and says in a soft voice;

"It's okay. I'm okay. I know you didn't mean to"

She smiles while looking at me. Her smile surpasses all understanding and then she says to me;

"I see...you had an accident?"

I know that my entire face has turned red with embarrassment and I know I better save some of my dignity;

"You should've seen the other guy."

Playfully she looks over my shoulder and asks;

"Was there someone else in there with you?"

My face just turns even a brighter shade of red with embarrassment. She points to the door and asks;

"May I?"

I step aside and say;

"Certainly, I don't want to keep you."

I keep staring at her as she walks to the door. I can't seem to keep my eyes off her. She has hypnotized me and her curves consume my senses. I walk over to my table and see the bill is already printed out. I call the waiter over and ask;

"May I order some dessert?"

He points at his watch and says;

"It's past eleven, the kitchen is closed, sir."

I take out my wallet and remove my wet money and hand it to the waiter;

"Here you go and you can keep the change."

As the waiter walks away he says;

"Wow, I earned that tip as I had to replace the handtowels in the men's bathroom."

I look over to her table and she has already left. How did I miss her? Where is she? I walk up to the front and grab the waiter by his arm and ask;

"The woman, at table twelve, did she leave? Do you know her?"

He just looks at me until I let his arm go and says;

"Yes, she did. She and her party has left a few minutes ago. She comes in from time to time, but that's all I know. And even if I knew anything else, we aren't allowed to give out personal information."

As I turn around to get my phone on my table, the waiter says;

"You did read the note she left you for you on your bill?"

I run over to my table, pick up the bill and look on the back. She wrote:

"Nice bumping into you

See you again


I take my phone and walk out the door to my car. I start the car and drive home. Everyone has left by now. I open the door and look around.

Manny left the key and a note on the kitchen table that says;

"Hey, Tom

Not sure if you are coming back or not, but I'm leaving a key here. We did try to fix as much as we could, but there is still stuff that we need to work on tomorrow. I also fixed the leaking pipes in the bathroom, so that you can shower if you need to.


I grab my bags from the trunk of my car and take a shower. When I'm done showering, I get dressed and sit on the kitchen counter. While looking around the room, I notice all the appliances are shot-up furniture and everything looks old or second-hand.

But one thing stands out, the extractor fan above the stove seems to be newish. They must have been replaced, because it broke. No wait, these were gangs. I walk up to the fan and start checking it out. I try to switch it on but no lights go on. I follow the wire and there's no plug even on it. This is suspicious to me.

I get my kit from the car. I put on my gloves and take out my phone. I start recording the process. I unscrew a few screws and the front panel comes right off. I put my hands in and find two bags of white powder and a lot of cash.

"What the fuck?!"

I write down everything I find with the video as evidence. Seeing that this was worked up as a murder scene, the cops were only looking for evidence of the crime and not anything else. I bag the evidence and take a drive to the police station to hand it in. I stop at the police station. Then four police cars surround me sirens blasting and with guns drawn, they scream at me;

"Driver of the vehicle! Switch off your engine and get out of your vehicle! Let me see some hands! Now! HANDS!"